The old one died.
Feel free to rate me.
Desktop Thread
Which GUN is better to start with?
GUN? I am relatively new to Linux.
Always so easy to tell who actually doesn't use their terminal very often.
Nigga it really doesn't matter. Stop perpetuating the unix mindset of everything the user does must be done via cli. Part of what makes gnu/linux great is that it allows the user multiple workflows for achieving the task that they want to achieve using a computer.
Just start with Debian or Arch
then after a month realize that they both aren't that great and install gentoo.
What DE is this?
>Stop perpetuating the unix mindset of everything the user does must be done via cli
AKSHUALLY, the Unix philosophy is based around doing one thing and doing it well. It has nothing to do with text vs graphical tools. Just stop posting any time, thanks.
Are there any minimal browsers I can use Jow Forums/Lainchan on? Tired of fucking with Mozillashit on my laptop considering I could get by with rading most of my programming documentation in Links and I don't do much else.
You could use qtchan, but as far as I know it only supports Jow Forums and maybe one or two other popular chans.
Gimme a r8
Great desktop. I recommend NetSurf but it doesn't work with JS. You can post on Jow Forums if you have a pass, though the catalog doesn't work. Other sites like 8ch work fine since the catalog and captcha don't require JS. I don't go on Lainchan so I'm not sure about that one.
I know exactly what that dockapp is. Based.
I should try Netsurf again. Last I tried, it memory leaked like fucking crazy and killed my PC but I know it's the super duper suckless browser.
I just use qutebrowser. It's not *that* minimal honestly, but it's decent enough by comparison to most of the modern web browsers. The biggest reason to use it is for the fantastic vim keybindings, though.
>tfw emacsfag
Old habits die hard.
Who /comfy/ here?
I want to have a desktop thats as uncomfortable as I am
very kool klossy
I bet you use a tiling autism manager.
Don't mock me please
this looks really beautiful, how do I make my desktop look like that?
I've been trying to get things working but I'm just lost, could you point me to resources please? I'd be really thankful.
Just hide the panel, put a date widget in one of the corners and change the terminal to your liking ?
I'm sorry, I'm just really new to linux, I installed mint 19 (xfce) yesterday and I don't even know where to do what you told me.
I am not too familiar with xfce but it should be able to hide the panel. I am pretty sure there are wikis for xfce and mint. So you can basically remove anything from the desktop and start adding stuff. CPU usage and clocks/dates can be added with widgets. Some come preinstalled, some can be downloaded through the desktop environment and some can be grabbed from the other places. I am not too sure about console designs because I hardly tinkered with that one but I guess the same applies here. Maybe someone who uses xfce can help more.
Thank a lot, I'll try working my way there, and not fuck everything up in the process.
i really dislike that sidebar
dwm, it's written right there.
Why ? I only recently switched from bottom panel to the sidebar. Works pretty good even with scrolling
I don't think that anything is really upfuckable.
I already managed to fuck up my windows install so I'm scared, I accidentally deleted the bios boot partition so now I'd rather not touch anything I'm not familiar with.
So many virgins here
But Windows can easily be broken. Worst case in Linux is just reinstall the OS and 30 minutes later it's good as new.
W3m works for Jow Forums if you have a Pass.
Yeah but I have lots of shit on my windows partition that I need for work, and I need to fix it asap. Would you have any idea of how to fix that shit?
As opposed to what?
AHAHAHAH WTF??? You're not even fit u fucking twig
Is Linux installed on a separate disk ? If Windows is on NTFS you can just copy the files from Windows to Linux and reinstall Windows.
its ugly but it's mine
No, I only have one disk on which I created an empty space to install linux on, at some point I booted up windows and installed an app (easyBCD) to make it so that on boot up, my computer would automatically ask whether I wanted to start linux or windows, and like an idiot, I deleted the windows path. My windows install is still here, I just don't know which folder/file windows uses on boot, if I knew that, I could probably fix the install.
Thank you for trying so far, I really appreciate it.
You might wanna ask in the "stupid question thread". That usually helps. I am not too sure I understood your setup.
That's Antergos, right ?
unity 4 life
No, it's Arch. Why you ask? Does Antergos show as "Arch Linux" in screenfetch?
Yes, sometimes it does. Was just curious
Oh, that I did not know.
Are you a virgin
>feel free to rate me
no thats what im supposed to say
What browser is that? Or do you have an html viewer that isn't a browser?
>be me
>drunk programming sunday morning
>work on file manager
>motif toolkit is a bitch
>docs suck ass lol didn't read
>compile file manager get errors don't care
>run it anyways
>it won't show files
>half the buttons are missing
>probably missed a squiggly cunts somewhere in the source
it is a browser, it's called luakit
My problem is that I deleted my windows 10 entry with easyBCD and I don't know how to get it back.
Oh I should have been able to tell that from your bar.
Thanks though, looks interesting.
post fetch?
Why is a dangerous word
Just answer it you intellectually masturbator
Using memejaro.
Might as well be using mint.
>please don't mock me
>still mocks me
I thought we were friends ?
based and redpilled
based and redpilled
sed s/gentoo/leap/g
best in thread so far. i've never felt so comfy just by seeing a scrot[spoiler]um[/spoiler]
it really is the best, though
Thanks. Install Q4OS.
Good morning \G\ ~
Hope you are all having the nice day :)
Did you debloat the kernel you virgin
more or less
I removed most of the intel stuff besides sound (I have an AMD processor)
I removed all the internet drivers I don't need
I'm still learning most of what is able to be removed from my kernel, but I have it in a reasonable place atm. Tell me how bloated you think my kernel is!
I mostly like gentoo for USE flags and package.mask
>Tell me how bloated you think my kernel is!
I never installed gentoo you virgin
I dont know how useflags actually work you virgin
I use a minimal debian box you virgin
I might install gentoo someday you virgin
I had sex with 2 girls when I was in highschool ~
been incel for the last 3 years though
This smells like virgin projection.
Im 18 and im a virgin
Everyday, i think about sex more and more
I had my first phone sex with a girl from the philippines yesterday. It was fun ig
you need to talk to girls IRL to get them to have IRL sex with you, user
Just be friendly and listen to what they have to say, and give thoughtful comment
Before you know it they will let you kiss them :) and it all goes from there
Isn't that how its supposed to go? I had a lot of sex during highschool but now I mostly just focus on my career and hope someone at my job is worth seeing after hours.
It boggles my mind to the max on how you dont get them preggo
I always used a condom, did they teach you sex ed in school?
\G\ - Technology
Jow Forums - Virginity
Just pull out. I know everyone says that but its always worked for me. I should be more careful but ykno, thats not going to happen.
Yes the fucking did. They also taught you to abstain from sex
why does openbox use xml for config?
Fuck off Kevin
oh shit. :^)
my brother from another mother
Is this a new meme?