Why does he wear the jacket?

why does he wear the jacket?

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For you.

If he removes it, will he catch a cold?

because is not a beta like you

Man's not hot

It covers up his burn scars he got from Fermi.

Haven't you noticed that he only started wearing it after the Fermi announcement?

He's a former delinquent who became a family man but still tries to preserve his fighting spirit through his jacket.
Also he likes JoJo's bizzare adventure
Now go buy his GPU so he can have 99.9% of the market

For RTX effect!

It's not a leather jacket. It's actually just ray tracing effect.

He found a look he likes. It suits him and differentiates him from the black shirt and jean crowd.

to spite Raja

He can afford it.


It's a poor attempt at being an edgelord.

leather jackets are for fast people

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.


because mama lisa wears the pants

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>wear leather jacket
>inside a hall that is hot as fuck
>remove it after one hour later

Still better than talking heads wearing suits


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Cauz the future so bright be need to wear a jacket

Lol get faggot, you are only using underage because you are hiding the fact that it is you who is underaged b8

Hey there, I think what you were trying to type was "underage b&" and not "underage b8".

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it looks fuckin slick that’s why

mid life crisis

How does he not remove it? Have you ever wore anything leather? He must be sweating buckets on stage with all the lights at him.

it's probably too look cool to gaymers and now it's his distinguished "look" from which be cannot escape due to corporate pressure

Thank you and fuck you clippy

he's used to being in nvidia housefire rooms so when he steps outside to normie temperatures he has to wear the jacket to keep warm.

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He's a rich guy