/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
*Many free software projects have an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stop picking your distro based on what's popular on distrowatch.

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Stop posting racism frogs.

anime website

I did that when I was a n00b. It made me install Mint (also due to the fact it looked like Windows in the screenshots and I hated the tablet GUI of Ubuntu which was the only popular distro i knew). Inevitably had a bunch of issues, searched for them and just consistently ended up having to use the arch wiki. Sometimes the solutions were only for arch. So eventually decided to just switch to arch.
Rate, comment and subscribe, it really helps out the GNU/Linux community

Who here be Linux From Scratch? Is it worth it?
fuck you

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> I've run into several still unfixed problems on 18.04 (also LTS)
Implying 16.04 doesn't include buggy software and WONTFIX's out the ass.

> there's software that's available for 16.04 but not higher.
There are lots of programs that have dependencies on 14.04 or 15 year old versions of Red Hat. That's not a good reason for Joe Blow to run them as their primary OS.

To learn linux

Go away.

Really stupid question but I use urxvt as my terminal emulator now and have my settings for it in the .Xresources file. Everything seems to be working fine except for the fact that it seems I have to run xrdb ~/.Xresources every single time I reboot my computer, what should I do to fix this?

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To learn GNU/Linux.

alright, admitted.

Put them in .Xdefaults if you don't need to beam your settings up to remote servers, or learn to make your X session run xrdb on startup.

I need advice for what distro to start with since the days of w7 are numbered and I would prefer a transition period.
I use Windows 7, because it works and I know my way around it. I run in classic mode with a plain wallpaper so I don't really care how it looks, as long as it isn't a pain to navigate.
I know the super basics of getting around in Linux, I did a first year unit at my university which was basically 50/50 how to navigate the university computers (which I believe were red hat?) And the ideology of Richard stallman.
I mainly use my computer for writing, research, music, and general Web browsing. I play some vidya but am intending to cut back on that a bit.
I would prefer one that is easy enough to work, I'm no hackerman, but I can handle working with the console for most basic things.
Thank you in advance, the world operates on the backs of kind helpful neckbeards such as yourself.

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I don't know why but now when I do that and launch the terminal when I reboot it doesn't have my urxvt settings that I copy/pasted but it just comes out as solid pink.

see the arch wiki page on .Xresources. There's a little snippet that needs to be in .xinitrc, if that's what you're using.

Try Linux Mint Mate in a VM. You should feel right at home, very traditional desktop metaphor.

my boomer dad switched and likes Xubuntu the most

i started with debian (xfce desktop)

ubuntu/derivatives and fedora try to be more "normie-friendly" if you're into that stuff

Manjaro XFCE and Debian are quite nice.

Not really. Just on paper it sounds like a project. There's no big enough incentive to get me to install Legos the operating system.

Whats the coolest linux app? What do you show macbook pro normans when converting the ignant?

Did you load it or merge it? You only have to merge for each change you make to the .dotfile


If they don't wanna change why ask them to?

.Xdefaults is deprecated by .Xresources

>recommending mint
This is a friendly thread.

I don't merge it, I use xrdb ~/.Xresources at launch. Both my Xresources and Xdefaults have the same config in it, Every time I relog now my terminal is solid pink instead of my config if i dont run that xrdb ~/.Xresources

Yeah I'm saying just enter
xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
You should not need to do that again unless you make changes to Xresources.

I'm experimenting with docker on a raspberry pi I have laying around. I realize not all docker images from the hub are compatible with the RPi's ARM processor, but what about images that list multiple architectures, i.e. nginx:
>Supported architectures: (more info)
>amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x

The more info link has this to say:
>As of 2017-09-12, these other architectures are included under the non-prefixed images via "manifest lists" (also known as "indexes" in the OCI image specification), such that, for example, docker run hello-world should run as-is on all supported platforms.

Does this mean that the same nginx image can be used on all supported architectures because it will automatically detect the ARM processor?

found out how adding terminals to x-terminal-emulator works (changing default x11 terminal)
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator x-terminal-emulator /usr/local/bin/st 1
update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator
just wanted to make this post to make up for the confusion I might have caused last thread

Run this in the terminal? It doesn't do anything and my terminal is still pink

You need to close and re open Urxvt

Any shell puzzles? I love shell puzzles.

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That only fixes it for the time being until I reboot my computer, I can do the same thing with xrdb ~/.Xresources to fix my terminal or this command, I want it so that I have my regular terminal settings when I boot up

Put it in your autostart already.

Nigger how and where, I've only been using linux for like 3 days

That's funny because I've had no issue running it more than one time in xfeces on void and Debian stable.

Are you using a de or wm standalone?

Just i3-gaps by itself, no de and no dm

Then put it in your xinitrc

Are you using a dm or xinitrc?

Consider installing an operating system to work with your kernel.

Linux is the name of the kernel that Linus Torvalds developed starting in 1991. The operating system in which Linux is used is basically GNU with Linux added. To call the whole system “Linux” is both unfair and confusing. Please call the complete system GNU/Linux, both to give the GNU Project credit and to distinguish the whole system from the kernel alone.

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>>Then put it in your xinitrc
I already did, it doesn't do anything


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Okay. Slow.

How do you start your i3 session?

Then you're doing it wrong. Post your xinitrc

Like this

Attached: 2018-08-12-182952_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 39K)

Seeing rms in this picture makes me sad. I wanted to see the talk his doing at one of my uni's faculties this week but I have to do some lab stuff at that time.
Sometimes I wish people involved in health worked more towards implementing FOSS stuff in the area.

No no, like this. Before exec i3.
[[ -f ~/.Xresources ]] && xrdb -merge -I$HOME ~/.Xresources

Seconding exec must be the last line

Is there an easy way to know if I'm going to be creating a franken Debian or not? For example, if I run Bunsenlabs and install a .deb package intended for regular Debian, did I fuck up or is that ok?

A) why are your running bunsenlabs
B) youre using debians repos but the package won't update with the others and can break because dependencies will outpace it

I'm not, I've just been considering it and this is something that is weighing into my choice.
Is there any way I can manually add a .deb to be managed by apt then?

Holy shit thanks guys it finally worked, sorry to spam the thread and all but everythings normal. Pardon my autism

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tl;dr You fuck up.

Always use only the official repos because other repos can pull dependencies which versions differ from your install. That said, if you do ut very carefully, which means, you know you way around apt, pinning, etc. then you can add other repos and create a frankendebian without fucking up.

can somebody explain how to install 4chanX on qutebrowser? I don't know how to download the script/how do I put it in it's needed file

You're welcome. Next time search the arch wiki. It had the article you needed and it's where I copy and pasted the code from. Even if you're not using arch it's a good resource

I tried to suspend my pc with pm-suspend, the screen went black but a second later it came back again. It worked before so i guess something is blocking the suspending. Which log do I need to check to see what is going on?

try dmsg

the qutebrowser documentation is a bit poor on this, the only way to find out about greasemonkey is through the faq section
wget Jow Forums-x.net/builds/Jow Forums-X.user.js

Well bunsenlabs is just openbox + tint2 and non-free preconfigured. So there's almost no reason to use it. And only if you personally maintain and update your outside packages will you be able to run a 'frankendebian'. But if you're not down for that hassle then don't. Arch makes managing it's user repos easier with managers that can update your outside packages as a part of your system update process. But that's on you to try if you cared to. What package can't you live without or find an alternative to?

What does this mean?
transport_security_state_generator failed with exit code -4

Idk buddy, but first thing I'd do is reading the manpage and checking the error codes.

its a linking error and there is no man page

I tried bunsenlabs a while back in vm and it's cleary not just tint2 and openbox. There's some great rice which made me scrape their git and save some if it.
Bunsenlabs is basically what crunchbang was, pretty cool and confy if you want a cool ootb debian.

>btw, I use arch

At it's core, it really is. Just because it's riced doesn't make it something else. I'm aware of what #! was.
Nope void.

Is the main dev still missing?

Yeah, but they sorted out moving the .eu to .org the git and the irc. I guess they're just going forward without him. The stated plan is to keep that sort of thing from happening again by not allowing that stuff to be consolidated and controlled by one dev.

Are there just not many patches for current versions of suckless software? I've been using st for a while now and I like it a lot, but almost every single patch listed on the website is meant for an older version and causes it to fail on compiling. I love the idea of patches adding additional functionality as needed, but it's a shame there aren't more maintained ones. I know I could write my own but I'm incompetent.

What are the pros and cons of KDE and Gnome

t. noob who decided on Fedora

KDE rocks
Gnome sucks
Hope you enjoy your new hat.

if you want to use wayland, Gnome.
otherwise use KDE

it's not xfce
it's not xfce

I'll play the Devil's advocate and suggest Gnome. It's a lot better looking than KDE and all of the programs don't start with "K".

It's also the default DE on many distributions (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.), so a lot of work goes into making sure the base environment is well defined and appealing.

That's not to say KDE is bad, and by all means you should try both and see what you like. However, what I found, is that KDE interfaces get a little janky looking with how much they want to shove in the UI. Nothing seems "well made" and a lot of UI decisions make you go "Huh?".

A positive of KDE is that is it similar to Windows, if that is what you are after. Additionally, it has solid, stable releases and a lot of development work is put into it.

I prefer Gnome, but have tried both. I would recommend spending a couple of weeks in each and see what you like. I did that and settled on Gnome.


st isnt ment to be used daily

>lots of features
>is sometimes buggy
>design is similar to windows 10
>medium level of ram usage

>arrogant devs that like removing features
>heaviest ram usage of any de
>ui design is like if osx and windows 8 had a mutt baby
If i had to pick one of the two i would say kde, but i'd much rather use xfce or mate if i were to use a de.

In my experience suckless software is great balls, but only if you have at least basic knowledge of C. And here we are at your situation: you can use the patches, but if you want them in a recent version, you need to add the code manually.

There's also a babby/rice version of st on github, called xst. Maybe look into it, lots if patches added. That said, at this point it isn't suckless anymore.

tl;dr learn C

Not defending Gnome here, just in general: what the heck do you call people who write code for free as in freedom and give it to you gratis arrogant? The only arrogant person in this game is you. If you want change in Gnome, get involved. This isn't Windows or MacOS, you didn't pay them so whatever they do, deal with it.

Don't forget gnome ha(d)s a really nice bug on wayland where absolutely any movement on your screen would spike CPU usage.

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>it's the "it's free stop complaining XD" argument

Daily st user here. It isn't meant to be used by people who can't read the patches.

>get excessively small and pointless terminal.
>apply 50 patches to it
>its not bloat its features!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suckless is only cool when you're 12 and dont know what a terminal is and somehow found it on google.

>implying you know what a terminal is

Literally anything but st

Nigger, it's been deprecated for 20 years. X could teach glaciers about change.

A terminal is a device.

Name one other project that removes features/customization on the basis of "we don't use use it so neither will you". And for the record, i could not care less what direction gnome goes in since I do not use it. A poster asked for peoples opinions on the de, and that is my opinion.

don't know much about docker but.. I would assume they distribute images for "generic amd64, armXvZ, etc..."
I can't imagine they would compile and distribute one package for every architecture. that's retarded.

Its not the 1960's. "Terminal" implies terminal emulator on your given distribution, and you know this

What is the difference between Linux?

Not on most systems.
They both have different settings that only work when applied in the right file

It's their project, why aren't they allowed to do what they want?


Good post
I would add that if you're going to use KDE, use KDE Neon as a distribution.

The main Gnome devs are Red Hat employees. In the near future Canonical will be there too.
The devs are truly retarded. It's hard to show them how retarded the most simple things are.
Many discussions just end with "that's how things are in Gnome".
The fact that you can't change the lid close action without an extra, third party, control center;
The choice of javascript for writing the Gnome Shell because it had a big community of "programmers" even though it's a shit language "designed" for a completely different task.
The complete lack of effort to keep the extensions API stable or at least versioned.

Source: I really like Gnome 3 general design and didn't want to waste time finding another DE. I'm on Xfce now.

I just changed the colors and the font, and I think there was an input patch of some sort. It's less confusing than a Xresources file to my eyes. tmux or screen should be handling rice like tabs and scrollback no matter which terminal you use.

best linux distro for a 16gb ssd?
yes it's tiny but i don't want to throw it away, can i install something like xubuntu or opensuse on 16gb?