Hard pill to swallow

Programming is for autistic shut-ins who pursue that """career""" because it's the only thing these stick-armed and/or morbidly obese fucks are any good at.

Meanwhile I've been busy doing weights, going to the gym and eating healthy and I can lift 4x my own weight, so I don't have time to deal with petty careers like that.

Trust me, when a solar flare inevitably hits the earth and destroys all technology, you fuckers will be the first ones to die off, and only the strongest will survive.

Get fucked.

Attached: big-pill.jpg (1901x1753, 175K)

If it happens it happens. At least I'll have spent my time doing what I like

you know programmers can lift weights too, right?

"Trust me, when a solar flare inevitably hits the earth and destroys all technology, you fuckers will be the first ones to die off"
>implying we haven't prepared for this
I go live in the woods when this happens.

It is also a most excellent career for dyslectics.

>Meanwhile I've been busy doing weights, going to the gym and eating healthy and I can lift 4x my own weight
who cares a nigger will kill you with a gun anyway

>lifts weights
Yeah good luck with that, considering this is what they all look like, LMFAO

Attached: average archfag.jpg (1024x609, 465K)

>t. Guy couldn’t do fizzbuzz

this, and they complement each other quite nicely (rage while debugging shit, break pr, solve it after pump clears head)

thanks for the pasta

>can lift 4x my own weight

Absolute Bullshit.

Statistical facts about programmers and Linux users:
- Higher amount of virgins compared to normal people
- Higher amount of overweight people compared to normal people
- Higher amount of manchildren who still live at their parents at the age of 20+ compared to normal people
- Higher amount of autistic people compared to normal people
- Higher amount of just miserable and unhappy people compared to normal people
- Higher amount of sjw fags compared to normal people

>inb4 source
.. we all know it's true


int main(){
for(int i = 1; i

Maaaaybe on a didly lift, after lots of practice, at your peak, one rep of 4x body weight is fairly achievable.
However my personal bet is that OP can't get anywhere near that.

I started going to the gym while getting my degree. I lift and jog daily, and I should be making six figures in a few years, so get fucked with that generalization. You're right that there are an inordinate number of skinnyfats in this field, but that just makes it easier for me. To the teens reading: you are perceived as a higher value person if you're educated and also take care of yourself. Take a break from the computer every single day to workout and hang out with friends.

Attached: 1525928260153.jpg (635x622, 59K)

Our alien overlords that run us as a simulation won’t do that, and if they do you will fucking die too nigger.

>Meanwhile I've been busy doing weights, going to the gym and eating healthy and I can lift 4x my own weight, so I don't have time to deal with petty careers like that.
>Trust me, when a solar flare inevitably hits the earth and destroys all technology, you fuckers will be the first ones to die off, and only the strongest will survive.
Are you the accountant from yesterday?

Attached: 68966595.jpg (601x608, 58K)

>write C in C++

Joke's on you faggot. ill have killed myself long before that. enjoy your stoneage society.

>no source of any statistic

I agree though

Attached: ok.png (313x325, 94K)

Can confirm, am a smelly overweight skelleton virgin sjw autist who's probably going to kill himself in under a year

And I don't even know how to code, I only know how to write fizzbuzz in 6+ languages

are you that accountant fucker from yesterday?

My fucking sides are in orbit

Not even a tough pill to swallow.
I'm glad programming exists so I can work without the constrains of others but with their assistance.
I don't lift because I have no interest in maintaining any gains; it's 2018 and everyone should have a gun for self defense.

we all know this

Unfortunately you happen to be a retarded luddite who has no idea what is the potential effect of a solar flare.
Hint: There's no technology magically disappearing in any situation, only a few months repairing power grids and some years launching new communication satellites.

all you jack skellington looking wimps will be killed off by mr. chad and mr. nig before that happens

>Being a skelly without a gun

>implying mr. chad and mr.nig don't also have guns

Being buff is not an advantage in combat. In fact, it is a weakness. Your heaviness and force will be used against you when you meet someone trained to do so. Build dexterity, speed and nimbleness and pair it with strategic thinking if youwant to survive

>being a skelly in 2018

>he thinks he's healthy
How about you get your spine checked?
>people who are good at programming pursue programming career
Eh, so? What should they pursue, being a gym coach?

>seething over the fact that mr chad gets the ladies and you don't

because they need to work out if they want to have any chance of surviving and procreating

fucking kek, nice bait thread

>one rep of 4x body weight is fairly achievable
depending on your weight class, a 4x bodyweight deadlift would be close to the world record or even beat it.

Surviving? More like prolonging their healthy life and not becoming a man who couldn't walk without help.
Procreating? Ho-ho, it's because of people like YOU people who should not procreate (because they would be terrible parents) do so because society presses them for it. And then we see all the same shit with husband first working on three jobs for a few years and then leaving a mother alone because he's sick of her shit being unable to do anything in the house and getting a job.