Why doesn't your case have a HEPA filter?

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Keep your computer in a case in a case and away from dusty rooms.

because my room is clean

My computer is my filter

expanding brain meme, STAT

I dont live with pets and my PC is on my desk in my study. Im sure if i was going to store food in it then id invest in a HEPA filter.

i need one i smoke so much dank


I think it would reduce airflow :)

Wouldn't dust buildup create insulation?

Vacuum Cleaners have such a hard time...

An external air purifier would probably be a better solution...

because I don't want to be required to clean my case when it clogs up from all the dust.

no but it has a hapa filter

I clean my dust filters every 2 weeks and my computer hardware every 6 months. I think I'm good.

Unfortunately this is how my PC serves two purpose. The construction of new buildings near my home is pumping out dust like vape fags daily. My pc is keeping me healthy.

Because my CPU is not allergic

have you heard those things?

I'm poor

no it won't, a pc with dust filters is a better more efficient air purifier

no its not you idiot. you realise airfilters make your PC hotter and you have to clean them MORE than just having open vents. they literally catch more dust than the components would normally.

while ill admit its annoying to have to clean out CPU and GPUs. doing it once every 2 years is better than cleaning out a filter 8 times in that same time frame and having hotter temps the entire time especially when its full of dust..