Working as a freelance coder

Basically I am so genetically fucked that I can not do most jobs. The only jobs I can do are the ones where I work from home. I have tried dropshipping but got zero orders for the stuff I wholesale purchased.

IF I learn php or some other web-based language and can code decently, but do not have a certificate of education in coding, can I expect to make a living?

I realize that this area is overly saturated with Pajeets and Chingchongs and all the rest but I really, really, really don't have a lot of options for work. Am already living on disability payments but want to stop leeching off taxpayers.

Attached: 1515975947021.jpg (600x600, 37K)

You gotta do what you got to do.

If you really need some cash right now you could also do some paid writing assignments online / copywriting.

>paid writing assignments online / copywriting.
What does this mean? Please, go into detail, I am all ears

iwriter / hirewriters / upwork

It doesn't pay much, but it's quick and easy. Although it does take some practice. You basically have to switch your brain off, google some information online and write it up in your own words again.

go for it, programming is one of the few jobs that can theoretically be done from home

Here is my second thread. Which board is most relevant to this question?

It can also be done on fiverr

>Have to include a picture of myself

You mean a picture of the girl next door I hope.

Can I just use a fake picture, you think?

You can't make 1600 a month out of freelancing online, period. If you were an on-site contractor, maybe you could, but it'd be probably easier to get a real job.
You are getting free money, enjoy it and stop trying to make life difficult for yourself. If you want to become a programmer that's fine, but aim for a real job or do it on the side if you can without the government finding out.

I have no idea what they check or not. But I do know that the people in the images often aren't the people writing it.

I make iOS apps i make ~$300k/yr

To even receive my disability payments I have to be in workforce training.
Being as sick as I am it is really torture.

The government also checks what I spend my money on if I spend it online, and there's a cap on how much money I can have.

Why do I keep hearing about people who make a living online, whether it's Youtube, blogposting, freelance coding or whatever? Many of these people are even dumber than I am

but what's your problem user?

>Why do I keep hearing about people who make a living online, whether it's Youtube, blogposting, freelance coding or whatever? Many of these people are even dumber than I am

Because they want to sell you their shit. Think about it, why would they be telling you how successful you can be if you buy their freelancing course/seminar/bootcamp/whatever instead of actually doing the work themselves?

And being a youtuber is not about being smart, it's 100% about carisma, having cash to spend on luxurious shit, and/or having a nice face.

In terms of what? Why I can't work a normal job?
Basically cognitively dysfunctional, mental illness, severe social deficits. Am also horrendously ugly, apparently, because everybody keep telling me how ugly I am.

just be yourself

I imagine you've already tried getting some meme advice from psychiatrists? Can't medicines help you? Also about the ugly it may be crippling as you say but maybe there is some margin to get better, if anything just to try

No, I mean people randomly on forums, boards, etc., brag about living off the Internet.
Some fucking 16 year old kid was making 7800 usd off Youtube from his fucking bitcoin videos. His mother was asking how to file taxes on a specific forum in my country.

It seems like you have lots of free time.

I'd suggest you learn c#, learn the basics of game design and puke out 20 pay to win android/web games with unity. Go full botnet and allow suckers to only sign in with Google account or fb.

You have to invest something like 25$ to be allowed to put your shit out there on the play store. Unity starts costing money when you make 100k/year. Use free assets for the first 10 games, in the future don't spend more than 20% of earnings on assets.

Don't go for quality, go for quantity. If you eventually get to 100 games and each one makes something like 30 bucks a month you have a money basis to work with.

Also, the more you put out the more likely it is something of it will go viral.

Even if doesn't work out to make lots of money with it, if some of your crApps crack the 10k downloads mark you can put them on your portfolio/resume and highly increase your chances to get a home office coding job and/or freelance/contract work without a degree.

Webshit is oversaturated, also there are countless offers with which even the stupidest normie can drag and drop a half decent website together, so there's not really money to be made.

Psychiatrists ironically don't recognize my problems, unless they want to insult me. If they want to insult me they tell me how awful I am.

They refuse to prescribe anything, benzos, anything at all other than antipsychotics. Go figure, they don't work.

so as you say it's solely mental, or do you have some neurodamages?

Obviously it's genetic and something-something biological. What's your point?

>No, I mean people randomly on forums, boards, etc., brag about living off the Internet.
Well, IDK man, maybe there are some jackpots if you are the right person in the right place at the right moment. But still, a lot of people on forums brag about their success and then go on to give paid consultations and shit (or are just straight up lying).
I work on, and seriously, nobody there seems to be paid even minimum wage (me included). The only way I see that a programmer can make a decent living from home is to be hired as a remote employee, but that probably happens only if you have previous verifiable on-site experience.

Oh, you made it sound like some horrible physical illness. So you feel uncomfortable during that period, so what, suck it up man. It's a job you can't get fired from, many people in the third world would kill for that.

That's a long shot. An average of $30 for a game that you would have to put together in a week (to reach the goal of having 100 games) sounds impossible, the game would be literal dog shit. Have you actually tried this?
And the stuff about anyone being able to put together a website doesn't ring true, sure Wordpress has lowered the barrier to entry a lot but as soon as you need something that a plugin can't do out of the box then you'll need somebody who more or less knows what he's doing.

It's a racket for the jews.

I identify a retard

What part of cognitive issues do you not get?

Attached: 1506945909942.png (303x566, 163K)

I wasn't making any, I just wanted to know what's bothering you. Also neurodamages doesn't mean something genetic as opposed to something made up, it means physical damage of nerves, ie after a trauma or weardown (see sclerosis) vs something psychiatric which is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, depression ecc ecc.
What i was asking you was if your case belongs to the former or latter ones, seeing as you don't give much clues as to what your symptoms are; like, if psychiatrists, which however are notorious sack of shits, won't help you nor will psychologists, maybe you could try to see a neurologist instead

This thread is sad. If you are retarded you are not going to make much freelance from home. If you want to work from home find an employer with a decent size work from home base and apply. Read the job description and only apply to stuff that is mostly work from home. This isn't rocket science. You either get the jobs or you don't.

Not him but IMO the hopeless loser (you know, the r9k type) is mostly made not born, and it's not some deep neurological damage, it's more a psychological thing. OP probably didn't have a good, manly father figure. Also ugliness, poorness and low social capital don't help, but have little to do with the brain and more to do with the circumstances one was born into.

I agree.. though OP doesn't click me off as a retard, he doesn't write like one. I don't know what cognitive dissonance are you talking about OP, is it dislessia? ADD? Does it hurt physically, do you have random breakdowns or anxiety or panic attacks? Beside the debatable ugliness you speak of, it's hard to give you a real advice on the matter if we can't understand what's exactly crippling you, also it's not like anyone will ever doxx you on the basis of few symptoms doctor don't even recognize

Did you ever have your IQ tested OP?

>debatable ugliness
Nah, if you ever get to the point where other people tell you you are ugly, you're probably prettu fucking ugly.

meme bullshit

Okay, in no particular order:
I find it difficult to understand orders given (most relevant to verbal orders as opposed to written orders). I have serious memory deficits when it comes to remembering names, locations, people's faces, etc. I can recognize people but can't remember their names, their phone numbers, I can't form a mental image of their face.
I also have serious visual-spatial deficits with depth perception, navigating on a map, as I said remembering places, can't rotate objects in mental space, etc.

Perhaps worse are my serious social deficits with extreme uncomfortableness near others, extreme anxiety, extreme avoidance of eye contact.

These are just SOME of my issues.

Yes. I showed extreme deficits in visual-spatial (mirroring objects on paper, putting triangles and etc. together to make a unique shape) and reasoning (putting images together to form a coherent timeline and event).

I showed strengths in remembering numbers backwards and my language navigation was normal except for one instance of abnormal language use.

that'd be crippling assuming it isn't improvable in anyway, which is rarely the case

I literally look like Sminem with large hands and feet, long fingers and legs. I have a protruding jaw with underbite, a long forehead, large Jew/gay lips, big Jew ears (like Sminem). My thumbs are clubbed.
My hands and feet are equally wide, both being 14cm wide on the widest point. I'm also very tall at over 2 meters.

Attached: sminem.jpg (680x510, 42K)

That doesn't sound like it means anything, they're supposed to come up with a number

What's interesting is that both Sminem and I have Eastern European ancestry. And I think both of us have Jewish ancestry.

Attached: Sminem1.jpg (259x194, 6K)

You must be joking. The number means nothing as you can be great in one irrelevant area which would compensate, in terms of the resulting number, for your extreme deficits in other areas.

What matters is what you actually can and cannot do efficiently on an iq test.

you know while it really sounds annoying and condescending, I feel like you may try at least once to endure all of this in some menial job which doesn't require skills you're crippled in, because it often happens that from a handful of little and even solvable issues you grow increasingly anxious about your whole persona's capabilities, to the point of not only gathering along heavy anxiety but also worsening said conditions.
I mean, you could try to get a job, even part time in some easy job like a supermarket or similar, and if it does turn up that you can't hold it no matter what the worst that can happen is being fired, no big deal since you weren't going to work by the office anyway.
it may also happen that by pushing through you realise that at least some of the crippling problems you have eased up, which is something worth the shot imho

unironically develop roblox games. some people are making 8 figures from it

I feel like this thread is going way offtopic but at least it's an anonymous image board.
I already have tried "jobs". I also have 23 years of experience with being dysfunctional at everything.

People who repeatedly see the same result and expect a new one next time are either irrational or dumb. Because thing simply do not change. And if they do change then they're not really issues to begin with. Real personal issues are unchangeable by the individual.

The thing is that all areas tend to be very correlated, and the number (called g factor) obtained from tests that measure how well can you detect patters in data ends up being the best predictor for things like salary, at least more so than random stuff like memorizing numbers backward and that kinda stuff.
Still it sounds like the visuo-spatial creativity stuff that is generally on IQ tests is what you show deficits on.
Oh well, at least you're tall and white and not a pajeet.

With that blackpilled hard stance you ain't going anywhere pal.

At least I am not a nigger.

The only thing I excel at is philosophy. I'm a clear and sophisticated thinker.

This. Do be weary, though, Roblox updates the game engine every couple of years and when they do, they break a lot of stuff.

Yeah, try to have a positive attitude, give them a firm handshake and above all be yourself.