return to_return;

return to_return;

Attached: master.png (283x207, 25K)

i usually return result;

you can't stop me

return rv

int theAddress = ...;
char *theName = ...;
MyClass myClass = new MyClass();


int function_name()

return (to_return || !to_return);

return my_ass;

if(result == true) {
return true;
return false;

public double ReturnsFour(int NotFour){
int four = 4;
double StillNotFour = NotFour;
double SquareRootOfStillNotFour = Math.sqrt(StillNotFour);
double RootOfSquareRootOfStillNotFour = Math.sqrt(SquareRootOfStillNotFour);
double MightBeFour = Math.log10(StillNotFour)/Math.log10(RootOfSquareRootOfStillNotFour);
if(MightBeFour == four){
return MightBeFour;
}else {
return 4;

bool to_return;
if (result == true) {
to_return = true;
else {
to_return = false;
return to_return;

bool to_return;
if (result == true) {
to_return = true;
else {
to_return = false;
return to_return ? true: false;

bool my_return;
if (result == true)
my_return = true;
return true;
my_return = false;
return false;
return my_return;

List result = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(true, false));
return -> b == (Math.random() > .5 ? true : false));


>be me
>want to learn programming
>do a lot of coding challenges on sites like codewars
>somehow got in the habit of always using ret as the name of the variable that will be returned
Is this a good or a bad thing?

_2b || !_2b

>not returning response
thanks, we'll call you

people will think commits are coming from someone in their 50s. other than that, i guess not

If you write multiple return statements in a function you shouldn't be allowed to touch a computer ever again

i do return ret debate me

Attached: BlocksYourPath.jpg (600x400, 111K)

I return retval. Fight me.

>people will think commits are coming from someone in their 50s
Why? Was it a common convention 20-30 years ago? Genuinely curious.

i work in a corp where the only people that do that are close to retirement age

if(mybool == true)

int enterpriseReturn1083;
int enterpriseReturn1084;
int enterpriseFlag677 = 0;
int enterpriseFlag678 = 0;
while 1 {
if (enterpriseClassValue395 == 1) {
enterpriseReturn1083 = 1;
enterpriseFlag677 = 1;
else if (enterpriseClassValue395 == 0) {
enterpriseReturn1084 = 1;
enterpriseFlag678 = 1;
if (enterpriseFlag677 == 1) {
return enterpriseReturn1083;
else (enterpriseFlag678 == 1) {
return enterpriseReturn1084;

I mean, that's not bad per se. I usually call the value ret, but there's nothing wrong with the general idea of having an accumulator value and returning it.

This looks like Java that's been run through a disassembler.

if(mybool == 1)

Attached: 1430742599416.jpg (209x250, 7K)

(cont to-return)

Perhaps the most retard-infested lines of code I have seen in my 20 years of professional software development.

bool to_return;
to_return = true;
if (result == true) {
to_return = to_return;
} else {
to_return = !to_return;
return to_return ? to_return : to_return;

bool to_return;
if (result == true) {
to_return = true;
return to_return;
} else if (result == false) {
to_return = false;
return to_return;
return to_return;

What is this? Shakespeare?

return out; is my preference

foreach($recordingses as $recordings) {
if($recordings) {
else {

What about early returns?

Can't argue with results

bool to_return;
if (result == true && result != false){
to_return = false;
return !to_return;
} else if (result == false && result != true){
to_return = true;
return = !to_return;

return to_return;