To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to use Arch Linux. The configuration is extremely difficult...

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to use Arch Linux. The configuration is extremely difficult, and without a solid grasp of theoretical computer science most of the options will go over a typical user's head. There's also Arch's minimalist look, which is deeply coded into its design - its collective philosophy draws heavily from Donald Judd artstyle, for instance. The Archfags understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this OS, to realize that it's not just stripped down- it says something deep about COMPUTERS. As a consequence people who dislike Arch truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the wisdom in Arch's Motto "Keep it simple," which itself is a cryptic reference to Eric Raymond's epic Jargon File. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Judd Vinet's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have an Arch linux tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

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Or you could just like a particular distro without being an eternal shitlord about it.

hello fellow redit intellectual
are you excited about next Rick and Morty season?
I am!
can't wait to increase my intelligence by 100 more points!

gentoo is the distro of brainlets
btw i use arch

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>steps on your 5 hour installation

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It takes 45 minutes and thats including the downloading/installing base group. Well, if you have halfway decent internet, which I don't have most of the time.


Arch is for kids who can't into Gentoo.
Install Gentoo.

install gentoo

Attached: gentoopope.jpg (540x393, 13K)

Do you have a very free schedule?

>It takes 45 minutes
more like 10

did you know i use arch linux?

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What a slim Arch user - I don't know how he keeps such a toned frame.

You can use the same copypasta for any distro desu.

>You have to have a very high iq to use arch linux
Lol arch? fckn brainlet

Attached: Install_gentoo.jpg (640x450, 177K)

>mfw plebians will never know the joy of spending their entire day fixing one 'pacman -Syu'

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>5 hour installation
installing arch does not take more than 30 minutes and that's if you are a complete retard

I fix by installing a non-shit distro

it takes me like 15 minutes

I'll also have you know that a thot mired me today as I used the Arch live disk to clear her forgotten Windows 10 password with chntpw.

problem with arch and not only, is that it's lack any kind of friendly installed. peoples want guided setups, and is normal, not everyone is a tech person.

there are a lot of peoples who use ubuntu just because the CAN install it. I think Ubuntu is not best tier linux distro to be honest, but is popular just because is easy to install.

>archfags use a slim minimalist distro to compensate for their rotund bloated body

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do like me and install arch linux
look at the wiki arch is pro haxxor stuff

Attached: arch wiki.png (1682x2684, 292K)

I don't even use Ubuntu or Windows, just software that runs on it :-)

based and redpilled

This is a bad meme and you should just kys now desu senpai

fucking dying over here

Op that's some legendary pasta. You can compile my kernel anytime

Or you know.. keep backups like a normal human