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fuck opengl

fuck OOP

I'm a khv. Will programming fix that?

bless python

>increasingly nervous functionalet has a meltdown for the 7th thread this week

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t. increasingly upset OOPsie continues projecting

non-anime OPs

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How much longer until cv tracks every single one of us with face recognition, and is able to get our location to give us targeted ads because of our proximity to x store. I think the social credit system isn't the worse. There was a black mirror episode on it and it has some merits.

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fuck C++

we could have been writing Scheme for the browser by now if programmers hadn't acquiesced to JavaScript


I want to automate my job because it's 75% menial bullshit I'm offended to be forced to do
Problem is I'm a codelet with literally no grasp of any language and no experience outside of scripting events in a scenario editor for custom video game levels in a LISP-lite using Symbolic Expressions when I was a child

I don't know where to begin other than "learn a language" and even then I'm not sure which will help me do what I want but I'm more than happy to spend more time and effort vindictively learning than it would take to just do my job

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What kind of job you need automation for? Can you explain?


automating things with python is incredibly easy even for a codelet

>Idris has function overloading
Isn't function overloading considered bad practice? That's what I've heard from the Haskell community at least.

Python is best lang

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eh I guess it's a style choice
in something like Idris I can see why

alternatives to javascript existed but all of them got crushed.

We could have, sure, but it's quicker and more human-readable to write JS, so for productivity companies would go for JS

this is an undeniable fact

Scripting languages are a mistake. If you don't know architecture of the host, use bytecode.


A little late but you also have to think about non-obvious numerical types such as complex number implementations, or anything that can't be trivially converted to a numerical primitive.

>if programmers hadn't acquiesced to JavaScript
they did not, actually. as soon as javascript became unavoidable, people started creating alternatives: coffeescript, clojurescript, typescript, dart, livescript, elm, emscripten, webassembly, ... javascript is unwanted

I'll definitely give that a try and pick up some python. I was recommended it by a friend as well

I've got an administration function that involves repeatedly going to a specific website and copying specific information from it in a regular format in a regular place into a word document and printing it, going to another website, logging in and downloading/renaming and dating a regular series of files, taking regular information out of them and typing it it into an online form after logging into a different website, then writing a report in a word document where literally 90% of it stays unchanged between iterations and all that changes are entries of names, places, and figures.

what's a good IDE?

>as soon as
No, these are a few select people, especially compared to the JS ecosystem at any year, though TypeScript was heavily adopted, and for good reason. Emscripten/WA are also good alternatives, but the rest are hobby projects, like weird small langs that try to overthrow other big projects

IntelliJ IDEA. Don't use the other Jetbrains IDEs, IDEA is feature-rich and can act like the others with plugins

VSCode is also a good one.

clojurescript has been used in big projects, coffeescript is Apple, Dart is now being used as the userland programming language in google fuschia (a new OS), GWT (java to javascript transpiler) also been used a plenty. The trust is that javascript has never been unavoidable.

about GWT


what's the best textbook to learn python from zero to ninja?

I'm not new at programming, but I'm beginner at OOP

If i'm just doing java for school, should i use IntelliJ IDEA CE, or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate? I have a student license. I'm also taking a web development class this semester. I've been using vs code for web dev and idea ce for java, but would it be better just to use idea ultimate?

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If you're not new to programming, I would just go through python site's main tutorial and try programming challenges. That's how I started, now using it for work for 2 years

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Is there any sane framework for building good looking UIs for Windows / Linux?
Swift and cocoa is great but only works for macOS. I'm starting to understand why people like Electron despite being a memory hog

Personally would go for Ultimate, especially I think students have benefits for pricing. I've still been using it for years

>read news
>article about your company
>read comments section
>"app is clumsy" "app is expensive" "cannot compete"
oh... ok


Python's gtk library makes making UIs super ez

I'd rather keep my job

Does it add much benefit over what I'm already using? Also it's free for students. I just got the license today, but I wasn't sure if I should switch from IDEA CE and VS Code.

Thank you, lad.

This is your best tool for that question: jetbrains.com/idea/features/editions_comparison_matrix.html

Personally, it's a godsend for the plugins and database support

appjar is tk-based but even easier

haven't heard of it, thanks I'll try it


Let's face it, if you can't master Scheme then what hope do you have with a verbose, bloated, clunky, badly-designed language?

>Is there any sane framework for building good looking UIs for Windows / Linux?
what programming language?

>wasting time mastering Scheme
now here's a meme

Lisps are dead m8. They are history. Once popular, now a relic.

Why not make it less clumsy then, gayboy?


This is a good talk

not as popular as before but definitively not dead.

>if I put my fingers in my ears and shout that it's dead it won't matter that I couldn't manage even the first chapter of SICP

I don't care, the functionality is simple enough that I could do it in most popular languages like sepples, java, python. The problem is making a good looking but reasonable (not electron) UI

>using SICP as a benchmark for anything relevant
meme central right here

Face it, Haskell is the new Lisp.

you could look at immediate gui like imgui

looks really ugly tho, thanks anyway

t. couldn't even finish the first chapter

I want to make a program that takes an arithmetic expression as a string, eg (x+3)^2 and tries to disassemble to its components
Would it be fine to have every operator be its own object, with a parent operator class that defines their methods, or is there a more elegant solution?
And no, it's not my homework

Sorry but no. As a tech enthusiast, i heard about lisp everyday. Everywhere i look, i see lisp. For example, there is always something related to lisp that reach the front page of hackernews. right now, this is 4th on HN, fennel-lang.org/.

Haskell is certainly not the new Scheme, though. That would be Idris or Agda.

>finishing first chapter indicative of anything
try harder

look up tokenizer

Please don't remind me that that place exists. Fennel sounds neat, though.


>being proud of being an ignoramus
Sadly this is all too common among modern programmers.

>thinking first chapter is not indicative of anything means you didn't finish it or you are ignoramus
nice memes

You only see what you want to see. I rarely see any news related articles on Lisp. And if I see a related article, it's about a toy project.

really ? you find this ugly? i like it.

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It's simply clear that you're an ignoramus and proud of it. One could easily come to that conclusion absent the SICP discussion.

Mentioning SICP over and over again like it's such a difficult piece of text shows your own ignorance

what the last time did you see an article about algol? or about pascal? or about cobol?
lisp is far from dead: racket is very active in PLT, a few startup in the bay are using clojure/clojurescript


not being as popular as javascript or php doesn't mean being dead, you are seeing things only in black or white.

repost, since I posted on a dead thread

template < class T >
concept bool Integral = std::is_integral_v;

struct Range
Range(T min, T max) {}

int main()
Range r{1, 10};

I never said it is a difficult text.

The volume of activity around Java, JavaScript, Python, etc. could be attributed to them being severely deficient languages.

Hmm... I'm looking for popular projects written in Racket, besides Racket itself, but cannot find any. Strange, because I can find enough popular projects written in Haskell.


What are some good beginner projects in Haskell?

Attached: dumb frogposter 15.jpg (778x512, 45K)

look at how many papers the racket community has published. you can start here racket-lang.org/plt.html

how do i learn to code


I'm writing a code generator for an embedded DSL using Haskell. I recommend it, it's pretty fun.

Sounds like a good project, it's probably a bit above my level since I'm fairly new to programming altogether, but it's definitely something to work towards.

So? What are you trying to prove? That Racket is a University toy?

So you pulled an unjustified assumption out of nowhere and attributed it to me? Well done indeed.

Working on my first project

It's a from-scratch game of Texas hold em written in Vanilla JS.

Currently, it can create a deck, players with names, shuffle the deck, deal (x) cards, has a working holdem dealing function based on the rules of the game that changes with each call, and prompts for a reset after dealing the flop, and I just finished a working betting function, that I'm about to begin integrating into my holdem deal function, that handles folding, raises, and calls properly.

The real shit show comes when I have to write the poker hand rules, not to mention a frontend.

>Feel sleepiness kick in
>Play a round of Quake to wake up
>Continue coding

This is working surprisingly good



>if I put my fingers in my ears and shout that it's dead it won't matter that I couldn't manage even the first chapter of SICP
>t. couldn't even finish the first chapter

A much more justified assumption is that I think SICP is a beginner-level text. Which, incidentally, I do. I shan't apologize for having a low opinion of you.

dumb frogposter

Im making a program in AutoIt language, which is supposed to run on my clients windows computers. But when they run it they get the pic related message. I know you can click "more info" and run anyway, but is there any way to avoid the message altogether? Because it scares some of my clients. The program is just editing some videos. Can I reister the program with Widows security or something?

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would you recommend freecodecamp for someone (like me) who is totally new to programming? i'll probably just learn python because that seems to be mentioned a lot as the best one for beginners.


>inb4 leddit

FP is making a huge comeback because of JS is going more towards that way with things like React. i still do a lot of OOP though with Ruby.