Why has it been on top of DistroWatch for months bros?

Why has it been on top of DistroWatch for months bros?

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Salix OS is better. Manjaro more unstable than Sabayon

It's over

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tons of DEs + arch meme

Manjaro is for the retarded kiddies that want to feel like epic haxxors for using Arch but are too retarded to install it.

>They correlate neither to usage nor to quality and should not be used to measure the market share of distributions. They simply show the number of times a distribution page on DistroWatch.com was accessed each day, nothing more.

>works out of the box
>more stable than most debian based distros (debian has a bug that makes it impossible to install on laptops with win 10 preinstalled)
>good UI
>arch based so access to AUR

This is literally the only thing that answers OP's question.

>debian has a bug that makes it impossible to install on SOME laptops with win 10 preinstalled
ftfy, my snsv came with win10 preinstalled, and i used debian on it for a long time

But ffs... People are interested in it, so that means that they have or consider having it installed.

It means bots (and/or a couple autists) are loading the page a few hundred times a day


Best arch is the ultimate retarded kiddie distro.

I don't speak Nintendo.
Speak english.

maymay magick

it just werks and the packages are tested unlike arch, so it gives you the best of both worlds between rolling release and standard.

i don't care.
it works. that's all that matter

>Manjaro is for the retarded kiddies that want to feel like epic haxxors

i'm 47 and i like to have recent software on my shitbox.
you, on the other hand, have autism

Because it just works.

It's a distro made for branlets which invites less tech savvy people and lazy non-ricers. It's built to accommodate a very wide audience. It's essentially the OS X of the gnu/linux world.

Manjaro open-rc was based.

Shame that it's not updated anymore.

"It just works" should be word filtered to "I'm a teletubby".

Don't know why. I'm using it though because I like the idea of rolling release and I want a low maintenance distro where I don't have to fuck around too much with the system. So far it's been an okay experience.

desu it could be more funny if they filtered it to "It just burns"

Because normies want to LARP using arch but cannot install it themselves

Answering for a friend :
I know someone that keep clicking on it through different VPNs to keep the clic-count even...

Most aesthetically pleasing distro out of the box. You might think it's not important but for the masses it is.

Arch + user friendliness. Especially if you use it on KDE (aka ManDE)

People think it's less bloated because it's based on arch.
it really fucking isn't.


It takes longer to un-bloat Manjaro than it does to install and rice Arch.

try artix

AUR + Roll on release. Objectively the best linux distro today

t. never touched Manjaro

artix or parabola openrc

That sounds like the saddest thing. Just to make your choice of distro seem more popular.

cant beat the Mint + xfce4

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I don't know man... Salix OS is good but vanilla Slackware + alienbob & slackonly repos is so much better.

Because Arch users don't keep checking distrowatch every day to see if the new iso is available, and distrowatch rankings are page hit rankings.
>counted once per day by unique IP.

this makes me mad because Cinnamon is arguably the best DE out there but it's trapped inside the shitty outdated mint core. I know you can install it on other systems (debian cinnamon is comfy af) but the mint people should get their shit together, drop all other DEs (except for xfce for slow machines) and start using the ubuntu core directly instead of the delayed shit they try to pull.

The mint repo only has cinnamon and mate de stuff. All mint's other de / wm stuff is pulled from the ubuntu-lts repos.

if I'm still lurking here at age 47 I'll prolly shoot myself
t. 32 y/o

>all these fags that not realizing people just type "manjaro" and hit "I'm feeling Lucky" on jewgle while looking to some random food and that fucks up distrowatch

Attached: lesmuganimefaceatincredblyhihgrez.jpg (2296x2464, 285K)

if I'm still lurking here at age 32 I'll prolly shoot myself
t. 27 y/o

it gonna happen kid, I've been here since I was 23

you're here forever


Because you faggots keep pushing the Arch meme, act like it's hard to install and that because you installed it that you are "1337", distro-shame Debian and Ubuntu based distros, etc. This leads them (normies) into looking into the "easiest" way to install an Arch based distro.


People want access to AUR without dealing with bullshit and unstable distros.

Attached: arch-change-my-cockkkk-nigger.jpg (680x510, 258K)

Manjaro doesn't hold back updates including security updates from vanilla Arch. It's not a good distro.

What about CloverOs, has anyone tried it?

It's good but you'll have to learn emerge/Gentoo someday because it'll die sooner or later (only one Dev). It's more a gateway to Gentoo than a real distro that'll stay forever like Debian or Arch.

as soon as they unfuck their iso, i'll do. at the moment it's absolutely unusable

> systemd
> good distro
pick one

>Just werks out of the box
>Pretty fucking stable
>Tested packages
>extremely comfy with KDE
You hipster faggots can fuck off.