/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
*Many free software projects have an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

Attached: 20613671.jpg (313x475, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

api.sat24.com/animated/EU/visual/3/W_dot_ Europe Standard Time/6875346

based commie

this, but unironically

Attached: .jpg (1000x561, 171K)

Stop using nonfree software.

Attached: 1536203334732.png (282x295, 197K)

hollo i have unstalled a linux from the internet and I cannpt get back to windows 10

what do i do

Install Hurd

1. install os-prober and ntfs-3g
2. regenerate grub config file (update-grub2 or "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg")
3. reboot. windows 10 should be in the boot menu

Jow Forumsuys, this should be enough to run MATE smoothly, without any problems, right guys?
I'm doing something horribly wrong.

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (718x354, 69K)

if you use Ubuntu, Debian or CentOS it actually detects windows at installation time

free software is never smooth

nigga please, MATE runs smoothly on a P4 with 2GB RAM.

You have passed
Five blessing of Stallman upon your gnu/soul
you have failed
Five damnations of Stallman upon your gnu/soul

Be proud.

I thought so, but it's kinda choppy even though it's not using up all the resources and I'm getting crashes pretty often.

I took the bait and now there's no going back.

bad distro

Attached: Z99qXkj.png (340x340, 23K)

>it's not using up all the resources and I'm getting crashes pretty often
Welcome to Linux


Which component of your GNU/Linux is crashing today?

Why's that? Did you try following the install guide?

do I use openjdk-8 or openjdk-11

It usually the Panel that crashes but other stuff is also crashing

Check which version you need, if unsure try with the newest (11).

I have trouble booting into my linux installation. If I select the disk with the installation on it from BIOS all I get is a blinking promt, like if there was nothing bootable on the disk. However, if I boot into a live-CD and instead of booting into the OS search for EFI partitions I find and am able to boot on the hard drive. Anyone have any ideas how I can solve this?

hey, trying to play angband on ubuntu 16.04

when i've extracted all the crap to the folder and done autogen.sh and configure and then try to "sudo make" it hits me with

>Entering directory src.
cat: ../version: No such file or directory

so there's something wrong with the folder structure?

I'm trying to run a program (Guitar Pro 7 specifically) using Wine on Debian Stretch but when I type "wine GuitarPro7.exe" in the install directory I get a bunch of errors like
err:module:import_dll Library MSVCP140.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\winfiles\\Program Files (x86)\\Arobas Music\\Guitar Pro 7\\Qt5Network.dll") not found
despite ALL these .dll files being present in the install directory. I run e.g. old WoW versions exactly like this (and they have custom .dlls, not just common stuff like Qt) but Wine never complains on these. What should I do? This program is listed as "Gold" on WineHQ but there is no guide. If relevant, this is the output I get when I type in "wine --version" (the install came with the distro):
wine-1.8.7 (Debian 1.8.7-2)

Try Manjaro if you're new and it was too complicated for you.

I am trying to get a drive to mount through fstab and I wan't my user to have permissions to the mounted drive, the line in my fstab is:
UUID=efd6d4e4-4555-4f74-b5a8-9057db4b1b75 /mnt/steam ext4 defaults 0 3

I have been able to do this before with an ntfs disk and setting the uid and gid to my username in the options, but this doesn't seem to work with an ext4 partition. People on forums are saying to just chmod the drive at boot in something like crontab but this sounds like a terrible solution because of changing drive names and stuff like that.

>despite ALL these .dll files being present in the install directory.
make sure you tell Wine to use the native library over it's internal version (winecfg > libraries > enter "msvcp140" and add it > edit the entry to be native first/only
if wine provides a dll, it will prefer it by default, even if you drop that dll next to the program exe
ps. wine 1.8.7 is old as shit, current versions are 3.0.3 (stable) and 3.16 (development). 1.8.7 came out in Feb 2017
appdb may show it as working, but the oldest test was with wine 2.13, so that doesn't suggest it will work on 1.8.7

-- also, gold and platinum ratings don't require guides, that's what makes them highly rated. gold things by very definition should work ootb
guides and hacks to make something work, even if it works perfectly afterwards, hurts their appdb rating

I will first try updating to the newest version, but when I run sudo apt-get install wine the package manager says the newest version is installed. Should I try to source it from WineHQ?

are you using debian stable?
that's not really an ideal system for gaming, you'll be quite a way behind with things like wine, amdgpu, mesa, etc

man i'm tired, ignore the comment about gaming
as for installing newer things on debian stable, i don't think it's recommended, but there are ways to get things over from newer versions of debian

I'm using stretch

that's stable
debian has a pretty ... hardcore approach to stability, so to speak. it's great on workstations and servers, but it doesn't fit well with newer software/hardware, since it's basically perpetually a year or so behind everything else

Updating from WineHQ worked beautifully, thanks for pointing it out!

cool, cool.

do you need the latest version of angband? if 3.5.1 is enough for you why don't you just apt-get install it?

So I installed Debian, and there's no drivers for my laptop's wireless adapter, which is fine I'll just downl...

I don't have an ethernet port, is the most painless thing going to be trying to set up a usb tether from my phone?

>a start job is running for dev-diskssome bullshit please wait 1 minute and 39 seconds every single fucking time I boot

I didnt install this shit on an SSD to be made to artifiically wait over something that's not even vital to boot thanks systemd you cunt

So put it in fstab and it will be mounted when the system boots. You simply need to give your user permission to rwx the mount point.

Download your drivers and put it on the usb drive do the install, then install your wifi drivers then update

Can I use wget to download a single image from a website if I don't know the explicit link to said image?

Right now I use this: wget -p en.sat24.com/HD/en/eu/visual and I get a folder full of useless stuff where the image I want is contained, but I just want that single image, how can I do this?

>how do i tell a program to download an image without telling it what image i want, i want it to guess

It's that the image is there somehow, but I don't know how to explicitly tell the program to download just that single image and not the whole page.

right click the image you want, past url to wget

The problem is that the image is contained within an animation, if I right click it I get the overlay that is pasted on top of what I want (the actual satellite picture).

Download the animation
Open it
Pause it on the screen you want

Download the image
use ffmpeg to extract the frame you want

Open dev tools
Find image
Download image

I can't just take screenshots of what I want because this is run by cron. I tried inspecting the element and getting the url for the image, but when I paste the url in the browser it doesn't work. It works just fine for the overlay though...

Been using Debian testing since the beginning of the year and haven't had any real issues other than kde breaking for a week, is there any reason to upgrade to sid?

Are you sure its an overlay and not being encoded in to the image?
>this is run by cron
sure you can, add ffmpeg in to the cron job

Give it to me straight doc, how fucked is this hard drive?

Attached: 2018-09-18-1537285417.png (879x752, 21K)

Attached: 2018-09-18-1537285652.png (552x274, 7K)

>Are you sure its an overlay and not being encoded in to the image?
Yeah, they are different files when I download them with the whole page, the urls are also different, just that one works and the other one is 404.

>sure you can, add ffmpeg in to the cron job
Yeah, that's obvious, but this animation seems to be just a handful of jpgs on a loop, how would I download that? You can check it on the site and see it for yourself if you are curious.

>animation seems to be just a handful of jpgs on a loop
Download the images then pick the one you want

Oh never mind, just found the actual link I needed. I was trying to paste what I saw in the dev tools of the browser, but I actually had to right click the relevant section of the html code and select the option to copy the link to the image. Thanks for the help anyway!

have any of you heard of any of these distros (besides obviously fedora)
Generations Linux
Vector Linux

Ive got this box full of old distros on CD i got from a guy on facebook marketplace
ive got dozens of these old distros from the late 90's and early 2000's

Attached: image0.jpg (4032x3024, 1.59M)

i've heard of vector

it works fine, i didn't think of looking in /src for the executable. thanks

Do you have winblows too? Some times if you don't disable the windows quick-booting feature it produces issues like this one.

Which distro would you recommend to someone who's came from Mac Os and uses the computer mostly for programming?

Which one is better out of the box or with a little configurations?

>boot up to Ubuntu today
>right click acts as left click, can't right click on anything
back to Windows for now I suppose

The sectors are OK (0 uncorrectable), but it has been used a lot and shows a lot of read errors. It should still work for some years.

hey lads, is there a sane way to increase the size of /tmp on arch/antergos
my /etc/fstab doesn't have a dedicated line for it so I can' really use the size tag there
what I tried is create a script in /usr/local/bin/tmp_resize:
mount -o remount,size=5G /tmp/

give it 777 permission
then create a systemd servicefile for it in /etc/systemd/system/tmp_resize.service
Description=Resize /tmp to 8G



then ran
sudo systemctl preset tmp_resize.service

but after a reboot it seems like it didn't run the script
here is the output of systemctl status tmp_resize.service:
tmp_resize.service - Resize /tmp to 8G
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/tmp_resize.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
Docs: unix.stackexchange.com/questions/202698/

pls help an user out

Always check if there's an API.

The website provides one: api.sat24.com/

Configure your URL here: en.sat24.com/en/freeimages

On the CLI: wget api.sat24.com/animated/EU/visual/3/W_dot_ Europe Standard Time/6875346 -O meme.gif

Attached: meme.gif (845x615, 2.14M)

Which fork of the Kernel should I use that doesn't require taking estrogen pills to compile?

GNU Linux-libre

Microsoft employees are too obvious these days.


Thank you user
For future reference, what should I be looking for in a spinning drive to determine how healthy it is?
Is there a better program than smartmontools? I would love something like crystaldisk on unix-likes.

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how can i change the desktop backround on manjaro with a terminal command?
I've tried both feh and nitrogen, but none of them are working.
Any help?

btw i'm using xfce

How can I round a two digit variable to the nearest multiple of a given number in bash? I know how to do this in a few lines with ifs, but is there any clever way to do it or any inbuilt stuff that does this?

I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 on a 2010 notebook.
It works fine but firefox is just a bit slower than what I'd like. Is there any browser I can install that is lighter than it?

this, but unironically

Chrome is faster. There is Chromium. There is Opera.

cant get any cracked games to work with wine, do I have to back to windows?

now that linux has a new COC how can we get more trannies into linux?

No W10 for me appears at all so I ditched W10 completely
God bless Proton

>God bless proton
Unless you need DX10,DX11 or DX12 support in your game, and then you're fucked as proton dosent have mono even if it did the performance is dog shit

I thought proton was wine+dxvk? it has support for dx10 and dx11

>has support
My chevy has support for 500 hp dosent mean that the Ferrari isnt better tuned for racing and isnt going to rape my ass after 60 ft

>making shitty metaphors without knowing how dxvk performs

Windows it is

Show me the latest games benchmarks using a 1080ti SLI system using dx12 on your precious shitty system

Is it possible to disable the selection-to-clipboard feature in Kate? It drives me crazy.

Yes. There's nothing inherent about cracking a game that would make it not run on Wine.

Oh nevermind guess I have terrible reading comprehension. Thought you asked if it was possible to make cracked games work with wine. In which case the answer is yes. Just use Lutris with them if you're a newbie to Linux.

Is there no way to handle Google's Captcha system in the terminal?
I want to build an awesome CLI imageboard browser, but the captcha is the one thing that seems like a no-go because I'm under the impression it probably requires tons of Javascript to function right.

someone actually posted a python script doing it yesterday in /dpt/, gl finding it

Used the terminal ftp program the other day for the first time ever, though I have been using shit/Linux for about 12 years. Was very good, and just werked. Would use again.

Fucking this. KDE is great but it has it's fair share of awkward crap.

Nightly and enable webrender. Nothing on earth will be faster.

Custom compiled with proper flags will be significantly faster

Posted in a different thread.

I'm running KDE Neon user edition. Is there any way to make Chrome/Chromium display drop shadows when "Use system title bar and borders" is disabled? Any other application does drop shadows just fine.

No it won't, memedistrofag

I figured it out just now when you said it's KDE's fault rather than Kate's
pic related

Attached: 1524872733764.png (1244x1117, 718K)

>export CFLAGS=-march= -mtune= -O3
This alone will optimize it for your processor family and optimize it for run time. This is minimum 15-30% faster opening and rendering. Not counting more host specific flags
Thats with gcc. Build it with clang+lld+thin-lto+pgo and you will gain even more performance

I just ran sudo dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdc1 and it completed but left out entire directories like /bin and /home.

How can that happen?
