How do we start contributing to HURD Jow Forums?

How do we start contributing to HURD Jow Forums?

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Reverse engineer drivers so it can run on modern hardware

Fuckin' HURD.
We have to abolish Linux

Get to coding, you lazy fuck
If you need handholding, then you can't really contribute to the project.
Fucking millennials, I swear to St. IGNUcius.

nobody needs handholding, but if there's someone who can inform others, it would save a lot of time.
I am in, btw. I'll start tomorrow, as it's already 00:35 here and I have a meeting tomorrow morning.


I was thinking about contributing to OpenBSD but the thought of having to work with some ancient crap like CVS is almost enough to discourage me.
I see Hurd uses git. I might look into it.

HURD needs a HUGE amount of work to get to where Linux was 4-6 years ago stability-wise. I installed it yesterday and Dear God, it was completely broken.

X wouldn't install, there were mount problems, random locks, apt would break or refuse to work for no reason, the whole circus. Its present working state is so bad I'm thinking of writing a new minimalist implementation of it by myself rather than working with what we have now

That’s a cute male girl

i'll redo the logo

she's a gril, but likes muffins.

what are you gonna work on user? if i can get to collab with some bros from Jow Forums I'm interested too

I have a C.S. degree and worked mostly on fpgas and embedded.
So I can work on anything from purely OS dev to close to metal.(i've written PCI-e drivers on loonix also)
anyhow, I'd like to take a glimpse at everything behind hurd.

if this helps anyone, check here. documentation on hurd is non-existent... mostly "todo" shit.
It's gonna be hard boys.

I'm in the process of learning to code. I probs won't be able to help at all...

I saw all of that shit yesterday, maybe we should write more documentation first?

I can do userland and scripting work, also low-level but to a lesser extent

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

2020, year of the GNU+HURD desktop. With all other OS distributions wiped out by the copyright wars, an Indian firm discovers a lone copy of the free and open source GNU+HURD, launching the nation to superpower status as all other nations are held back by their petty squabbling over licensing.

>I probs won't be able to help at all
that's what a transgender would say.
get your ass learning C.
start from simple problems, e.g. tic tac toe, hanoi towers, Sierpinski carpet/triangle, factorial,
then move to some more advanced,
FILE I/O, sockets, call by reference/value examples
then move to more abstract shit
(all these with search, insert, delete)simple linked list, doubly linked list, binary tree, hash table
and then get to learn POSIX
IPC, pthreads, exec/execv, e.t.c.

the only tools you'll need,
emacs(we are not
gcc... ofc.
gdb, learn this shit very well
valgrind, this will tell you how much of a good programmer you are.

yeah, that would be the no1 concern right now.
Explore the kernel and fill the documentation.

once we are all up and running, we can start checking the kernel and learning the internals and fill each other in with our findings.

also, here's a list of issues.
I don't know how many of those are up-to-date, but we can start looking there when we feel ready for a task.

I know it's not the most Jow Forums friendly option but how about I start a discord server?

For what? Literally the only thing you can contribute is code. If you can't contribute code, then fuck off.

When you're a part of a team communication tends to be important.

I made one though:

You do know that there's more than coding to contributing to a project right? Or have you never actually been a part of a project before user?

>requires multiple servers to even work

It's a piece of shit. Move on.

I have never used discord, wouldn't an irc node on an existing server be better?

Yeah that's fine. If you would be so kind as to do that.

Did you even look?

>Developers have identified a number of problem with the Hurd on Mach system. Problems, that can not easily be fixed by bug-fixing the existing code base, but which require design changes -- deep going ones actually.
>As such systems (as the desired one) are not in common use, but are -- if at all -- research projects, this new Hurd on a modern microkernel project itself is more a research project than a sit down and implement/code/hack project.
>If you're interested in contributing in this area, knowing the Hurd on Mach system (see above) nevertheless is a prerequisite. At least have a deep look at the documentation pointers. Also read through the HurdNG section.

Start a mattermost server instead

>using a proprietary discord server that keeps everything you ever posted to help development of free open source software
RMS would be dissapointed

I can't do it right now.
I'll do it tomorrow if someone else hasn"t.

W8 is actual lesbeun?

So what's the plan? Build a fucking micro-kernel and implement HURD with it ?

Why HURD? Why not contribute to GNU Mach or fork GNU Mach?

do it but give it a not retarded name, something that normies can pick up
i am thoroughly convinced that part of the reason why linux hasn't picked up steam is the complete lack of design ability by genius coders
GNU? really? i mean its clever but it is not marketable.

>requires multiple servers to even work
jesus h fuck
go back to watching verge videos