Worst Balkan country?

Worst Balkan country?

(We all know it's Serbia, to be honest.)

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i feel bad for Bosnia

Same. I don't really like the idea of Serbs in Bosnia getting independence. We're all basically Slavs.

but what else can you do?

I can't think of anything worse than Albania


Blow it out of your cunt Burgerland


why don't serbs in bosnia go to serbia?

So Serbia has a reason to attack Bosnia when World War III breaks out and no one cares what happens in the Balkans.

What slavs think of Russians? Do they really think that we are not slavs?

I feel like you're second generations Slavs.

Fuck is it bad?

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I don't like first generation Slavs, and because you're second generation Slavs, I like you more.
You're still Slavs though, why be proud of it?

Why not?

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definitely serbia

It's like if you asked a guy in California to leave his home so a Mexican can go and live there.
Well, Serbia has Kosovo to deal with, so that's not gonna happen. And I know. It's mostly that Mid Asia situation. A bunch of countries nobody cares about.
Russians are slavs. There's no second gen or third gen. We're all first gen, but we just split into East, West and South.


Romania, any doubt

Never had any good connections to people from the Balkans. I had good acquaintances from Romania, Brazil, Turkey (!), Germany, Portugal, Spain etc. but whenever I've met an Albanian, Serb, Russian they were not really friendly. I know a lot Albanians, and they don't really integrate but rather segregate and only hang out with other Albanians. In Highschool we always had "gangs" of Albanians and whenever you've got problems with them, they reacted extremely aggressive.

Albanians and Serbs form a loud minority that are usually extremist nationalists that think their country is the best in the world and if anyone disagrees, they're, in the case of Serbs, a Slav hating Westerner or a NATO asskisser or, in the case of Albanians, a Russian, a Serb or a dumb fuck that should bow down to ''Illyrians''. I sometimes feel ashamed to have the flag of Serbia above my posts, because some posters from my country are batshit insane and ruin the reputation for the rest of us.

try beating my shithole

Its deffinitely Bośnia

Greece just needs to overthrow their government and the country will stop being shit. Well, most Balkan countries need to do that.

You're were at least civilized enough to get into EU.
But now I think they should've never let you in.

To be honest, the EU is a trap for poor countries to get into. Yeah, you get promised money, but you lose control over your country and all you can do is sit and watch as your country with at least normal laws turns into a radical leftist fuckfest.

Atleast it would be if Ukr*ine didnt exist

>It's like if you asked a guy in California to leave his home so a Mexican can go and live there
Hmm. I think I know what you mean. But serbs literally have a country named after them.

>civilized enough
user, I...

>overthrow our government
good fucking luck with that

Even me?

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Yeah, I know. But following that mentality, Albanians should leave Kosovo and crawl back where they came from since Albanians have Albania.

You're nice, but just an internet acquaintance. I've met Russians before. At least you're able to integrate into our country because you're not building up groups with other Russians.

Where did I say "we"?

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This is why we're going nowhere. Our people are probably the 2nd most cynical people only beaten by the Brits. I'm sure that if a majority of people formed a group to protest against corrupt assholes, we could win.

now you can't prove i'm retarded ;)

sure niggy?

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I'm clearly out of my element here, I'm just going to exit the conversation. lol

Lol, it's fine, man. I'm not trying to disprove you or anything. I'm just trying to have a convo.

delet this

I know, I didn't mean to sound argumentative. I'm literally ignorant on the subject, so for you to explain things to me, it will just go over my head. I figured leaving the conversation is better than me talking out of place about things I have no idea about.

As I said, it's alright.

t. gypsy

worst balkan country is bosnia
prove me wrong

t. actual gipsy

We have more than half of a million of romanians in Spain and I can tell that romanians here are way worse than north-africans like moroccans
