Give me one good reason this isn't the best country in the world. And if it's now, what is?

Give me one good reason this isn't the best country in the world. And if it's now, what is?

Attached: swis.jpg (580x343, 35K)

Their stuff is pretty expensive.

Keeps bad elements out, no?

no sea

Important because?

hello, midwesterner.

Yes, but I hate the midwest.

We're even prouder on our country than Americans


Horrible language and culture close to disgusting south german and austrian cultures instead of glorious prussian culture.

They became to lenient on banking secrecy laws

Entire country is inhabitable mountains and a lake.

>glorious prussian culture
you mean the prussian culture that doesn't exist anymore?

wew, this is going to be good

The eastern part is gone, but the rest is doing fine, as is the culture.

Attached: 707px-Map-DR-Prussia.svg.png (707x600, 127K)


Attached: german-girls.jpg (630x354, 100K)

I see absolutely nothing wrong with this.

Is this a joke?

Your Prussian "successors" (even though they did not success), are stopping to carry on their culture. Instead, they start importing others, with the goal of diversification. Instead of being proud of who you were before Hitlers plans failed and fucked up your country definitely, your people distance themselves from it in the fear of being called a nationalist, right-winger or conservative. The left-wing parties are sympathizing with extreme left-wingers (Antifa). There were "Rock gegen Rechts" concerts where bands played songs with the lyrics "Deutschland ist scheiße, Deutschland ist Dreck!
Gib mir ein "like" gegen Deutschland"
("Germany is shit, Germany is dirt!
Give me a "like" against Germany!").
And now you wanna tell me your Prussian culture is still alive and well?

Wow, almost like boards that aren't Jow Forums joke around and don't take life seriously.

israel is better

I'm trying to figure out what you mean? Are you saying he was joking?

>give me one good reason
It's not Liechtenstein where you can leave your door unlocked, where the Princely House funds itself, where every little county has a large degree of autonomy & the right to secede, where direct democracy is successfully practiced, where the Prince has the right of veto in order to prevent a possible tyranny of the majority, where the people can kick the Prince out of office if they're not satisfied with him AND where the Prince is a fucking based political scientist and one of the wealthiest European monarchs!

hmm I need to read up pm Liechtenstein

The Swiss are a good second choice.
I recommend you order this book: The State in the Third Millennium. The current Prince Hans-Adam II outlines his vision of the state there.

We should invade them.
Oops wait we did that already.

Attached: 1530478641553.gif (600x313, 860K)

Oh yeah, your military unit accidentally crossed the border :D

First time I agree with a burger

Sit down germ

I'm not joking, I don't see the problem with granting asylum to people fleeing from war and persecution.
Especially US-Americans should understand that, considering how your nation came to be and became as great as it once was.

>being this naive
I don't even know what to say.

most arent from Syria. And the war is about over, so they can fuck off back home now. And they pass through many peaceful countries on the way to g*rmany. They just want gibsmedats and fickificki.

>when you care more about Germany than Germans do
Why are things like this? Make is stop.

they don't have boy peepee statues

There is litteraly none
Switzerland is the ideal earth demo

politically and economically it sounds like paradise, but I've heard their culture is obsessed with rules

also it's landlocked


these people are the best machinist on earth.

Swissland is where the evil people hide their money and have their secret underground bases all the country steals money from the rest of the earth and they don't pay taxes why do you think they are all so rich its a big scam unearned wealth because of luck.

Attached: Switzerland-Billionaires-life.jpg (600x337, 71K)

We're the secret society which controls the earth

Attached: Average_Swiss_Commuter.jpg (700x413, 33K)

Prove it?

if you were you would never say it.

Yeah, this is what I'm thinking. If it's not the obvious people it might be a combination of the Swiss, Vatican, UK and US though.

He can't because it's not fucking true. We are wealthy because we had luck during both world wars and received a neutral status in most conflicts. Banking during different crises helped a lot too.
He's just a retard who wants to act like the world belongs to Switzerland, we're actually pretty average.

lmao @ u

sure niggy

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Now I'm just getting paranoid.

Attached: swiss_control.png (2048x1420, 1.68M)

don't say the world in control of the swiss wouldn't be awesome

finland is better desu but switzerland is second best country

italians live there