Just ordered a 2080TI, NVIDIA is amazing, they truly do always change the future for the better...

Just ordered a 2080TI, NVIDIA is amazing, they truly do always change the future for the better. People who claim RTX is bad are nothing more but jealous AMD fanboys who cant afford one of the new gen cards.

Anyone else buy one?

Attached: 1537154264287.png (2000x900, 3.07M)

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I bought two poorfag.

I wish i could, but for now one will have to do. I hope you enjoy it.



>nvidia pays game devs to make the game look like it's from 2007, unless it detects a nvidia (tm) gpu in which case it just looks normal
>iss revulutionarie u guys

Isn't that car on the left just a chrome paintjob?

No it's not, just leave the thread. Don't ask stupid questions.

>jealous AMD fanboys

that would have been true up untill the whitepaper came out and we learned how nvidia is doing ray tracing

enjoy your soon to be cloged clusterfuck that cant render more than a single triangle on interconnections during ray tracing

Meant to say one on the right


But your picture is not even real RTX...

Attached: 1514413451267.jpg (496x499, 24K)

>cars are now made out of mirrors

it's just chrome paint
you can do it right now with a shitty old 6970 AMD card

>it's just chrome paint

no it's not, fuck off AMD cunt.

you tried

matte paint > chrome shit
bonus point if matte black

>what is LARPing

>he fell for the RTX meme to play vidya games
back to you go

this. matte black is the perfect finish for 95%+ of all things. anything gloss will show disgusting fingerprints the second it gets touched. why on earth do they make black glossy microwaves?

Nobody said ray tracing is bad, everyone is saying it's useless in games.
Also why do you act like Nvidia invented ray tracing when AMD was showing rt demos in like 2012?

It really is. Left is the matte gray paint job and right is chrome. Nothing else changes in the image.

It's live action role playing. Do you think posting on an image board is live?

He's RPing.

2080 ti up all you want, my CPU is water cooled 5.3ghz and at the end of the day until games use all cores, that's where the bottle neck in my system is. My 1080 ti (also water) has never even broken a sweat. Tho repost this shit thread when ray lensing or whatever tf it is is in every game

Ty brah

Nvidia invented real time reflection now?

your screenshot isn't rtx...
get out shill

wow RTX is so cool it changes the rims on your car too? fuck me, this is the future boys.
never mind how the environmental graphics didn't change at all...

op confirmed poorfag shill
opinion discarded

>nvidia pays game devs to make the game look like it's from 2007
>nvidia pays game devs
Every fucking time. Like clockwork.

Hope you bought a 144hz 4k monitor too

>When you die and your whole life flashes before your eyes, how much of it do you want to not have ray tracing?

Attached: F1A6FA76-4470-4F07-9169-7489D00B6404.jpg (198x254, 9K)

you are foolish to think those are real time reflections

Nothing better than some epic gaming, am I right, gamers?

He just changed the paint job on the car

What else is there to do in life but game? Work? Raise a family?

Yes it is.
And no it is not copying the geometry on the other side.

Attached: doom-mirror.jpg (620x332, 56K)

kek, novidia trying so hard to make novidiots buy their products, that they are comparing reflections on/off.

Attached: Dynamic_Reflections.jpg (590x332, 131K)

Wow it changes the cars paintjob

Nice spotting smartass

fix'd :^)

Attached: 1537166818239.png (2000x900, 2.31M)

that game uses cubemap reflections.
whats funny is that it does dynamically reflects lights so you can see the lights from other cars reflected,
but not the actual cars themselves.
and rtx can go to the trashheap.

you changed the paintjob retard

its a fucking videogame you idiot
there are no fingerprints
