Now what faggots?

Now what faggots?

Attached: >.png (1000x188, 25K)

>wasting memory to essentially store a boolean

I identify as true.

>implying a long double would be enough


Attached: >.png (1446x188, 29K)


Wait, genders now have decimals?

Yes retard
Gender can't even be properly represented in a digital system

Attached: sliders.png (1000x595, 360K)

We should account for imaginary genders.

volatile std::complex gender;


so fucking offended right now

std::vector gender;

Shit (offspring) you are wasting my memory on this.

Wow, I can't even right now
std::vector< vector > gender[100];

char gender[4096];

void* gender;
unsigned gender_size;

>unidimensional gender choices

Attached: dafuq.jpg (246x210, 7K)

Object Gender;


Fuck, Jow Forums is gonna kill me laughing one day.

Jesus christ, I am so fucking baffled by people who think gender matters so much outside of pleasure or reproduction.

Do people just mix up gender with 'profile of interpretation'?

>no gender monad in the rust std
why is allowed?

std::tuple people;

oh but wait, there's those genderfluid faggots who want to be able to redefine their gender at run-time

The only proper declaration is:

bool gender.

Anything else is a logical error.

imagine not being able to accommodate runtime transitions

Do we evaluate this at compile-time, or throw an exception at run-time?

static_assert(std::is_same_v, "GenderT must be a bool.");

throw std::logic_error("GenderT must be a bool.");

Wow.... epic

bool is_man;

how sexist can you be

Genitalia Hot Swapping Event Detected

long double sex - bool(Gender log P)

Attached: 1504190618037.jpg (290x174, 3K)


Pretty sure you can't call a function on a gender that's pre-defined

ebic post sir, upboated and subscribed

Didn't you hear, there are 32 genders now! In the future there certainly could be as many as 2^64


bool canLeaveKitchen;

Yeap, gotta be prepared for the future. You certainly don't want a Y2K-like bug when we invent the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000th gender!

Fucking shitlord, we moved to 64-bit years ago because nobody's gender can be described in a mere 4,294,967,295 bytes. Better make that a size_t or uintptr_t, pronto!

Now you would think this is just a joke, but it's not. When you have patterns like "X identifying as Y to half Z half W trans", even a long double might not be enough.

but why

void (*GetGender)(void*);

>any STD

you got that right

1001 ? 0011

modern gender can only be described in a quantum computer using a qbit as you can be both simultaneous with possible entanglement.

How do you resolve a quantum orgy?


isMale = true

if (isMale) then print "You are male"
elseif print "you're female" end

True if big

Or bigly false in potentia, fellow American Genius.

public class Females
public static void main(String[] irrationlArgs)

catch(DisobedianceException e){spankThatBitch();}

in all seriousness, what would be a sufficient type that would accurately describe modern conceptions of gender?

cuz jesus fuck. best I can think of is basically just a string that can hold arbitrary data.

You would need a polymorphic object with like a thousand subclasses.



What font is that?

import random

class Gender(object):
__bullshit__ = ['inter', 'trans', 'ex-', 'Bipartisan ', 'anarcho-']

def __init__(self, purported_gender):

if random.randint(0, 10) == 3:
self.gender = purported_gender

if random.randint(0, 10) == 1:
self.gender = random.choice(self.__bullshit__) + purported_gender

self.gender = random.randint(-43892, -36)

person = Gender("Male")
print("Gender is: ", person.gender)

God python is a horrible language. People give JS shit, but at least ES6+ looks clean.

wait... Isn't it PT Mono
I'm retarded for not recognizing that at first

Sex is in your genes, gender is a collection of stereotypes one chooses to follow. People should just grow up and act theh way they like without trying to assign a label to themselves.


const bool

Attached: 1511675420941.gif (300x232, 122K)

Blame the programmer, not the language

Ahem, I am gender fluid and that can't be described with a const. Someone needs to read the code of conduct again.

enum gender

No, Python sucks

Labels are for preference matching, which everyone thinks is either too forwards or awkward.

So you're semen? If not the literal concept then at least the construct of "a gifting gender of fertility"

one day I want to make a game with a gender slider but have it only snap to far right/left

Too good for radio buttons are ya?


uint128 gender;

let's not just make the same mistakes of ipv4, unix timestamp, etc... and reserve enough space for all upcoming genders

Vec3 gender;

Is a gender a scalar or a vector?

Vector of complex components.

bool sex;

enum class Sex {

Gender should be represented as a signed char.
-128 is female and 127 is male. Everything inbetween is snowflake


No matter what it's still binary though :^)

You can't represent gender on a computer, it's an uncountable set. Attempting to fit it into a finite memory is misogynist.

Why signed? Signed integers are kimoi
Just use a uint8_t

std::map gender;

std::map gender;

public Set gender;

> 4,294,967,295 bytes

Attached: 3c7639f37ed1045fe471bf8a209ababe95ea397e9fe10ca6e8a9d87f24e3e0b6.jpg (1462x2046, 98K)

std::array gender_;

Attached: 1534177101543.jpg (225x225, 9K)

don't store gender in the first place unless you're working on medical or advertising software (and if you're working on advertising software then kys). if you're working on a social thing users that care to advertise theirs can just include it in whatever other plaintext field you give them, and if you're working on a vidya with character customization the better thing to do is just to have a few prototype builds that correspond to the typical ones without explicitly saying as much and allowing any option to apply to any character.

the only right way

bool gender; // true for male, false for other

// We have no need for this
//long double gender;


isMale = true

if (isMale) then print "You are male"
else print "You are retarded" end

struct Gender{
bool sex_; //T-M, F-FM
bool is_a_fag_; //is person a lgbt faggot

okay, this is epic and underrated

It should be bool male;

well you can encode pic related that I found by googling 'modern genders' with pod. But then again, you can encode anything into pod. What are you asking?

Attached: gender_flowchart_by_bigendering-daa4xc9.png (1600x812, 842K)


Attached: 1ewdzs.jpg (399x385, 37K)

>testing program structure inside program

>best I can think of is basically just a string that can hold arbitrary data.
That's better be unicode, as my gender can't be described without emojis

it's a vectorfield that describes the genderfluid flow.