Gui programming

Is there a gui library that doesn't suck? Most are convoluted bags of shit. I just want to make a simple gui and not spend my life learning a new gui language.

Attached: q.jpg (1000x716, 216K)

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qt5 is your best bet. if you can't make guis using it, just give up

>simple gui programming
Pick one. The only thing qt has is cross platform-ness.

the best thing i found was a simple webview + some html and css on it, binaries weight less tham 500kb and its easy to program

Can you elaborate?

If you just want to make a quick and basic GUI then C#'s winforms + visual studio is pretty nice.

M$ still has the best native gui dev tools. What do if linux tho?
This I suppose.

Attached: horrified.jpg (504x378, 60K)

Swing is pretty decent but starts to suck when you want components a certain size on all platforms.

GTK I guess
Sucks, but others aren't any better either.

Not really. Which is why most modern solutions just use HTML. If you want to make a basic GUI program that will run on Windows and Linux just use Electron.

>using JS clusterfuck to make a "simple" gui
The absolute state of current guis.


write a website for your application, simple as.


NWjs or Electron are your real options.

Also, JavaScript rocks!

It was made literally for people like you.

All of them are trash. Might as well use a common one like QT or GTK, or use the native toolkits for Windows/MacOS.


electron sucks. uses hundred gigs of ram for small app

Make everything using draw rectangle function


QT (GTK sucks dicks)

WPF is nice, however it is MS shit if that bothers you. I believe there is a cross platform MVVM framework for .net core that is like WCF but third party open source, can't remember the name sorry.


cross platform is important

nah, gtk is awful

This, unfortunately.

qt is fucking garbage and nightmare to write,
still the winforms c# are sadly the best, easy point and click, actions, normal debuging,
webview is I think the future.

Attached: z-xlsA36maLyNLu12Qg1e1-tYS7XW6agxaJqm3vHqUo.jpg (640x637, 81K)

most big languages ide's like Java or C# gui builders are great and just werks ™
use it or make an electron memeapp

qt is meme under thumb of pajeet. real niggaz make shitty GTK+ programs to troll Jow Forums :-)

FLTK, checkitout

try this:
looks neat, but will take a bit to set up

Attached: 34565432.png (640x186, 34K)

>Is there a gui library that doesn't suck?
Yes, the web.


Pretty much only UIKit for iOS and webview for everything else. Theres a reason electron exists

It's a GUI for debugging.

It can get little bit slow and your code will be messy. But it is definitely one of the easiest options

>Yes, the web.
this but unironically
Seriously though, fuck M$ for killing off VB6.

Based and redpilled.
Easier than Qt.

i find IUP easy to learn, you can program in c, c++ or lua, and it uses native widgets, so on windows it will look like a native application, and on linux it wil use gtk (2 or 3) or motif, a cocoa port for mac is on the works

qt is easy as fuck

ImGui::Text("Hello, world %d", 123);
if (ImGui::Button("Save"))
// do stuff
ImGui::InputText("string", buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf));
ImGui::SliderFloat("float", &f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

I don't get it. Does 'Button(...)' somehow create a thread so that one thread continues ahead beyond 'if' and the other blocks on it until the button triggers? But then I don't see how it would not continue beyond the 'if'. Or is it all wrapped with some preprocessor?

for what language?

in C or c++ they have alot off documentation and are easy to use.

>not insanely easy
fuck webdevs are dumb