But if you are a poor eastern European, you can go FUCK YOURSELF!!!

Fuck me, I was born in a place worse than Africa.

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Eastern Europeans are pretty well represented in tech, there's a shit ton of software companies there. Also like every tenth software guy in Western Europe seems to be Ukrainian.

But you can go fuck yourself if you're e.g. Kazakh, Tibetan or Kuril Ainu.

Wait what? Where can I get a grant for being latino?

the absolute fuck does that even mean

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You don't need to be latino though. Just "identify" as one.
Fucking kek. I'd maybe go for representing as a "cis woman", not even trans.

just tell them you identify as a woman and if they don't agree then say they're oppressing you

then when you turn up not wearing a dress and they question it just say they're the bigots for assuming your fashion gender or something

Dude where have you been for the last 4 years

wait a minute. so you're saying that I as a white man can "identify" as a minority and have a better shot at a grant?

Identify as gender nonbinary wtf are they going to do about it

means u gay, faggot.

Literally this.

I try not to learn too much about this, genderqueer doesn't even make sense

>People who identify as women (cis or trans)
Can't you just say Women (cis or trans)?

cant wait till all these companies go bankrupt from hiring niggers and mentally ill faggots

Just say you're one of them gender liquid people. If they try to call you out on your bullshit say you're being opressed and call them faschists.


>identify as black
that is literally being racist
the world is fucked up beyond repair

you first mistake is that you went to usa

you second mistake is that you thought you will have equality

A pansectual genderfluid cancerfluid racefluid africanoid dragonborn half-woman-half-boy Bulgarian here. It is impossible for you to prove that I am not "pansectual genderfluid cancerfluid racefluid africanoid dragonborn half-woman-half-boy " thus I am eligible for all of these criteria. When you play with leftied, play on their terms and their games, then when you gain their trust get your dagger out and backstab them. They are not human anyway.

Don't worry user! You don't need to actually be any of those things, you just need to pretend you are. Write "genderqueer" on the application and you're done. That word doesn't even fucking mean anything so they can't exactly call you out on it.

>tfw hapa
>tfw can get away with saying i am a pacific islander or latino.

Mate I identify as an Abbo, where do I get me dollarydoos?

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Latinx,
is in fact, POO/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, POO plus Latinx.

Just say you identify as nonbinary. Easy as shit.


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Does being brazilian count as latino? Where can I sign?

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It's envy OP.
The nu-Westerner is mad at the Slavs because the Westcucks are now in a societal position where they have to bow down every time a black person passes them by, get their dicks cut at birth to pay respects to their Jewish masters, suffer from white guilt, and get called worthless incels by their own women now.
Slavs don't have these problems. Now the nu-Westerners are the subhumans, they literally bow down to blacks, kowtow to them. It's fucking hilarious.

>Slavs don't have these problems
Slavs literally bown down to Westerners, though. You wouldn't believe how West-obsessed these people are

To old Westerners who were worth a damn. You have nothing to do with the old Westerners who conquered and built though.
You are the nu-Westerner generation now. You are all cucks. We strip you of your money, we rig your elections, we piss on your governments and economy, we laugh at how cucked you are now, and you do nothing because good goyim westcucks are supposed to suck it up out of white guilt. You even beg for us to come back in software fields after you have tried yourself with Poojeets and suffered at the hands of them.

Anyone actually done this insteaf of larp about it?

What the fuck is cis and genderqueer

cis = normal person
anything else = mentally challenged individuals

are you me? I have the same thoughs. Let me guess you would also like to live in poland, russia or norway like I want.

both words used exclusively by those who need extra validation and aren't afraid to kick, scream, and generally be a massive nuisance to get it.

it's written there: CIS women
Russia, Belarus and Moldova are in CIS.

CIS = Community of Independent States
genderqueer = OP

That won’t really change much, they’ll just blame the patriarchy or something using mental gymnastics.



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yeah but it wont matter as soon they are worth nothing.

They are obsessed with an idea of the west that no longer really exists, and they seem to be aware of this, which is why the only thing keeping some of them in the EU is the gibs. Drop a random guy from Łódź in Paris, London, or San Francisco and he'll probably be disgusted unless he only stays around other plumbers.

OP here, this is in europe

It's someone that will get offended if you get his gender wrong, but it changes it constantly and expect you to have psychic powers.

Just identify as pacific islander or something.

>the absolute state of the western world
Sharia law can't come soon enough