It begins

Well guys, I just quit my job. Will you celebrate with me?

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enjoy your freedom

Welcome to the good life

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Welcome to the neet life, you waste of space.
We have jackets.

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Thanks friend. Here's hoping for a brighter future.


I wish I could join you user
I have school tomorrow only to be followed by work the next

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if i work hard wil i also be able to become a neet one day

Feels good, man.
Oh no, I'll be finding new work shortly. Neetdom is not for me.

Hang in there bro. Your opportunity will come.
We'll all make it and be boomers one day, right?

that's what they all say

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wil heaven be one big grass plain where we all drink /sips/ and mow the lawn all day

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Gotta get that paper, son.
By God I hope so.

Couldn't you get a non-shit vodka? At least eristoff

Blue-collar pay means blue-collar vodka. Shit was cheaper than my smokes. I need to start my own business and stop wageslaving for good. I was a gifted child, what the fuck happened. Busting my ass just to get by, fuck that. Time to formulate a plan and carry it out. We're all gonna make it, to hell with our parasitic overlords.

How much does vodka cost in USA?

Ew, at least get Gordans. Their vodka is at least half decent

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well a bottle of Eristoff is like $5, at least booze is cheap here

This bottle cost about $8. The good stuff costs at least three times as much.
Local grocery didn't have much of a selection to choose from.
How is Chile overall?

daMN BRO sick sips

It's okay

pls don't mix those, OhPee. Don't fuck yourself up that hard.

Good choice, monster bomb was the first alcoholic mix I liked.

Sippin hardcore
Too late

Four Loko? I've never tried any when it was available but from what I heard it was an alcohol spiked energy drink not unlike what OP is consuming.

Nice work Waltuh

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That shit fucks you up badly. I used to drink it when I was underage b&. I would often end up blacking out and getting into all kinds of crazy shenanigans, one time I fell backwards at a party and hit my head against the concrete splitting my scalp open. I woke up the next morning in the hospital with the back of my head stitched up and no idea where I was or why I was there. Nevar again desu.

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This is what life is all about.
Only missing sauna.