IT'S OVER, Linux kernel gets Code of Conduct

>The Code of Conflict is not achieving its implicit goal of fostering civility and the spirit of 'be excellent to each other'. Explicit guidelines have demonstrated success in other projects and other areas of the kernel.
>Here is a Code of Conduct statement for the wider kernel. It is based on the Contributor Covenant as described at


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Other urls found in this thread:

I discovered this horror because I was looking at the log to see what was new before doing git pull but I ain't going to pull that SJW bullshit, guess it's 4.19rc3 forever.

This is how Linux dies

What are the chances linus no longer cares/is tired of linux so he allowed this?

>Signed-off-by: Chris Mason
>Signed-off-by: Dan Williams
>Signed-off-by: Jonathan Corbet
>Signed-off-by: Olof Johansson
>Signed-off-by: Steven Rostedt (VMware)
>Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman
>Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds
idk but he did sign off on it. it's only a matter of time before SJWs demand that he's replaced by a fat ugly tranny who can't code

He already stepped down. This was his final act.

None. He said he's not stopping.


Fuck off tranny

sure seems like he's stopping given his nervous breakdown and sudden apologies and "leave of absence"

Linux was always the top prize in the SJW takeover of open source. They finally got it.

A good working theory right now is that he's being blackmailed. Nobody with that sort of an attitude completely flips how he feels and works overnight (unless you're a schizo), so I think somebody is using blackmail against Linus.
If you want to continue using Linux minus this horrifying CoC for the time being I recommend switching to GNU/Linux-libre whatever way you can.

freeturds got what they deserved

>This week people in our community confronted me about my lifetime of not understanding emotions. My flippant attacks in emails have been both unprofessional and uncalled for. Especially at times when I made it personal. In my quest for a better patch, this made sense to me. I know now this was not OK and I am truly sorry.

Sounds like a bunch of SJWs ganged up on him and took control over his e-mail account and put him in a re-education camp

And you think Microsoft, Apple, and the Unix folks are going to be any different?

Wtf I love Openbsd now

As someone who hates SJW politics, I have no problem with this.

This code of conduct gives the same rights to everyone and gives zero lip-service to SJW identity politics.

Linux CoC:

>In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
>contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
>our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
>size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and
>expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality,
>personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

FreeBSD CoC:

>Comments that reinforce systemic oppression related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, age, race, or religion.
>Physical contact and simulated physical contact (e.g., textual descriptions like "*hug*" or "*backrub*") without consent or after a request to stop.

In other words, in order to contribute to Linux, you just need to treat people the same, in order to contribute to FreeBSD, you need to agree to the notion of 'System Oppression' (which means that white people, particularly men, are oppressing everyone else) and be careful not to send someone unsolicitated 'simulated physical contact'.

The BDFL model doesn't work in 2018; non-technical users ask too much and too often. Neither Guido nor Linus could stand up to them forever.

The only two development models left in open source now are the Uncompromising Dictator For Life (like Theo De Raadt) or design by corporate committee.

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Too bad it was written by pic related.

Go on, convince me this "person" doesn't have a long game in mind with this shit. You idiots are pathetic.

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>you need to agree to the notion of 'System Oppression' (which means that white people, particularly men, are oppressing everyone else)

allow me to retort

Attached: 1508289395764.png (266x290, 118K)

>Greys visit Earth
>They give us technological advancement
>Give us the semiconductor
>We work for 60+ years improving and refining the process
>We develop our own network, the internet
>Through that emotionally broken people find comfort
>Trannies start forming support groups for one another, inventing terms like transphobic
>Their hug boxes grow
>They start using their new found hug box leverage to convince cis women to support them
>Cis women start leveraging trans womens rights against men mistaking tranny agenda for 'women's rights'
>They begin to covet positions of power
>Eventually they force people out of power so that they can assume the reins
>They don't know what they're doing with the projects they usurp
>Computing begins in a rapid decline as they become about political policy rather than innovation
>tfw computing is destroyed by social engineering emotional midgets such as trannies

Bizzare. They must've clockwork oranged him.

He wont come back to Linux after the reeducation camp
Screencap this

How can anyone have any sort of contact with these people without feeling revulsion is beyond me.

I can smell the dilation juices through the fucking screen, oh god, need to puke.

P-please Fork

>As someone who hates SJW politics, I have no problem with this.
Not buying it. Nice reddit spacing.

What's dilation juices? Asking for a friend

Yeah, no. Trannies and freaks are not just some meme support group running havoc. They're merely one of the hundreds attack channels used by world conquerors to strengthen their grasp.

These trannies have a hole, which is actually their cut up dick. It's essentially a wound though for the body and the body constantly tries to repair this hole, closing it.

To prevent that, these trannies need to constantly ram a dildo up in this hole to sort of rip away the skin growing in over the hole.

It's basically cock juices but secreting from a hole instead.

Dude my dinner is ruined. Thanks. I think I'm literally going to throw up.

its proprietard, you can't change master/slave if you don't know they're there

>I am going to take time off and get some assistance on how to understand peopleâs emotions and respond appropriately.
Translation: I'm being forced to write this and they won't release me from the re-education camp until they are convinced I'm reprogrammed into a mindless obedient slave

There are three points where the Contributor Covenant fails badly:

1. It leaves open the door for what may be considered inappropriate, which is a shame given how much it was sold that a CoC was for reducing misunderstandings; two people's friendly banter may be direct aggresion to a 3rd party viewer, or more commonly, speaking about healthy habits may be offensive to someone who's has made being fat part of his/her identity.
2. The scope is also something open to interpretation. It's one thing to not speak about those things in the LKML, or maybe even in Linux related events, but if you can't even talk about them in Twitter or even on a small Mastodon instance due to fear of being "representing the project" then you are effectively censored.
3. It's, more often than not, enforced selectively to remove undesirables from the project, while the actual racists stay and gain more power.

That the FreeBSD is even worse it a different topic. Hell, I thought that the Go CoC was bad as it explicitly tells you that it's scoped for any behavior anywhere, but now I notice that at least they're honest about it.

I see the biggest issues in zealous moderation that wants authority to resolve all issues. Second biggest is no appeals.
It needs to be hard to punish people arbitrarily or at all - not easy.

Third biggest is idiotic list of banning things like sexual talk and other things adults do [not overdoing it, but in general], while demanding full respect for certain sexual things [desired sexual preferences and identification and all that] anyhow.

I believe it

You think Torvalds can be forced to anything?

So do we get a cool name for this like CoC-Gate or LinuxGate?

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Does this actually mean anything at all or is it just meaningless semantics that can be ignored? What exactly are the implications of this?

Google Rod Vagg, Brendan Eich, James Damore or Larry Garfield.

Just look at Rust if you want to see how CoCs work: you can threaten violence against political groups or say that all people of a certain race and gender should be killed and it's okay, but if you ever question their stinky SJW ideology, no matter how carefully you word it, it will be immediately deleted.

GNU-ware has always been infected with shitty CoC though.

I'm not a programmer so I'm not completely up to speed with how these things work but, can't these things just be forked or something? Uploaded elsewhere? It's open source and all that, so why not just create a detached edition?

You can fork a project but you can't fork the developers / community, you need a completely new set or lure them away.
And how are you going to do that with no financial backing?

they've become the thing they were fighting

Put me in the screencap.

I’m going to wake up and read that someone like Linus or a stallman have been booted from the community because they did something like hugged a bikini clad woman at some event once and there’s a photo.

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You guys are deluded.

>lol dude just don't give them attention and ignore them and they'll go away
Worked great for video games, didn't it?

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Pol warned you guys. You didn't listen

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>Does this actually mean anything at all
the first one who had to go because of it was torvalds himself, see

Its not like they're trying to hide it.

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sadly this. in about 10 years redhat will probably dominate the linux ecosystem and after stallman is gone, gnu will vanish into the history books as a example of "nice try".

as if linus is going to be able to follow the CoC for more than 0.0004 seconds

>taking that thing seriously
You do know that your attention is all it wants, right?
Do not feed the troll.

You need to conform to their world view

Thanks now I can't sleep.

>We were only being retarded.
No, read that psycho's entire timeline.

You don't. There are rules everywhere, nobody has to deal with your bullshit.
That's exactly what it wants: attention. It is a very useless and irrelevant person, that's its only contribution is CoCs. Do not give it attention. Do not feed the troll.

Can I get a quick rundown on what this means ? I’m out of the loop

>You don't.
You have to conform lest be kicked out.

+Maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may
+face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the
+project’s leadership.

Be good or else if you want to contribute

Time tp mograte to FreeBSD

Yes, of you insult or mistreat your co-workers you can be sure as hell that you'll be fired. This is the same thing, but online. Nobody wants to work with assholes. Flamers and trolls derail and destroy discussions, and insults don't get anything done.

FreeBSD is just as bad:

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... or join Redox-OS.

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No, they're nitpicking at age-old terms like 'master/slave' because it offends their delicate sensibilities, creating change for no purpose other than change, muddying the development process with identity politics, the works. Now fuck off back to r*ddit.

Zyzz hover-handed because the women who approached him were beneath his touch. Thirsty thots throwing themselves.

So, the only cuck-free OSes are openBSD and TempleOS

damn what a hot piece of ass. you incels are all illusioned, you just need to get famous from making your own OS shell and utilities, and then you will get to ass-grab a hot lady at a tech convention.

Ahahaha... Yeah he was into intellectuals 'n' shiet

point is that has already had his worst fear confirmed

You know what the entire code of conduct boiled down to before?

“Be excellent to each other.”

Not, conform to our ideals of inclusivity, civility, and constructive criticism or you're gone. Anything the maintainer/project leaders "feels" is inappropriate can get you kicked as well, online or offline.

>delicate sensibilities
literally nothing with those mentally ill degenerates make sense

GNU is the only place that's safe for now, I don't even see any such thing on their website.

Blessed be the stallman if they stay clean. What are we going to do without RMS and Linus one day?

Attached: Stallman 1.jpg (3872x2592, 1.01M)

> I am going to take time off and get some assistance on how to
understand peopleâs emotions and respond appropriately.

You can't make this shit up. What the hell?

>dude just ignore it and it will go away lmao

What the hell did they do to Linus?

A leader is and should always be a leader.
A leader doesn't have to be politically correct, a leader doesn't have to always follow the rules, a leader doesn't have to bend over to the weakest link in a society.
Leaders should have no emotions, and linus succeeded thus far, but it seems that he broke, or they broke him, so he is just giving up the leadership.
To whom? To every faggot that is vocal about xer/xir, ietual hags and other shit like this.
Stallman already lost the leadership due to some joke.
Now it's an sjw world and s/w and its devs should comply to the faggots' fetishes.

This is a win for niggers, faggots, queers, wetbacks, e.t.c..

How did everything go so wrong?

There is no way someone like Linus bowed down to one of these faggots. No. It runs deeper.

probably blackmail

There is another...

Attached: logo.png (310x80, 13K)

Is there something wrong with the CoC?

>This is a win for niggers, faggots, queers, wetbacks, e.t.c..
the only winner here is the jew

I think we're at an ironic point where "They" see themselves as a resistance claiming small victories against an oppressive kingdom, and "We" see ourselves as a resistance against those who seek to destroy what we've built.

And both sides see themselves as the good guys.

You just described like 100% of political conflict

Linux finally having a CoC will actually help you morons. Without a CoC Linux will not be able to attract female coders. CoCs are important for all distributed projects. It's not like the CoC needs to be rigid but as long as it's there it make a big difference.

>able to attract female coders.
why do they need to attract anyone based on anything other then skills necessary to contribute.

Because some don't like continual intimidation?

what intimidation do they recieve for being female.

>Without a CoC Linux will not be able to attract female coders.
Yeah, because I really care about my OS not being developed by females because they would be treated like everyone else.

> females want CoC
Nothing new here.

Then they should stay home.
Do you think men are always nice to each other and only tel women to fuck off?
No, and if women can't deal with same shit men are dealing with then they aren't equal.

Linux was a kernel.

do you really miss zyklon b so much

Someone finally snapped after that last debacle. The background is that there was recently a gathering for devs that was originally scheduled somewhere else, but there was a miscommunication with Linus about it and he had scheduled a family vacation elsewhere at the same time. So he basically forced everybody to move the conference or hold it without him; they ended up moving the conference at nearly the last minute just so he could attend. My guess is someone important and high profile finally lost patience with him and dropped some threats to reign in his behavior.

This. Technology is neutral. I don’t give a fuck if a snippet of code was submitted by Adolf Hitler himself so long as it works well. If a woman writes good code, great. If a man writes good code. Great. If a disgusting faggot with a dilated “pussy” submitted good code. Great. Someone’s moral or political status is irrelevant to open source software engineering. If it’s good, it’s good. This will alienate far more than it includes. Good coders and bad will be kicked out. Good coders and bad coders will be accepted in. Far more good coders will be kicked out than accepted in. If you have the mental space to get actually upset to the point of having a mental breakdown because someone misgendered you, I’m willing to bet you are a shitty software engineer.

Well linux was nice while it lasted.
Time to give up.

Why? Is offending others that difficult for you to avoid doing? Maybe you're the one who should stay home.
