A man in the UK got jailed for failing to hand over his Facebook password...
A man in the UK got jailed for failing to hand over his Facebook password
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I don't have a facebook
>"What you have done is obstructed the investigation, and a very serious investigation indeed. It has caused a very significant delay," Judge Parker said.
>"It means that the task of police investigating the murder of Lucy McHugh is that much more difficult."
This. I also don't live in bongland.
Link for story?
Britbongs cuUKed again!
>airbrushed to fuck
British women are fucking gross.
Who semon demon
I'm surprised MI6 couldn't just ask NSA for it. Or was this just obedience training for the sheeple?
she looks pretty cute to me desu senpai
>>"It means that the task of police investigating the murder of Lucy McHugh is that much more difficult."
Isn't that like, their job?
>a facebook
>there is more than one
Police don't like being put to work.
I always wonder at what point the Brits will go MAXIMUM RETARD and start jailing people for failing to disclose where they dumped the murder weapon or some shit.
>just british things
...............................every country can impose penalties for obstruction.
found the bongcucks
A large majority of countries also have things that prevent self incrimination.
>implying Murica is opressive
fuck out of here commie
Thanks. Interesting read
Nobody has the obligation to do the authorities job for them.
They want evidence, they can find it themselves. It's what they're paid for.
Britain has such laws.
This chucklefuck's mistake was cooperating with the police at all. He outright told them that he spoke to the girl who was murdered via Facebook on the day she was killed. That was grounds for them to demand his password. If he hadn't said a thing, he wouldn't be in prison right now.
Don't ever speak to the police if you're accused of wrongdoing. They are not your friends.
>Britain has such laws.
To an extent. RIPA proves that.
You're conflating two completely different things. Police can only demand your passwords if they already have other evidence, which they can gather via subjectively underhand means. Ultimately, you have to give them that evidence in the first place through your actions. If the police are starting from a point of having absolutely nothing to go on except suspicion, complete stonewalling and not having left a trail to be followed is a viable defence. If you're lazy/dumb and leave a thread for them to pull on, that's your fault.
obviously shorthand for "a facebook account" you absolute autistic brainlet
I wish I was a bong, but sadly I'm an amerimutt
>brainlet calls someone else a brainlet
couldn't they just ask facebook? it is not like anything there is encrypted.
Facebook are refusing because they value privacy.
>Police can only demand your passwords if they already have other evidence
Not true. Police can demand passwords whenever. Welcome to the Police State the dumbass bongs created for themselves.
I'm glad I don't live in Bongland. Any government that considers banning encryption for all citizens is borderline Orwellian.
Could be worse desu
>bongland is orwellian
>burgerland has a president who unironically espouses alternative facts and genuinely considers reliable journalism to be a bad thing
Daily reminder :^)
>considers reliable journalism to be a bad thing
>CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and other legacy media outlets
>reliable journalism
>disliking fox news
Top left ain't too bad. Atleast his eyes arent an inch too far apart. The rest are fucked.
Isn't that a violation of terms of service?
Could the British government be sued for misuse of passwords? How many passwords—maybe the thousands of passwords—it's taken by legal requirement. Is a class-action lawsuit possible? Million for lawyers?
I guess Facebook isn't that secure and the British government might be contributing to it's fall in share prices.
Why is the British government impeding an American corporation? and would this contribute to any problems with bilateral trade deals between post-Brexit Britain and the Trump Presidency.
Further, what's the German, Irish, and Argentine policies regarding passwords? Are these countries freer?
The UK is fucked soooo hard right now.
>I guess Facebook isn't that secure
Uhh, wgat? Wouldn't this mean that Facebook is secure? If it wasn't, wouldn't they just hack into his account?
>implying other western countries aren't
Muslim overtake can't come soon enough.
>implying that eastern countries aren't
i refuse to believe the middle ones are real
Alcohol during pregnancy
the UK is the worst place to live on the planet. What else is new?
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Dem potato faces
Bottom right is cute though
The British don't count as European desu so those anglo Kobolds in that picture shouldn't be taken as representative of the rest of Europe.
Then why don't Russians look half as bad as that?
because Russians look 10 times worse
Ayy lmao
>Muslim overtake can't come soon enough.
>muslims take over
>kill you
Soon you'll be jailed in the UK for abstain from social media.
Because russian women don't actually drink that much, or at least they didn't drink that much before.
You best be joking groid
If you know the symptoms of FAS you will see FASes everywhere in russia
Don't confuse the asiatic mongs with FAS.
Oi, m8! where's your f b LOICENCE