Hahahahaha. One step closer to ridding the internet of the EU. B-but muh net neutrality. European Union is a good thing...

Hahahahaha. One step closer to ridding the internet of the EU. B-but muh net neutrality. European Union is a good thing, because they hate drumpf! Why do you let your leaders sensor your internet? Technology is not meant to be sensored. Comics are not something illegal like child porn.

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Other urls found in this thread:


if at all the reduction of euroshitters fucking up all of the boards across my 4chins is a yuge plus.

>Technology is not meant to be sensored.
Indeed, stealth tech is best tech.

The third panel is about holocaust denial (see ). I don't know about Germany, but in Austria holocaust denial is against the law, making this comic indeed illegal.

kekus maximus
>my sides

Phone posting, Swiftkey thinks censored isn't a word for whatever reason. Doesn't matter, way to ignore the issue, probably because you're European.


Doesn't matter, it's censorship.

>Doesn't matter, it's censorship.
The same way not being allowed to post cp is censorship in the US.

>hurfdurfdurf EU bad mkay durfdurf
This is germany being germany, which it has been since before the first world war. Nothing's changed.

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Yeah, I guess sexually abusing or exploiting children and taking pictures of them to them post them online is the exact same thing as saying something stupid.

>No link
Fake and gay.

This comic in literally illegal in my country (France).

Both things are illegal (at least where I live). That's the point. Discussing whether something should be outlawed or not is a different story.

article 13
we voted to leave the EU for a reason. It's a fucking dictatorship. Big government is NEVER good.

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I agree but OP is still a sensation-spouting turbofaggot.

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>we voted to leave the EU for a reason. It's a fucking dictatorship. Big government is NEVER good.
And you'll go to jail if you question open borders on facebook.
So much better.

Springer is the media law in germany they are gonna get fucked so hard just like spain did and it will be laughable

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this has nothing to do with article 13 or the EU, the picture is banned in Germany because holocaust denial is banned in Germany

>holocaust denial is banned in Germany
It's not "banned", it's illegal. It's a crime.

>Brit talking about 'big government'
>he's referring to the EU

British + Animeposter sure is a great retard mix

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Why are Germans so retarded and hate free speech?

Never trust the eternal kraut.

>they are gonna get fucked so hard just like spain did and it will be laughable
What happened to the Pacos?

Ah, yes, typical "provocation against some people group is OK" argument.
When was the last time you publicly talked against a group of people?
Tell me, how did that went?

I am for free internet, unfortunately it became public domain.
That's why I use TOR to express my controversial opinions.

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Jesus fuck, thank God I'm not British.
I'll never go there either, not sure I could spend an entire vacation without telling a comment that would land me in jail, or at least evicted from the country.

>saying something stupid is literally illegal
The ABSOLUTE state of the EU.

Do yew hav e loicense for posting?

Holocaust denial is illegal in several countries. Its a rediculous form of censorship.

This was a national law long before the EU existed or we entered it. In fact it was created right after we got our sovereignty again.
You can't just make a hard cut between being part of Hitler Germany and starting anew as a republic. This law was and is meant to prevent national socialism from gaining traction again.

>germany LITERALLY needs censorship to stop the nahtzees from taking over

>confusing EU law with German anti-Holocaust reference laws
the ABSOLUTE state of the retarded OP

The UK is going to be a dictatorship regardless of its in the EU or not. Brits actively promote getting rid of all freedom in their own country, only reason people are mad is because its the EU doing it, if the UK government itself did the same stuff they'd keep electing the same people over and over again.

>Germany needs fascism to stop fascism.

if you want to have something of equivalent level:
as a citizen of the US of A, please go on twitter and openly call for a boycot on israeli goods.
see how long it takes for the party van to arrive

the communists did this
it's a safty net for when they find out jews havent been gassed

fascism = communism
same shit

jews murderd in gas chambers or not, doesnt matter so much because the way things were done in germany wasnt good, war, ideology, hating on just one specific race

germany snapped because of what they had to endure in world war 1 and after it

I'm not talking about Germany. And yes, if you lost your sovereignty and I don't know how many of your citizens lives because of Nazis, you might as well do anything to prevent it from rising again.

if you ask me, they shouldn't outlaw holocaust denial
they should instead educate people why fascism and communism is bad
problem solved

nigger you have a government that takes your fucking kitchen knives away.
fuck off, you're just as bad as the rest of the shithole continent.
I'd literally rather live in Africa

Really makes you think how being a denier is illegal. It's like they are trying to cover up something

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first, it's used for memes and copyright
then it's used for everything you say that is against the doctrine of the government
welcome to the new world
it sucks

celebrating lenin and stalin on the other hand with lots of soldiers marching on an official celebration day = no problem

what makes it from a spiritual standpoint worse,is that cult around hitler, people loved him a bit too much, he was still a war monger and not really a christ, more like the antichrist, and that's why it damages your soul if you celebrate him

on the other hand, everyone knows that lenin and stalin were evil assholes

don't follow people who force things on you

follow the example of people like Gandhi
for your spirit and the overall outcome of humanity, it's better

>following an insane man who's trigger happy with nukes over slightest conflict

Gandhi knows the only way to ensure a free and just society is with the ever present threat of MAD
or sometimes pre-emptive AD

Kek, but Freeciv doesn't have this problem

how are freeciv and 0AD anyway?
I keep meaning to install them but I always forget