Why doesn't it exist an open source image viewer for Windows?

Why doesn't it exist an open source image viewer for Windows?

Attached: MV5BMjEwMjM0MDc5NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjgzNDEwMDI@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,699,1000_AL_.jpg (699x1000, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=open source image viewer

Why does it exist?

OP is Indian

You got the wrong question, the real question is why Windows isn't open source?
Also this:

reactos.org/ :^)

If you're too stupid to make one yourself in Linux, then you probably shouldn't be using it.


lmgtfy.com/?q=open source image viewer

ImageGlass (GPL)


>the real question is why Windows isn't open source?
No, the real question is why nobody in their right mind will use Linux even though it's free.

because it has one that works better than anything in gahnoo slash linox

Because its shit.

Attached: .jpg (306x260, 21K)

Because Microsoft doesn't want you to know every image you look at gets reported to the NSA.

Too lazy to learn anything new. You know the saying "can't teach an old dog new tricks"? It's like that, but it starts from when they're born.

Looks like a trap

Sexy Poojeeta!

does this work? personally I like the look but JPGView is way more functional

She's not

Every OS is shit piled on top of more shit. Linux is the least shit.

There are more than enough FOSS image viewers for Windows with pre-compiled binaries. And if they don't offer Windows pre-builds, then just take the source code and compile it yourself.

What's the point of using open source software if you're using Windows?

nomacs is nice ... it only has the most retarded name ever.

I can't go back to windows or to macOS now
I'm too deep into linux