Programmers are importan-

>programmers are importan-

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the fuck

magnetic electron pulse

Pen and paper everybody! xdddddd

I'm sure people who are professional problem solvers would do just fine in another time. Logical thinking is always valuable

nobody is important, there isn't any profession that it is important

Why the hell did it become day in the future, how did the sun light up again?

Reminder this is happening tomorrow

That's the most retarded analogy ever, literally every tradesmen that functions off modern technology would be utterly fucked. Electricians, Radio operators, every single faggot in the entertainment industry (spare magazines maybe). It's not just programmers shit for brains

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It would take us months and lots of money to go back to the way we were.
Our research and scientific progress wont really be lost.
If anything i would like for that to happen since it would kill google and facebook.(since their business is pretty much ads and data collection)

success breeds jealousy

Not true. Most other professions can be done with more primitive tech. Programmers are completely fucked.

>Most other professions can be done with more primitive tech.
Maybe, but the results will also be way more primitive and getting there won't be fast and easy.

>m-my Javascript skills will surely help me!

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Good programmers are still better mathematicians than the vast majority of people, also more intelligent. I would do just fine.

>Good programmers are still better mathematicians than the vast majority of people, also more intelligent.
A bold assumption.

>having to dream about doomsday scenarios where your profession is on top again
pretty sad desu

>implying math will help you when all modern infrastructure is gone.
Enjoy getting raped and killed by my loyal clan. Charisma always wins.

>all computers on earth brake
>world needs new computers
>somehow thinking we'll need less programmers

Whoever made this comic is retarded.

>w-wait don't rape me I can do math!

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>not keeping an old laptop loaded with wikipedia and survival books stashed in a microwave
>statistically speaking, you probably don't even have 3 days worth of food in your house
you'll cowards don't even emergency prep

>w-wait don't rape me to death, I can write!

GOOD programmers user, not code monkeys.
Why would anyone try to rape or kill me, when I can easily make weapons and other useful tools?

>the CHAD Kinkos printer monkey


>the VIRGIN software developer

>I can easily make weapons
A stick?

>the retarded fantasies of anarcho-primitivists
what would actually happen is that tech people would be more prized than ever, because they'd be needed to rebuild all the destroyed technology. Society wouldn't just go back to a simpler, less-techy form and stay there, it'd reorient itself towards getting back to where it was.

Hey OP, .

Hurr durr. I double majored in blowjobs dumbass.

the stick is the most redpilled weapon. haven't you seen that Jow Forums thread?

>He thinks some power grid inconveniences will kill decades of technological progress.
>Conveniently ignoring the fact the 19th century was already fairly industrialized without electricity.
Also making a generator is rather easy.

h u m a n
e l e c t r i c i t y

I don't think there's a ton of factories set up now days to use steam power or watermills

Lol and you think this shit wouldn't need to be rebuilt?

>you are now aware that a coronal mass ejection can happen literally any second and would fry all electronics we have, bringing Apocalypse overnight

One happened when telegraphs were around and operators actually got shocked when it happened

Wouldn't it only hit one side of earth?

Programming socks are plan B

>if the whole of modern society broke down WE would be on top.
>you have to effectively go back in time several hundred years to have a relevant skill set.
damn they got me there.

You DO realize that they're called low skill jobs because they can be done by anyone, right? You're not special because you can lug some weight around. A programmer would probably be of more use than you when it comes to processing complex logic and problem solving if it ever came down to managing the logistics of rebuilding civilization after a technological holocaust (oh yeah, and they could carry wood and use power tools just like you, Cletus.) This means that they'd likely be your boss and get more luxury goods and be placed higher on the hierarchy than you (sounds familiar, doesn't it?)
Also, I don't know what you think solar flares would do to technology but that isn't it. Read a book you dumb grunt. We'd be able to get everything back to the way it was in a year (if even that; most of it would be sending satellites back up to space) and we wouldn't be building primitive settlements like you'd like to believe in your wet dreams, we would be sinking all our money into getting our cities running again (even though in reality we'd have our power grids back up within a few weeks, if that, while running water and gas wouldn't even be affected in the first place)

>Also Jow Forums
Ez pz

People can change professions you know. Also, you need to be trained to work with primitive tech. A lot people nowadays rely specialized, advanced tools and gadgets that can't be manufactured in a post-apocalyptic scenario. The skilled tradesmen is a meme. Most of them are just skilled working with certain tools. Remove those tools, especially power tools and electronic devices, and are they're FUCKED.

the comic artist sucks at storytelling, what they are trying to depict is a coronal mass ejection event destroying all electronics

the artist is equally stupid in general, as they assume a power grid cannot be rebuilt, or electricity generally existing just because all existing electronic devices were blown out

>Logical thinking is always valuable
Until the left wins, then it will get you executed.

I’d like to see a month without electricity. It’d be hell though. Maybe just a month without the web

>Problem solving
>goes to suck a dick for a half eaten apple

You are the retarded one, because large electronics like power lines couldn’t give ten ducks about solar flares, it’s the tiny chips that are most susceptible

yall really think its a complete restart huh? Well that's wrong.

yeah, but what if someone steals your stick?

Your batering skill is too low. I can guarantee you I can get at least 3 apples for a dick sucking.

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Basic batteries and electicity generators you can make in an afternoon with some patience. Power lines would probably be fine. Most important issue is water filtering which would probably not be an issue in the first month anyway and by its end we would have already fized the issue.
Heres the thing, we already know what to make and how to use it. And no one wants to return back to those days.(aside from greenfags that will realise their mistakes immediately once their iphones stop working.)

No it's not

>boomer: the comic strip

Tradefag cope

Enjoy the shortened lifespan from inhaling all those fumes at your 80k/year welding job boyo.


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Unironically this.

>Hurr I'm super smart

I just noticed the guy about to suck dick, presumably for some compensation
That’s a big yikes for me.

I don't think you know what that word means.

Nah. It would fry some electronics, but most would be fine after some minor repairs. It would probably disrupt things for a bit, but it wouldn't be the end of the world.
Here's a good article on the subject. EMP tests on vehicles at White Sands missile range have shown that most cars will either keep running with no issues or simply choke and need to be restarted.

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Yeah. Not very family friendly is it? Going to give this one a hard "no".

So did whatever the cartoonist was trying to depict destroy all books as well? Because why the fuck can't we rebuild everything?

Well, the thing is, if a CME were to actually happen, we would never be able to bootstrap back up to this point again, assuming the "right" people died.
All of the easily accessible petrochemical deposits have been long harvested, and good luck building current processors and other components without petroleum.
We might be able to get back to small scale, SLOW computing again, but never this.

I never noticed the coworker about to suck dick in the background. Should have purple hair though, then it'd be more realistic.

>constructionslaves wetting themselves while daydreaming about the apocalypse just because their shit job might become somehow relevant even tough it takes nothing to learn

The author is a literal so᠌yboy from Ireland.

>Heres the thing, we already know what to make and how to use it. And no one wants to return back to those days.

Knowing how to make something is the not same as being able to make something. The reality is no single person has working knowledge of the whole process involved in the making of anything. Take the electric generator for example. The electrical engineer would know how it works in theory, but he wouldn't able to build it by himself from scratch, and by that I mean from raw materials. He would need knowledge of metallurgy, physics, chemistry, etc. All that would be the domain of other professions. It would take a lot of coordination of talent, something that would be difficult in a post-apocalyptic scenario.

>postapocalyptic scenario
>homosexuality is legal


>programmers arent important because large geomagnetic events will destroy microprocessors
I'm not sure I follow this logic.

You make a bunch more and get your stick back, before they reverse engineer the stick technology.


>tfw just realized the church was a bunch of radical leftists

>what is stock
A solar flare might fry the grid and everything hooked up, but we still have a lot of shit and processsed materials in stock.

>Americans think if electricity goes out they will go back to middle ages and start looting and shit

sucking cock is already at the top user

>battery dies
>cant charge it

just buy real books senpai

Actually I would expect somebody with a comp science degree to be able to design self regulating hydaulic and mechanical control systems with feedback loops and shit.

We had one semester introduction into the theory of self regulation in my aerospace engineering cources and holy fucking shit it was a mathematical, graphical and geometrical nightmare.

The actual programmers who know math and math accessories would be very valuable in post apocalliptic society.

>The artists of PBFcomics is stupid
o i m laffin!

You can build electrical generator out of any electric engine lying around, old bike and some wire. Add a flywheel and some basic circuitry to stabilize voltage and you're done. Human legs output up to 400W, easily enough to charge 4 laptops at once.

Every single car has a powerful alternator that could power a 120 VAC device with 700-1400W. Asshurt tradefags are retarded.

Really makes me think

>power lines couldn't give a fuck

This will never happen. The Earth is flat and the sun is just an orb of light, incapable of harm if you're distant from it.

well they are 56% white so...


>problem solvers
>can't fizzbuzz

>tfw you realize there were hell of a lot scientists operating in middle ages and it's all leftist propaganda

>it will take months
>maybe just a few years
You're all a bunch of faggots. It would probably take centuries.
Just try to explain the next generation what a light bulb is when they have never seen one.

This, but unironically.

I'm not even a programmer...

I've thought about this often. From research, it seems the biggest issue would be the death of big transformers that take years to manufacture. Given enough time, we could probably rebuild, but how much time do you really have when people are now isolated, hungry, and becoming more desperate by the day?

But earth has a magnetic field

That's why you make flying sticks so when they run you kill them.

>implying programmer can do nothing but coding

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It's true in 99% of cases, though.

>i can calculate the easiest way to rob someone!
>become known as the mathster duo
>world-wide fame as you become the next illuminati, capable of stealing even the most guarded jewelries
>everyone fears your name in the post apocalyptic times, hiding their women and children from your tyrone
>start employing people to ensure your dominance in every settlement in exchange for shit you steal
>as the world progresses, convert to a mercenary business
>people start paying you in food/water/something valuable in exchange for hiring one of your employees to escort them to safety
>hitmen cost extra, but you get a chance to rob more houses
>start a hidden underground gang, people must steal valuables to gain street creed and go up the rank ladder
>the higher you go up, the more benefits you get. Free housing, insurance against other thieves, easy food, security from other scrubs
>introduce a currency to do your transactions
>customers must first convert their goods into tokens of different values to be offered your services
>governments start relying on your currency, because who the fuck would trust them after what they did before the CME
math solves everything

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> implying programmers can't learn

Once again true in 99% of cases.

but the people in that comic aren't even programmers but social networkers, graphic designers and advertising people.

that's pretty funny

is what a redditor would say

Come on. Even it's a monkey frontend job, frameworks there change relatively fast.

thank you for your opinion

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