Stallman shooter

Jow Forums:

> I am quite high
I have written you a game in rust
I am trying to package it as an appimage so you guys can play it
But this is really fucking hard because I'm running NixOS

I need technical support to help you guys play my game

Attached: 2018-08-18-110019_1920x1080_scrot.png (797x596, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Compile, write Spring application to run the game, put in .jar, upload .jar, profit.

What is this? Some asteroids clone?

I was thinking more tohou clone than asteroids

Spring looks awfully complicated. I don't know java very well

Did you try either of snaps or flatpak?

I searched the nixos repos and found packages for neither, and tried no harder. Right now I'm trying to install cargo on Windows and compile a windows binary

Deploying anything specially for windows is pointless because it now has WSL.

I'm on Win 7

nigga, step up your game and get with the times

My laptop's internet stopped connecting. I give up for now, this is boring.

I like the game though, so if you want to compile it for yourself, it's pretty easy. And I'd love feedback.

Yeah let me just download, compile and run someone's random code from Jow Forums that I can't properly audit, what could possibly go wrong.

That said, I never even considered this because of an entirely different reason.

I understand, friend. I really am trying my hardest to compile a windows binary even as I type this.

Update!! I've made a Windows standalone executable

sorry if google drive doesn't work, I don't know a great way to share files

Here's an amazon s3 link if you hate google

yes i am calling from the microsoft sir. you have a wirus on your computer.

Rust works on windows just fine.

Spring is just memorizing of annotations in 80% of the situations, intellisense does everything else (as with all java stuff). It just reduces the boilerplate you have to write. Those 20% of the situations where you want something different are hell though..

If you trust more than fucking amazon, here you go

>windows support
Cringe & dropped

Man ok, just tell me what distro you're on and I'll make you a package

>Jow Forums always shitting on javascript
>if it was a browser game everyone would be playing this right now because of the browser sanbox you get for free

Well I mostly made it to learn rust

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