Why is Java the most used programming language?

Why is Java the most used programming language?

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Same reason why Windows is most used desktop os.


India is a pretty big country you know.

Java has been used in enterprise for decades. Everyone on Jow Forums is either a neet or first year undergrad. JVM is magic and great for things that you start up and leave running forever

India is a continent, you idiot....

>E N T E R P R I S E uses it
>schools/universities teach it
>generally very easy to work with and just get shit done

India is a state of mind, bakchod

>Either 67350306 is a fucking poojeeet sand boii or pic related.

Both are equal for you to kys

Attached: AA13ED01-CAAF-41CE-BDC1-19CF4F89C853.jpg (546x1576, 458K)

this + safe typing + streams + big data stack

also this, maintaining AbstractLooFactories requires manpower


Nice bait


Fucking hate Zybooks

Because the world is not Jow Forums

Pajeets learn it because it is popular, not the other way around.
They'll switch to code any language you want them to and produce that same top level of quality you've come to expect from hem.

There is a total amount of 3 non-neets on Jow Forums

They learn it because java jobs pay very well.

List reply = new ArrayList();
Integer i = 0;
while (i

I wonder if they refer to Java or the JVM. If it's the latter then of course it's popular because people use something else to program with the JVM (Kotlin, Scala, Clojure, Jython, etc)

Fast as C and simpler. Better to maintain than Python. Not a meme like Rust and Go

LOL I am rolling on my sides

fuck of nigger, saged