I want to get into linux but i just realized something

i want to get into linux but i just realized something

there are certain races across the world who have some kind of technological fetish pathology about converting the entire world to linux overnight, i will name a few

communists, purplered hammer and sickle loving reeee tards, wild third world monkeys, entire associations of subhuman spanish speaking mexicans, brazilians, russians, and similar degenerates, they all seem to defend and propagandize linux

anyone care to explain what is this shit ?

was karl marx in favour of open source or something ?

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Actually, FOSS is more relatable to anarcho-capitalism since we don't trust in governments or any kind of centralization.

>anything an-cap

but stallman is a rarted liberal who unironically posts buzzfeed on his subplebbit
>inb4 muh "rarted"

So much this.
The "LOOL communism has free stuff therefore things have to cost money to be capitalist xD" meme needs to be obliterated

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As a Communist yea we do like pushing open source. It's software untainted by the profit motive and is a small window into the potential of what communism can offer - people making things because they enjoy it, and making them to be useful rather than profitable. The majority of Linux's advantages come from it simply not being a packaged product to be sold, nothing else. Marx totally would had been a freetard. He would had been a weeb probably too. Marx was one of you guys.

Stallman is the fifth sword of marxism.

You have a horribly distorted world view and concept of software development. If people in your poorly-reasoned and bigoted list are empowered to develop free or low-cost software (that's at least as good as if not better than commercial offerings), then what's your problem? Fucking bigot... You gotta be a white kid, and are making life harder for real people.
Fuck you.

why tf are there 4 redhats on that pic

redhat is the microsoft of linux

This statement is reasonable, polite, and likey truthful. A Jow Forumstard will be along shortly to screech autistically at you about da joos.

Open source has a vocal minority of shitheads desu. Anybody who does real work doesnt run their mouth off.

Not to mention that Google and their pink haired minions are rapidly trying to seize power within the open source community in order to corporatize it and compromise freedom
Stallman and the GPL are enemies of open source.
Stallman literally thinks systemD is compliant but openBSD is 'non free'
Communism is more like being forced to make somebody else's software and not being able to have your name on it.

Open source is all about giving credit to the individual contributors and that is not communist at all.
>muh Jow Forums

>Communism is more like being forced to make somebody else's software and not being able to have your name on it

That's a joke, right? You realise something Marx dedicates a large amount of writing to - alienation - is based around the idea of workers having to produce their products for someone else? Capitalism fundementally relies on a small section of people owning the tools, land and property, meaning everyone else is forced to work for those owners in order to attain food and shelter. This is how Capitalism has been for it's whole existance and how it /must/ be in order to function. The concept of wage labour loses it's purpose if most workers can provide for themselves with their tools and land, like how most peasants did. That's why before Feudalism could progress into Capitalism, a mass accumulation of tools was required, which was essencially the forceful, violent theft of land and tools from the peasants to the rulers of society at the time. Again this is just how Capitalism has to come into existance. It only ever differed elsewhere like in Japan because other parts of the world were already Capitalist. Capitalism by it's own fundemental nature relies on people making goods for employers rather than themselves. Seriously, read a book.

It's a meme pushed by actual kikes where if you don't push for corporations to jew the fuck out of you you're gommie.

Not him but marxist idealism is not communism. The word communism relates to failed states in people's minds.

Also it's worth noting that nearly every known monopoly is only holding complete control because of government-assisted crony corporatism allowing them to stay on top. To attribute the results from mixed market planned economies with free markets is like comparing maoism to the marxist theory of labor. And I know how much you like to correct people on how these states were communist in name only.
And the idea that you'll ever eliminate these social hierarchies inherent in human nature and live completely free of rulers is absurd. Communism is just another manifestation of it, the leaders and commisars will control you just like the feudal lords of old.

I'm not talking about monopolies though, in fact in Capital 1 Marx assumes a free market. The analysis applies to all layers of capitalism, small independant employers to large monopolies. Also I'm gonna need a citation on class hirearchies being inherant to humans, when evidence suggests that for the majority of our existance we existed without established class relations. Hirearchy in general, sure, but that's not what Marx is talking about. He's not some anarkiddie.

Can’t tell if b8 or srs

At least you believe something I guess. I'll respect that and agree to disagree. I'm not a capitalist shill either but was just trying to provide counterargument.

How does it feel to be the lone economic/classical marxist in an ocean of edgy buzzfeed liberal types larping as communists because they think it's cool though? Must suck desu

theyve been burned by windows, usually vista.

>communism is a race

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It's not as bad as you'd think. A lot of the sjw-y types are actually well meaning, like contrapoints and that general crowd, but there are also a lot of edgy stalinists/anarchists in it for the call outs alone. Usually you just ignore them, the real leftists make fun of them in the twitter dm groups. Just all that happens behind the scenes, and for obvious reasons it's the obnoxious ones that get all the attention.

Honestly, speaking as another socialist who lurks here, even those edgy liberal types are fairly open to discussion if you don't charge at them like an autist. I'd even go so far as to argue a lot of people would be open to having their ideas challenged if you don't just come out the gates rude or malicious. Some of them are really dumb and focus too much on idpol, but many of them just aren't really thinking about the big picture, and focus on what can be changed immediately.

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>As a Communist
fuck you commie

I'm a right wing nationalist who frequently shitposts on both normal and 8ch Jow Forums. I firmly believe that death is too good for commies.

I'm using Linux right now. Linux is not a communist OS by nature, in fact id say quite the opposite. Just because some retarded commies like a thing does not taint that thing irredeemably.

There I responded to your shitty bait thread.

This is a particularly good post for a commie. You are very correct in that people do not like being preached at but instead prefer civil discussion.

The thing is if you were in charge that would be illegal. Also we'd both be starving.

Still good attitude anyway.