Why are hackers interested in garbage topics?

why are hackers interested in garbage topics?

Attached: hn-logo-dribbble-shot[1].png (800x600, 5K)


HN is fine. Is basically Jow Forums for employed people.

I have found them quite partial to clickbait in the form of big fancy pretentious titles/blogs that ultimately talk about very little other than pretentious musings about bullshit "in the year 2018". They also very much like anything written in go. If you build something in go, and then make a pretentious long blog about what you built in go, they flock to it like all the fruitflies in my house

Clean your house mate.

Interesting topics but the posters are so pretentious and humourless.

you used the word pretentious three times in as many sentences

It's where the smartest dumb people of the Internet hang out.

whats your point

this is a website for startup investors, not computer scientists

I can waste 1-2 hours at work reading the top posts of the day on HN

If what passes for humor on this site anymore is the benchmark then that's probably a point in their favor.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-09-15 15-47-31.png (1525x800, 478K)

I'm looking at the front page right now
what is the problem?
what should be there instead?

every HN comment is "I apologize but I have to be radically honest here"

Are you referring to Ycombinator[0]

[0]news.ycombinator. com/

I'm employed :(

Here's how to hackernews:

- subscribe to the rss feed
- read the articles you like
- don't read the comments

I'm not sure, it was funny and you sounded a bit stupid so I thought I'd mention it

This is now a HN LARP thread
>(posted Dec 31 at 11:47 pm)
>"My New Years resolutions as a React Native developer working remotely at CremePi (YC W15)"
>(current time Jan 1 12:04am) Uhh can we get a (2017) on the title?

>I apologize but I have to be radically honest here: $stuff_everybody_agrees_to

Nope. Here's how to actually use it:
Subscribe to hackernewsletter, get a weekly newsletter every friday, and enjoy your weekend. Don't visit it during the week. Save a lot of time.

They usually get mad about the blog post tho
And this


That's the reason why most internet discussion sites like reddit are flawed. People don't post opinions; they post upvote bait.

anonymous sites are flawed too
they're overrun by right wingers



Attached: 1517608374041.png (916x910, 47K)

Attached: hello reddit.jpg (1508x1493, 437K)

> hackers

Nowadays, HN is full of "idea" guys that are trying to emulate Paul Graham. It's shit.

This. I scan HN and send all the articles I want to read to Instapaper so I can read them in bed on my tablet.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at 2.32.38 PM.png (972x114, 23K)

That's because most sites will ban anyone who has an opinion even remotely right-leaning or libertarian.

Good. Libertarians are brainlets.

The waste disposal industry is ripe for disruption.