/wdg/ - Web Development[disorder] General

>css frameworks

>Free beginner resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good introduction (independent of your browser choice)

>Further resources
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - excellent documentation for HTML, CSS & JS
github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Frontend+Backend learner-path suggestions
[YouTube] Web Development in 2018 - A Practical Guide (embed) {embed} - Web Development in 2018 - A Practical Guide

jsfiddle.net - Use this and post a link, if you need help with your HTML/CSS/JS

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=What sort of css selector would I use for a checked radio button


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Threadly reminder the ONLY way you will learn how to do things is by solving problems.
Stop endlessly doing tutorials.

For php how wanna learn or level up their skills in PHP.

Read :
- phptherightway.com/
- phpbestpractices.org/
- airpair.com/php/posts/best-practices-for-modern-php-development
- phpcheatsheets.com/
- owasp.org/index.php/PHP_Security_Cheat_Sheet

- Weekly Mailing list :
- phpweekly.com/

Youtube Tutorials :
- youtube.com/user/phpacademy
- youtube.com/user/thenewboston
- youtube.com/user/businessgeek
- youtube.com/user/LevelUpTuts

Paid Videos :
- teamtreehouse.com/library/php-standards-and-best-practices
- pluralsight.com/search?q=php
- lynda.com/search?q=php
- code.tutsplus.com/categories/php/courses
- laracasts.com/

PHP Standers :
- php-fig.org/psr/psr-1 ( Basic Coding Standard )
- php-fig.org/psr/psr-2 ( Coding Style Guide )
- php-fig.org/psr/psr-3 ( Logger Interface )
- php-fig.org/psr/psr-4 ( Autoloading Standard )
- php-fig.org/psr/psr-6 ( Caching Interface )
- php-fig.org/psr/psr-7 ( HTTP Message Interface )
- php-fig.org/psr/psr-11 ( Container Interface )
- php-fig.org/psr/psr-13 ( Hypermedia Links )
- php-fig.org/psr/psr-15 ( HTTP Handlers )
- php-fig.org/psr/psr-16 ( Simple Cache )
- php-fig.org/psr/psr-17 ( HTTP Factories )


Dependency Manager :
- Composer : getcomposer.org

Frameworks :
- Symfony : github.com/symfony/symfony
- Zend : github.com/zendframework/zendframework
- Zend Expressive : github.com/zendframework/zend-expressive
- Laravel : github.com/laravel/laravel
- Swoole : github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/

Dependecy Injection :
- The League Container : github.com/thephpleague/container
- Illuminate Container : github.com/illuminate/container
- Symfony DI : github.com/symfony/dependency-injection

- Symfony Http Foundation : github.com/symfony/http-foundation
- Symfony Kernel : github.com/symfony/http-kernel
- Zend Diactoros : github.com/zendframework/zend-diactoros
- Zend Http : github.com/zendframework/zend-http

Routing :
- Symfony Routing : github.com/symfony/routing
- Zend Routing : github.com/zendframework/zend-router

Validation :
- Symfony Validator : github.com/symfony/validator
- Zend Validator : github.com/zendframework/zend-validator

Form :
- Zend Form : github.com/zendframework/zend-form
- Symfony Form : github.com/symfony/form

Database :
- Doctrine ORM : github.com/doctrine/doctrine2
- Doctrine DBAL ( Database Abstract Layer ) : github.com/doctrine/dbal
- Illuminate Database : github.com/illuminate/database
- Zend Database : github.com/zendframework/zend-db

Mail :
- SwiftMailer : github.com/swiftmailer/swiftmailer
- ZendMail : github.com/zendframework/zend-mail

Template Engines :
- Twig : github.com/twigphp/Twig
- Symfony Templates : github.com/symfony/templating
- Zend View : github.com/zendframework/zend-view

Command Line :
- Symfony Console : github.com/symfony/console
- Silly : github.com/mnapoli/silly
- Zend Console : github.com/zendframework/zend-console

- PhpStorm : jetbrains.com/phpstorm/ ( recommended )
- Sublime Text : sublimetext.com/

Testing :
- PhpUnit : phpunit.de/ ( recommended )
- Codeception : codeception.com/
- Behat : docs.behat.org/en/v2.5/
- PhpSpec : phpspec.net/en/latest/

Other :
- ReactPHP : github.com/reactphp
- PHP Swoole : github.com/swoole/swoole-src/ ( recommended )
- KrakenPHP : github.com/kraken-php/framework
- The Symfony Components : symfony.com/components ( recommended )
- The PHP League Components : thephpleague.com/ ( recommended )
- PHP Cache : php-cache.com/en/latest/ ( recommended )
- Monolog : github.com/Seldaek/monolog ( recommended )


if you have a question related to php, i'm here to answer.

from now on post this picture or post it in a pastebin


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If you had to design a crash course on the basics of HTML5 (js and css included) what would you add to the content?

just google your sentence
>crash course on the basics of HTML5 (js and css included)


Is there for something like this for JS/React, I am looking for a course to learn react, anyone have recommendations?

Why is Ajax so great?

i know right?

gonna bet on them tomorrow

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i don't really know about react, but laracast have vuejs tutorials if you are interested.
that's a priority.

How to get a $100K position? I have a BSc in software engineering, but now I do web development for $20K. Living in post-USSR. 3 years hands-on experience in JS (Node, React, Angular).
What do I miss, that holds me back from getting good paycheck for my job?

Do you know where I can find a tutorial for solving problems?

Find a way to move to America or get a remote job with an American employer, I guess. I dunno which other countries pay software developers as much as the US.

>wanting a $100K position
why? you know you'll pay more taxes and depends on the city you live

>not find a balance

>What do I miss, that holds me back from getting good paycheck for my job?
>Node, React, Angular
learn something also, ^ these 3 are the same thing, i'm not saying you should stop using JavaScript, i actually use it for front-end ( VueJs mostly ) but you are gonna need other skills, for me i have a set of
PHP ( i have experience with most popular frameworks and their core ) , JavaScript ( VueJS, JQuery ... ) , Go-Lang, C/C++
you also gonna need experience with some other development tools like Git, Docker etc...

then go and get a job in amerika.

I haven't worked remotely yet. How do American employers pay? Are they ok with payoneer or I should consider opening an LTD company to get contracts?

He could work in San Francisco, earn $150k per year, save as much as possible, and then go back home and live like a king.

Does it mean that full-stack developers get more? I thought, that mastering some technology makes more profit, that's why I have chosen JS.

>depends on the city you live
Does the paycheck depend more on where you live than what you do (excluding remote jobs)? Well, that makes sense a little bit. But I still think, that there are skills in the first place.

Thanks anyways, anons. Now, there is something to think about.

>gonna bet on them tomorrow
Famous last words

I made a bet tonight that Man United would score at least one goal against Tottenham and have at least 5 corners, fuck me for thinking Man United were a good team right

How do people find the concept of 'this' in JS hard to understand

I don't get what's difficult about it unless you are not a native English speaker and you somehow are not familiar with the common English word that is 'this'

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really mastering 1 technology makes more profit ( i'm focused on php myself ) but you need to have knowledge of other technologies that's why i'm learning golang these days, and i have little experience with C/C++ ( learned these while reading the PHP source code and hacking around actually ) , JavaScript and Java

I'm just starting out learning web development and I want to get more familiar with the backend. Would it be more useful to learn Php, python, NodeJS, or some other backend language to start?

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>"I just want this"
>ok ez I can do that
>"oh and this"
>"oh and this, and this and this"
>alright then
>"I almost forgot, this and this and this"
Looks like I'm going to learn wordpress the hard way

on the ohter hand, the better the web looks and the more complex it is, the better for my portfolio.
And I have the luck to being ordered what to do by a designer, excellent choices on colors and typography, felsbadman that I'm not half as gud as him at it. But hey at least I can copycat from him in future projects.

How much do you know right now? (Web stuff as well as programming in general.) Do you know any languages already? Have you done frontend JS?

I need to generate pages for my site from a database. Do I store html directly in the tables? What's the best way to put my images in the table?

i recommend php, and i'm going to give reasons why ( if someone wanna recommend other technologies you are welcome )

- performance
- php 7 itself have double the performance of python
- php + swoole have x10 performance of NodeJS
( swoole is a php extension you can find here : github.com/swoole/swoole-src )

libraries :
php have a large set of frameworks i have mentioned here but also, it have a large number of libraries for doing anything !
session handling, user authentication, HTTP, console applications, servers, WebSockets, queues, database, image manipulation, middlewares and more that can be found on packagist.org/

php was first designed for the web, php 7 wanted to go for more general purpose , and i think that's gonna happen with PHP 8 but not yet, still php is the most commonly used back-end, every question you gonna ask, 10 people asked before and you'll find the answer with 1 simple google search

php is not a templating language, actually the twig templating language engine is written in PHP ( and if i remember correctly the version 1 was implemented in C and Javascript later )

i'm here to answer any questions about PHP.

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...so you don't need to reload the page every time you do something.

This sounds like a troll, but definitely do not store html in the database tables

In other popular languages like C#, Java or Python, "this" (or "self") is bound to the current object instance.
In JS without any ES6, "this" is bound to the enclosing function or object. If you have functions inside functions and you aren't aware of this fact, then it may be a little confusing.
Now you may say: "but that's something explained in any JavaScript book! how can so many people omit that part?!", and the thing is that reading about fundamentals is often omitted to make time for learning about whatever framework is popular now.
The gaps are filled with "recipes" or copy-pasted Stackoverflow code.

you don't store html in the database, you store data.
use a template to generate the html on every request ( recommend using cache for better performance )
save images in the server and something that represent the path to the image in the database

>i'm here to answer any questions about PHP.

Why do so many people hate PHP? Are they just band wagon jumpers or PHP has some shit going on?

There's a website laying around that has thousands of views of per day, and it is a single PHP file with 4000+ lines generating $$$ each day

deez nuts

The iteration time and ease of doing things makes PHP very powerful imo, and essentially no set up either

>Web stuff
I took a couple online course. I feel like I have an okay understanding of html and css, although, yeah, my js could definitely use some work. I also built my self a static webpage to use as a way to show off my CV (bio major, so showing off the computer science doesn't really matter in my field).
>programming in general
Once again took a few courses, but never really did much with it. Everyone in my department uses R to run data analysis, so I have the most experience with that. Other than R, I've used a little java and a little python, but not a lot of either. Also did quite a bit in Dr. racket (I know not really a language) as part of one class. Figured if I was going to spend some serious time really learning a language, then it should at least be something useful.

Attached: R_logo-1.png (600x465, 16K)

>but that's something explained in any JavaScript book! how can so many people omit that part?!
They must have limited familiarity with the English language, like I said before. How can people not understand what 'this' means, it literally means "the enclosing function or object"

as said

php is really powerful and you can do so much with
even machine learning : github.com/php-ai/php-ml ( i'm not saying you should, it would be probably best to use python or golang for that )

but php does have some shit going on, but when you get familiar you start ignoring these facts for example the 'needle and haystack' thing, some of php string and array functions take haystack first and some take the needle first, people have argued about this for long time but php can't really just go and flip everything making the haystack or the needle the first parameter in all functions and the reason is BC ( backward compatibility ) , if php does so, all libraries and frameworks would just no work anymore , i myself hate it but i got used to it so i don't really care about it anymore

php is also considered a web language but its missing the request and response object ! but php developers have solved this over the reason by creating a request object that goes throw a kernel to generate the response and recently the FIG made the PSR-7 Http Messages , now most frameworks and libraries use a PSR-7 request and response objects ( except symfony and laravel since it extends symfony http foundation )

so as i said, php have a bad side, but as a developer you can fix it and code php the right way ( )

( i also dislike the idea of having 4000lines in 1 file )


>employer makes you send application as a direct http request
is this the real pajeet deterrent?

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Not a troll just retarded. Thanks for the advice. I want to use the same template to generate two kinds of pages. The only difference is one will have a section list and one will link to github in that section instead.

what backend are you using ? if you are using php, you can use twig, it have a section support so you can change section depending on the data

The context you are giving me sounds like a database is too complicated - is the content going to be changing? Is this for a client? Is this just something you want done for yourself and want to do it as quickly as possible?

If its the last one - just hard code the content who cares a database hookup for just two pages is a bit overkill

>Also did quite a bit in Dr. racket (I know not really a language) as part of one class.
Racket is a real language, it's a Lisp, similar to Scheme. (Dr Racket is just the IDE.) But I wouldn't recommend using Lisp for web dev.

Anyway, personally I think Node.js is a good starter for someone looking to learn backend. This is a very simple snippet to get started:
const http = require('http');
const server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {
let url = decodeURI(request.url);

response.statusCode = 200; // normal, valid response code
response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); // use 'text/html' if you're responding with actual HTML
response.end("you made a request for " + url); // this is the response that shows in the browser

server.listen(8000, '', function() {
console.log('server running at'); // you can connect to the server with 'localhost:8000' in the browser

Once you've installed Node on your machine, save this file as server.js or something, and run 'node server.js' on the command line.

This is just an exercise to learn a little bit about php and mysql

I'm using PHP with mysql, I'll look into twig

personally i think php swoole is a good starter for someone looking to learn backend. This is a very simple snippet to get started.

Dont use anything if its your first time trying it. Better to learn it the vanilla way first imo.

Just do this - w3schools.com/php/func_mysqli_query.asp

Then parse the data into variables, and echo the variables in your HTML.

that's how you produce shitty php code.

shitty php code is what the world is full of.

wow when learning the basics you produce basic code wow

sure , so are we supposed try to show people how not to produce shitty code or just encourage them to ?

you think I'm going past the first google result for this guy?

nuke and start over

learning the basic in the wrong way will eventually lead to shitty code base.
web v2.0

What is wrong about a basic SQL connect hahahahahahaha literally every wrapper you use is going to use that why not learn how it works before using one you fucking 12 year old bitch

>x10 ~ x20 better performance than [Node.js]

>uses mysqli_*
>switch database software to something else beside mysql / mariadb
fuck now you have to rewrite everything

use PDO desu

pic related ( benchmarks done by me using gobench )
benchmarks by techempower : techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r16&hw=ph&test=json

Attached: expressjs_vs_expressive_benchmark.png (1050x312, 86K)

Node really dropped that many request? Huh. Fair enough.

My code doesn't include Express though, just pure Node.

the benchmark i did included zend expressive too, pure php would have been much faster

What sort of css selector would I use for a checked radio button? Using bootstrap.

Django or laravel?

lmgtfy.com/?q=What sort of css selector would I use for a checked radio button


go(function () {
$db = new Co\MySQL();
$server = array(
'host' => '',
'user' => 'root',
'password' => 'root',
'database' => 'test',


$result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM userinfo WHERE id = 3');

How secure is this? Does swoole use pdo behind the hood?

for mysql is uses the c mysql library , its pretty secure ( github.com/swoole/swoole-src/blob/master/swoole_mysql_coro.c#L860 ) but if you are passing values from user i suggest you use prepared statement : github.com/swoole/swoole-src/blob/master/examples/coroutine/mysql_prepare.php

anybody have any experience with the udacity nanodegrees? or luck finding a job afterwards?

I see you're a web development professional.

Can i get a quick rundown of all the different frameworks and libraries (im new)?

So for frontend JavaScript there are three main frameworks: React (by Facebook), Angular (by Google), and Vue (by some guy who used to use Angular within Google). React is probably the best option for getting a job, but Vue is gaining popularity.

For backend, there are a lot of different framework options for a lot of different languages. There's Express, which runs on top of Node.js (which runs JavaScript on the server). There's Ruby on Rails, Django and Flask for Python, Spring for Java, .NET for C#, Elixir for Phoenix, maybe something for Go. There are a lot for PHP, I think Laravel might be the most popular, but that new PHP namefag can tell you more. And there's probably a couple other popular options that I'm not thinking of.

I have a script that changes some html and css on my page when the user clicks a link. Is it possible to make it so that when they click that link from another page, it loads the relevant page and then executes the script? But the script only executes when the page is loaded from that link, not every time the page is accessed from a different link.

i'm the name fag is talking about

i have listed most popular php framework and libraries here :

send a query param when they click that particular link in the url string and capture that on the page to do the action only when the query param is present

Thank you!

>not putting everything in absolute/fixed position

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is C# a bad language? Is a windows server really that bad? I may be getting moved to a project at work that uses C# on a windows server. I am going to try to convince my boss to let me re-implement it in PHP on a linux server. Everything else uses PHP, but my boss wanted to use this framework developed by indians in order to "save time". I have had to fix some of their javascript before so I don't think I'll be having a good time. The project is only about ~5% done, and I could probably re-write everything in a matter of 2-3 weeks.

If I can't convince my boss to let me re-write this shitty indian code then I might just quit.

Attached: computerAsFuck.jpg (3226x2419, 980K)

>but my boss wanted to use this framework developed by indians in order to "save time".
just quite now

c# is great. your boss is just a retard. MVC + web api 2 is easy as fuck, so I don't even see why you would need some 3rd party framework. With .net core you don't even need to run it on a windows box anymore.

by framework I really just mean shitty scripts that they wrote that I will probably not even use.

you are saying I can write C# on a linux server? I really just don't want to use a windows server.

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HTML. And maybe a bit of CSS.

If they're using core mvc, yes. I personally don't mind it since it's actually strongly typed unlike PHP and node.js but I don't like how you're essentially locked to MS's ecosystem which is why it hasn't really gained traction amongst amateur devs.

it's open source so you aren't really locked into an ecosystem any more than you would be going with another platform

grids grids grids

How do I become truly language agnostic and develop the ability to learn any new language and framework with complete ease?

understand the logic.

Is there an easy way to put a vertical line between my grid columns?

How do you declare view helpers in Express.js? Using ejs if that matters

nvm, you attach them to app.locals

>made a shitty static website in 2010
>still get requests to edit it a couple times a year, because, despite my explanations, the owner doesn't understand how to change static sites
It's easy money. But I'd secretly prefer to get rid of it instead of being reminded of that shit every couple months.

I remember back when I was playing around with PHP as a backend for a websocket, I read about hitting 1024 as the max number of connections, and that you have to modify both PHP's max open files as well as the systems, but I never tested it. Is that something that's a problem with Swoole?

I laffed.
Thanks user.

Think more in "how do I achieve X" not "well I know this framework can do Y...and then if I do Z too I will have X!"

for css, learn the FUCK out of flexbox and grid. It's not one or the other. They have different use-cases. They both already have great global browser support.

Grid specifically will be around for the next 10 years for sure. So it's a great investment to learn.

I see them used in tandem, I've learned them both, but I have yet to come across a situation where flexbox can do something that grid CANNOT do. So I think Grid is the better longterm investment.

>flexbox can do something that grid CANNOT do
I remember Wes Bos showing something but I can't remember what

>He isn't developing on the VENoM stack (Vue, Express, NodeJs. MongoDB)

Explain yourself /wdg/.
Don't tell me you're still using obsolete technologies like RoR, Django, Spring, or ASP.NET

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Vue is just React for dumb people.

Who cares? Grid and flexbox are different tools for different use cases.

let's say you have a lot of data and you need to perform some (user described) operations on it. what's the best practice in current year?

>send all the data, all the computing takes place client-side in the JS engine
>receive queries from the user, compute the results server-side and send them