Hey Jow Forums

Hey Jow Forums

What is the most comfy programming language to work with in a company?

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go fuck yourself, try again in a few mins without this pic you cunt

post more and i give you my answer

What is with chinks and those fucking retarded phone cases

they think its ''cute''

Kill yourself fag

>no proof if it's a girl (female) or girl (male)
Why are you getting so upset?

because we don't come on this board to be reminded every day that we don't have someone who cares about us enough who is cute to send a picture of themselves looking cute. i come to Jow Forums for technology, not for wanting to blow my brains out

try asking us again in 3-7 days

Is this a fucking man or what? Either way more pics

Very cute feet

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Instruction list

There's plenty of Asian chicks in my classes and I see them with these phone cases all the time.

>Is this a fucking man
bet you would like that huh

There's no such thing as a "comfy language." If your coworkers are in the habit of writing bad code then your life will be hell and if they are in the habit of writing well organized, well documented code then your job will be comfy.

Of course that's a dude, look at how long the feet are


Java/C# is VERY comfy if your co-workers are good at coding. If they're not, anything besides python is pretty hellish. C is kind of fun if your co-workers are good, but it's far from comfy.

It all depends on your co-workers. Good programmers can make vhdl and Cobol look elegant.

fuck, i feel you bro

What is the damn sauce? I need to see more

>tfw I'm getting comfy with a job where I'll be programming in C++/Matlab and I'm not a "programmer"
So glad I took a real career path instead of "programming" so I'll be safe from the unemployment line after the autistic parts of programming are automated.


I'm lonely. It's hard to get out of bed in the morning, and I don't eat a lot anymore. I program because it gives me the illusion of control. I don't have the control over myself to socialize without feeling like I'm choking, but at least I can control a computer. I wish I had something uplifiting for you user.

my coworkers are incredibly talented, just their style is weird. One of them spent 20-something years programming in asm and it shows

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Murder urself my man