How the fuck can linux software even compete?

How the fuck can linux software even compete?

Attached: Sumatra-PDF-120x120-300x300.png (300x300, 47K)

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By being free and open source

I never understood why people liked Sumatra. I know it's very minimal but you can't even have tabs of multiple PDFs in the same window so it's garbage

>you can't even have tabs of multiple PDFs in the same window
BOY have I got a SURPRISE for YOU

Enlighten me please. If you can, it's not by default

So is OP's pic.

>can't even have tabs of multiple PDFs in the same window
umm sweaty...........

Show proof

Yeah, linux don't have pdf readers. What a downer.

Attached: b688517a4b8ac14961df83cc53a440b316f4a66c5f41b2a8a595bc5e5243394b.png (701x720, 357K)

by using the thing it's based on


Attached: sumatra.png (509x737, 12K)

reminder pdf is not free software and you should not use it

Your point is?

>I never understood why people liked Linux. I know it's very minimal but you can't even have tabs of multiple Apps in the same window so it's garbage

Attached: file-explorer-tabs-2.jpg (1024x465, 39K)

I never said that. Don't put words in my mouth you faggot. I never said anything about using Linux but if your screenshot is supposed to show me how great winnigger 10 is, I'll stick to windows 7. Having multiple PDFs in one window is different than having unrelated application in the same window

Am I blind or is that buried in the settings? I just tend to use my browser as a PDF reader

My wife

Also this is unironically true. I have not found any high-dpi ready pdf readers for linux 6 months ago. Except browsers build-in pdf.js.

Am I blind or is that buried in the settings?
Nope, it's the default. It already shows as "UseTabs = true" under Advanced options

>Am I blind or is that buried in the settings?
oops, forgot the meme arrow.

try again sweaty

Attached: Capture.png (619x86, 10K)

Mild chuckle, nice one user

SumatraPDF was made to be run in wine. Also irfanview, foobar2k...

mupdf is god tier

Okular is the best PDF reader on any platform

Why is it called sumatra?

Except it is.
>There's no particular reasoning behind the name.

>not using Firefox to open pdf

>reminder pdf is not free software and you should not use it
Stop spreading lies.
First of all, PDF is not a software but a format.
It's an open open, free from royalties, defined by ISO 32000 and anyone can make a compatible software, under any license.

what does it have that zathura doesn't and why do I need it?

Attached: 2018-09-03_15:53:16.png (721x1059, 259K)

How come it didn't work for me then?

Maybe you got it from some extremely ancient repo? I have no idea, I've used it for many years over several systems and it's always had multiple tabs by default.

Seems like you're the only one with the problem.
Try the latest portable version and let us know whether it works or not.

Check font rendering differences in same pdf in ocular and chrome.

Attached: Screenshot_20180903_165943.png (3068x2134, 309K)

Okular is a horrendous piece of shit and I say that as a kdefag.
Qpdfview or whatever its called is far better, but I still dislike how you can't select/highlight text like on atril

And before anyone starts shilling it mupdf also sucks due to using unreadable serif fonts by default for epub and not supporting dual page view,and that horrendous light grey background in full screen.

What I end up doing is calibre with amber text on black background with three reflowed columns of text to fit the abomination that is 16:9 wide screen

Neat feature but i don't really get why you want something like this? It's like a second Taskbar. Can it be used like some Project in an IDE? Like, you open the instance and you have all the right tools in the project open. Also what's the point for that feature if you have multiple Desktops?

you've never even read the mupdf man page

youre a dumbdumb

Update to the latest Version

Attached: mpvshot0001.png (710x569, 717K)

best manga reader
vertical scroll

Attached: erer.png (891x861, 461K)

loonix btfo!

How come winniggers have such low IQs?

Sumatra cannot edit PDF files with form data. Evince, the default PDF reader for Ubuntu, can.


Attached: a.png (888x376, 70K)

where's your good font rendering?

You can see it in chromium. Just because a single application has trouble, it doesn't mean it is fucked everywhere. On windows, every font looks like ass. No wonder you're brain damaged lmao

so loonix has the same font rendering retardation as winderps :^)

>can't open 2 files side by side

it is well known chrome bug

Works on my machine.

Attached: tabs.png (1920x1080, 480K)

Can it even fill it PDF forms yet? Either way, Okular kills it.


I think it can, but I never have PDF forms to fill to confirm.


Are your hands sweaty from Mom's spaghetti?

Attached: 1535994487496.jpg (960x936, 42K)

it can't because communism always fails after lingering for decades in a human gutter state

How do you pronounce sumatra

lmao just use evince

but I don't live in Sumatra.

mupdf is nearly as good

It's more bloated.

use Chrome as pdf reader
problem solved

By having a web browser which can do the same thing and much more.

>sumatra pdf uses mupdf
>somehow mupdf is more bloated than a software written on top of it

with MuPDF, you do know sumatraPDF is based on MuPDF?