WARNING: Linus has handed over his kernel to the SJWs

After Linus Torvalds wrote an email apologizing for hurting other people's fee-fees, the Linux Kernel project has announced that it will start enforcing the "Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct".


And what is the Contributor Covenant? It is literally a SJW code of conduct written by the purplehaired beast of pic related, well-known for harassing dozens of projects trying to purge ideological dissidents. You can see her best hit here: Jow Forums.org/g/67637219

We are talking about the same code of conduct used by FreeBSD that prohibits "virtual hugs" because they are sexual harassment. We are talking about these levels of mental retardation.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>You can see her best hit here: Jow Forums.org/g/67637219
That link should be this: boards.Jow Forums.org/g/67629190

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I recently realized that this happens because CS people are beta cucks who allow subhumans to walk over them.

look to any industry
they get in with small stuff
and it gets bigger and bigger
look at video games, comics, anime, television, almost all tech companies. we need to support anyone who tells the rats to fuck off

lmao, back to windows

That third photo should be next to description of down syndrome in dictionary xD

>we need to support anyone who tells the rats to fuck off
And you won't, because you are in minority and you won't create enough profits for businesses to keep on rolling.

>the OS that is running in 90% of the world's computers is now ran by purplehaired subhumans

fork the kernel and stop being a snowflake
grow up some balls and do some work yourself

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this unironically.

Windows 10 may have botnet and ads, but atleast it won't ban the use of "master" and "slave" in the notepad.exe program

WHy does everything have to become political. Why does Linux need to have fucking left-wing shit in it? I would've been just as livid if it was right-wingers hijacking the Linux kernel.

Can't Linux just focus on being Linux, and not some fucking SJW leftist outlet


Can't say they've been very successful with anime. Mainly because Japan doesn't give a fuck.

>We are talking about the same code of conduct used by FreeBSD that prohibits "virtual hugs" because they are sexual harassment.
It's actually not. However, it'll probably be that restrictive in practice.



>90% of the world's computers
I was going to say "servers maybe" but considering all the android phones, routers and shit like that, maybe it's not that far off

>fork the kernel
nah, if there's gonna be a new thing, it shouldn't just be "Linux but minus stuff we don't like".
Times are changing, and we need something better designed for the future. Something that has security greater than some 90s (You)nix shit.
We need a system built upon the world's first operating-system kernel with an end-to-end proof of implementation correctness and security enforcement.

>Windows 10 may have botnet
you could've stopped there

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primarily western anime sellers, which are the face of mainstream anime (dubs n sales n shit)
doesnt affect people watching fansubs and importing shit but still cancer

No mention of the FreeBSD retardations

>Modern cars
>Embedded devices

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i mean, i cant directly keep a company afloat by itself, but i can buy products, word of mouth etc and if they dont bend the knee they have my money

Linux is gonna have fucking botnet in it after these tranny faggots are done with it

they will probably change the name from Linux to RainbowFart because Linux is too masculine and based off of Linus (masculine name)

You see they are already removing and banning people who are saying that there only are two genders (and other normal factual stuff) on their twitters and facebooks

>because you are in minority
Imagine actually believing so delusional

I think you replied to the wrong person, but I agree.

>pacemaker runs Linux
>Linux SJW developers found out that you liked a Trump tweet on twitter
>they shut your pacemaker down via the hardcoded Anti-Fascist backdoor in the kernel

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java runs on billions of devices and its beautiful

just use openbsd instead

and read the fucking FAQ before pestering people or else you'll be publically embarassed in the mailing list like the niggercattle you are

fuck nazis

>Windows 10 may have botnet and ads, but atleast it won't ban the use of "master" and "slave" in the notepad.exe program
Pretty much every large corporation is already fully ideologically compromised via its HR department. That's probably where this shit is coming from, keep in mind that Linux is already funded by megacorporations. You're a fool if you're looking at Microsoft to bail you out.

At least in the worst-case scenario open source means that forking is possible. If that doesn't work then I guess China inherits the tech world by default.

Trannycaust when? (spare qt traps tho)

Is that a man or a woman?

Hi purple headed beast.

Torvalds has started to glow in the dark

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That first reply... Based and redpilled

queen slayyyyyyy

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>qt traps
No such thing.

>doesn't mention to fuck drumpf in particular

yes he has

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How does a person get away with hate speech while working for microsoft?

>Fuck white people

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What about the queen of Jow Forums? or is she considered a full girl here

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>not using BSD
just lmao

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SJW subbers for crunchyroll have been caught editing subs to hide japanese mysoggyknees

Linus fought these people for years. Where was his backup? What did you, personally, do to help stop them dogging him at every turn? I'm not surprised that he's finally had enough and decided to just hand over the keys and metaphorically blow his brains out. Remember next time that you're bitching about how trannies and assorted social justice fucktards have taken over that you did nothing to fight back when you had the chance.

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Their CoC is worse by far

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Do you legit believe this is a majority?

I don't understand what's going through the minds of these people. If you have a useful contribution to a software (!) project you can just upload and propose it as a change. Why does it matter what gender you have (or as whatever-loving-fuck you identify), and why do you think the rest of the world needs to know about it?
Just write the code you want to write and go about your day, knowing you made the world a tiny bit better.

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how does one install OpenBSD? Is it just like Ubuntu?

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That's why I use GNU only.

Completely worthless without a kernel

>Only 7 per cent of Britons consider themselves feminists

Actually it kinda is, but it all happens in a TTY and dumps you into one after installation. Want a GUI? Install one, or use one of the minimal WMs installed by default like cwm.

Hot take: this changes nothing for the end user lmao

Linux was always a clusterfuck, but this is a death sentence. Trannies are always crazy.

yup, it shouldn't matter, which is why this CoC exists. It makes it explicit that if you propose a change and someone harasses you, the person proposing that change, because of your race, gender, etc, that's not ok.

glad that we can agree on this

About time desu. Maybe some of this toxic behaviour will subside.

But it will. The quality of the code will, inevitably, suffer from Linus not having absolute power. There will be pressure to accept shitty, sloppy contributions from these nutcases and accusations of bias and bigotry thrown around if they're not. This is the death knell for Linux, whether you hear it or not.

Now is a great time to make Linux worse

What actions can we do to make these SJW cucks hate Linux and then finally abandon it?

Maybe we can pretend to be tranny faggots and then flood them with shitty code or call for changes that are even more extreme than the SJW cucks can handle?

Maybe we can create 5000 forks of Linux that all have anti-SJW names in them?

maybe we can try to get code that will make Linux worse accepted and merged into the linux kernel

maybe we can flood them with anime faggotry instead?

maybe we can pretend to be people of color and submit shitty code that will break things and then call the SJW cucks racists if they don't accept our code?

the possibilities are endless

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Would love to see this play out

How do these people infiltrate everything? There's nothing safe from their mental retardation and it appears it won't stop anytime soon.

>There will be pressure to accept shitty, sloppy contributions from these nutcases and accusations of bias and bigotry thrown around if they're not. This is the death knell for Linux, whether you hear it or not.

And so it shall be.

I'm going to larp as a tranny arab male and submit shit code. If it isn't accepted i will call them islamophobic racists.

We want to make the experience as shitty as we can for the SJW purple haired weirdos

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Just creat a nazi distro

>as much as it pains me to see linux die like this
we'll make it quick son

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If you think that's the answer, you're as dumb as the trannies.

we already have Linux Mint

can someone smart write him an email, piss him off so hard, that he becomes an asshole again?

top fucking kek


I should do this too. best part? I can't programm at all, I'll just submit gibberish

Wait, are we trying to ruin Linux now too?

it's simple, we fork the linux kernel.

not him,
as long as we have somewhere to recover to
we'll have to make them leave
we should call this plan:

but they're not normmies, they're abnormal and demand that you pretend they're not mentally ill

Give me literally one example of how this is going to effect the functionally of Linux and why I should care

is linus on drugs or did someone threaten to kill his family or something? what the fuck is going on?!?


you must've seen almost any other consumer interest
games anime movies comics
they start small and get to power, then they crash the plane
with no survivors

because demarginalizing anyone one any basis other than competence always leads to a bad end

We can't do an "anti tranny distro", or anything of that sort for a simple reason. They're not stupid enough to fall for that. They see themselves as the oppressed minority, so anything that enforces this self perception actually gives there attacks a 10% dmg buff.

>maybe we can pretend to be people of color and submit shitty code that will break things and then call the SJW cucks racists if they don't accept our code?

Might work.

>the kernel's most valuable contributor liked a PewDiePie tweet seven years ago
>"this contributor is le ebil nazi. I'm shaking"
>repeat dozens of times until the only people left are purplehaired beasts
>the 90% of smartphones, cars and electric appliances get fucked
>your father's pacemaker stops working
>"Give me literally one example of how this is going to effect the functionally of Linux and why I should care"

Sounds like he is getting blackmailed.

My day today has consisted of playing games and watching anime all while on Linux. I fail to see how the SJW's have ruined any of these things for me.
it's FOSS, not a company. The code and the ability to work on it will always exist.


>The code and the ability to work on it will always exist.
Not if they won't accept your code.

the planes havent crashed yet
the engines are starting to fail
and passengers are trying to repair the plane themselves

Then fork it, it's FOSS.

just fallout from linus fucking up the entire 2018 kernel summit conference


+Maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
+comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
+not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any
+contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening,
+offensive, or harmful.


Yeah, that'll show them. I, one man can totally fork a multi-million line codebase and have others accept it.

>implying this isn't how big corporations are planning to kill open source
This shit is clearly the new embrace, extend and extinguish.

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No, it's SJW-free.

This. I've always said that leftists are just useful idiots of corporations.

+ its the same technical advisory board as the kernel has always used, so effectively nothing changes judgement-wise
+ the general sentiment is the same as before, just more explicitly defined

- the scope of behavior rules are ambiguous for a project like linux, and could extend to any given contributor's social media
- the code of conduct is based off an external project, whose author also wrote and promotes a more drastic CoC (postmeritocracy.org/). this could be the thin end of a long wedge.

in the land of the rising sun sure (for now)
but the western publishers, which are all in bed with eachother have been contaminated, dubs/subs being messed with (cultural stuff changed, PC language added etc)
high guardian spice is the first thing thats large and in the spotlight and it wont be the end

based and redpilled

he is not the queen of Jow Forums, he has a mental illness; the queen of Jow Forums is and always has been nixie pixel

faggots already tried to make a more "inclusive" fork of the kernel and surprise, it's fucking dead


saying fuck white people is love speech

That's fucked up.