Contributor Covenant

Allright guys, enough is enough. Give me a quick rundown on why the Contributor Covenant sucks donkey dick as you keep saying it does. What exactly is wrong with it?

Attached: beautiful and powerful.png (587x608, 421K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone
As another user posted earlier, harassment is subjective. See also: FreeBSD Hugs.
Also, you are no longer allowed to have your own opinion or belief on the following subjects:
>age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

>REEEEE I can't call someone a fat fuck in my commit messages
You could never do this, ref the old CoC

it's gamergate for open source software
just let it pass.

>"I am beautiful"
>Hasn't deconstructed beauty yet

>I am beautiful
Does he not own a mirror or something

man ever since linusgate all these sjws are being troled epic style

>What exactly is wrong with it?
What exactly was wrong with the old one?
>it had no pyschopathic trannies involved, no devious constructs to trip up the Wrongthinks, no 'fuck merit, ME ME ME' as ground basis, no slippery slope on the way to farce and ruin, same as everythiong else these cunts get their claws into..
etc. Go on, tell me. What was wrong with the original? And why in Gods name does having these venomous mentally-ill non-contributory cretins involved in any project, never mind the fucking Linux kernel, represent 'an improvement'? Protip: it doesn't.

>What exactly was wrong with the old one?
In Linus' own words: The Code of Conflict is not achieving its implicit goal of fostering civility and the spirit of 'be excellent to each other'. Explicit guidelines have demonstrated success in other projects and other areas of the kernel.

So basically you are not aloud to be a cunt?
Figures Jow Forums would be autistic screeching about this.

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>This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
>Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
Here's a little rundown of what that means, in a round-about fashion:
>be me
>at general location
>not currently representing project in any way shape or form
>voice my opinion on something to somebody
>they find out
>they decide that i was representing the project at the time
>for any reason they can come up with


aka Things that never happened and never will happen but Jow Forumslacks keep screaming like it somehow gets more true if you just keep repeating it.

basically it's yadda yadda be nice and inclusive, which isn't bad in itself, but it includes catch-all phrases like "behaviour deemed inappropriate", which is encouraged to be reported anonymously, and can result in a perma-ban. we already know where that leads to.

point still stands that they're dictating what we can and can't think

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does forking dongles ring a bell?


Linux maintainers were free to reject your contribution on whatever fucking ground they wanted to before. The new CoC changes absolutely nothing, if they hate your stupid face, they are going to ban you just like they did before.

Look at freebsd. Dev slowed to a crawl since the project adopted a similar set of community guidlines. The why is a difficult question, the strange part is that the group of people who pushed for this change in the first place seem to be celebrating despite achiving the polar opposite of what they said their goal was: in fact it lead to less contributions, not more. Hence repeating the same with other projects seems extremly blindsighted, and how much you agree or not with the content is not the right question at all. Looks more like distraction tactics desu.

Donglegate lead to the SJW getting herself fired. The incel that initiated it was let go for accumulated reasons.

>Look at freebsd. Dev slowed to a crawl since the project adopted a similar set of community guidline
FreeBSD was always slow and has been a dead project for over a decade.

Linux is not ruby on fucking rails.

this isn't about getting my contribution accepted for me, this is about free speech. i should be able to have my own beliefs on a certain subject, without getting banned. i understand that i don't need to voice my opinion, but the way things are headed, the future's looking dark.

That has nothing to do with the post you replied to.

That link shows the very person pushing for this CoC attempting to get someone removed from a project for exactly what the post you replied to described.

>i should be able to have my own beliefs on a certain subject, without getting banned
As I said, maintainers did this to varying degrees before. The new CoC changes absolutely nothing.

> just fostering civility and 'being excellent to each other' here, dude.
Your either too dumb to know when youre being played, both by the certifiable and those behind them, or, pursuing your own agenda here. The problem is not, and never was, the claimed intent. The problem is, that its all so much hypocritical BS, imposition of standards of behavior that will NEVER be applied to these cunts themselves, and everyone knows it.


And the developer is still part of the project. If she tries that shit in the Linux mailing lists, she will be banned.

>Allright guys, enough is enough
Yeah, I agree. Stop posting this bullshit which has nothing to do with technology.

1. It sets up vague touchy-feely standards, which oblige project contributors to obey them, oblige project maintainers to obey them and police the contributors and finally oblige vaguely defined project leadership to police the maintainers (including the quality of their policing).
2. It defines penalties including the deletion of messages, the removal of code contributions and temporary and permanent bans; but fail to define any sort of due process or assign penalties to offenses like you'd expect in a serious legal code.
3. With FOSS projects big and small adopting the CoC but lacking the resources to enforce it, Coraline Ada is now developing CoC Beacon, which will provide CoC enforcement as a service, essentially acting as a private, unaccountable police force and kangaroo court all rolled into one.
4. The centralized enforcement system, operated by radical activists, will be unburdened notions such as due process, statute of limitations or the burden of proof, and will be able to turn a faint accusation into a wide-ranging ban from all participating projects.
6. The arbitrariness of this system will be abused for political assassinations of influential figuers in FOSS projects. If you're a powerful entity and some maintainer is giving you too much trouble, all you have to do is stir up some accusation and his privileges will be revoked and career ruined.

Basically, the FOSS community will now partake in the stuff you see in entertainment and politics, where people are handed career-ending "sentences" from unelected and unqualified pressure groups, in a process that throws centuries of legal and constitutional practice out of the window.

I'm quoting Linus' own words, smartass.

>literally have a wife and two kids
>haha incel xdddd

..and I'm just quoting the cunt who wrote the new CoC. In her own FUCKING words. Hypocrisy much?

>attempting to get someone removed from a project for exactly what the post you replied to described.
I said thing that never actually happened. The guy is very much still part of the project.

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note "varying degrees". on paper, yes! this coc changes nothing. but in practice, the people who created and enforce it are sjws. and they're way more sensitive than the maintainers you're speaking of. that means if i just so happen to think that being trans is bad, or that fat people need to lose weight (which are all just opinions the average human can shrug off), i am in violation of that code of conduct and liable to be banned.

It is dead now for sure. Which answers the op question. The reason people worry about linux is that those kind of changes seem to be the symptoms of a dying mismanaged project.

>on paper, yes! this coc changes nothing. but in practice,
You got it the wrong way around.

Involuntary celibate does not mean virgin.

>in contact with Sehket Maat Lodge
>Thelemite in College Years
>A joke of a '"man'"
>Mentally-ill, deranged, yet (((Someone))) gives it top seats, as in Github
>has many shitty sites, all about his CoC(k) and all have a PATREON, PAYPAL or other mean of (((DONATION)))
>Clearly backed by '"someone'" behind the (((Curtains))) to destroy Open Source

SAD !!

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was thinking the same thing

>hat means if i just so happen to think that being trans is bad, or that fat people need to lose weight (which are all just opinions the average human can shrug off), i am in violation of that code of conduct and liable to be banned.
You were in violation of the old code of conflict as well, and also liable to be banned. Where exactly is the problem?

>aka Things that never happened

>never will happen

I don't contribute to the Linux kernel and have no Intention of ever doing so. I'm worried that the pink-haired harpy crowd will start digging in kernel contributors' social media for anything they might deem offensive and use that as a weapon.

See Now fuck off with your FUD.

did you read any further than that? i go on to explain who's enforcing this and why that in practice, it changes a lot.

>. I'm worried that the pink-haired harpy crowd will start digging in kernel contributors' social media for anything they might deem offensive and use that as a weapon.
And Linux developers will tell them to fuck off. Pink-haired SJWs do not own or manage Linux.

>did you read any further than that?
I did, see

the "incel" had a family to feed and got fired over using the word DONGLE in a joking manner in private conversation. hadn't he been immediately hired by someone else, it would have ruined his llife. this is the modus operandi of the SJWs. don't give them power by succumbing to any single one of their demands.

>If however, anyone feels personally abused, threatened, or otherwise uncomfortable due to this process, that is not acceptable
>due to this process
that's the only thing i could find that could be remotely related to this, and it's referencing how your code will be picked apart and analyzed, and how you'll get criticism. nothing to do with opinions and beliefs here.

>he "incel" had a family to feed and got fired over using the word DONGLE in a joking manner in private conversation
According to the public statement made by his company, they made it pretty clear that it was just the tip of the iceberg and that he had done a load of different stuff. Anyway, you should really be angry at poor workers' rights in the US which allows companies to terminate employees for whatever reason and whatever time they want.

And by the way most beta keks ITT hasn't realized the evil and long-time-paced project that involves this Thelema Witch that cries harassment for no reason whatsoever.

This living thing is creating a non-existent problem. You give it a place to this non-issue and that place goes Kaputt. It's a jewish joke, a Chutzpah, based on the ideas explained by the satanist Aquino in MINDWAR (Free PDF on Joogle).

Really the attitude is the same: keep shilling your non-objective idea and it will be reificated.

It's Qaballah applied onto reality to destroy it.

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they operate with public pressure aka shitstorms. they don't need to be directly in control (though they will undoubtedly have "community manager" allies).

You are correct. The only reason it went down that way is because the maintainer of the project was willing to put his foot down against the SJW hatemob. Others might not have the same fortitude.

I was just showing that the main figure behind this CoC has, years ago, displayed a willingness to use it to get people removed from projects (that he does not at all contribute to) for wrongthink.

Again, we both know that in practice maintainers could say "fuck no" to your patches for whatever justification they felt like before and they will still do exactly this.

The only real difference is that they now can say honestly it is because they don't like your stupid face, rather than before where they had to pretend it was due to some technical reason.

The new CoC changes absolutely fuck-all, hardcore cultural marxists that work for billion dollar SV companies (you know, the typical crowd the free software movement is comprised of) sit with all the power and contributors have absolutely fuck-all to say in the matter.

Who the fuck has put this fag into Github. I want Names to Dox.

It means it's our turn now, tekkkbros and the rest of you meritocratic Nazis are gone.
We got Linus to quit, do you think we give a shit about you?

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>You are correct. The only reason it went down that way is because the maintainer of the project was willing to put his foot down against the SJW hatemob. Others might not have the same fortitude.
You have to be pretty new to the Linux mailing lists if you doubt their ability to put their foot down over political bullshit. I mean, GNU and FSF have been discussed frequently and even referred to as cancer.

i've said before. this isn't about contributions to me, it's free speech. and the coc has changed everything by the fact it's enforced by the most sensitive subhumans of the earth. this may be on linux today, but it could be everywhere tomorrow.

Hopefully you are right. I have seen a lot of things in the last few years that don't make me so optimistic.

See The FSF has spent years trying to influence Linux with their political drama, and have gotten nowhere. The same is going to be true here, there is extremely low tolerance for bullshit on the mailing lists and I for one actually want to see one of these pink-haired hambeast abominations to try it, and witness the hilariousness that ensues.

Linux's new CoC means that maintainers have to follow the SJW-mandated rules and enforce them, on pain of permanent ban and/or contributed code removal. Nothing in the new CoC limits that power or subjects it to any sort of due process.
When faced with the first complaints about a Linux maintainer's opinions, the Linux leadership will have two options:
1. Comply with the calls to remove the offender (as happened before in other FOSS projects) and set a precedent that will quickly become the norm.
2. Refuse to remove the offender and suffer a smear campaign against the remaining Linux project leadership, blaming them for enabling harassment and/or even digging up dirt about them personally.
Now, the remaining Linux leadership saw with their own eyes the once-unbeatable Linus giving in to the pressure: He stepped down, signed an unconditional surrender and headed off to begin his rehabilitation. Having witnessed that, I doubt that any of them will try to resist.

Two were let go, one barely survived a vote against him, the other guy was defended by another contributor. Two other major projects rejected it outright on grounds that started the previous shitstorms.

Now stop being a fucking retard, the reason why the fat tranny wants to push his CoC(k) into everything is clear. It gives him a way to go to any Open Source project and start Drama about muh contributor has wrong opinions, previously it was entirely an internal process. The tranny is now also working on something he calls his CoC(k) Beacon to help him find heretics and run his CoC(k) through them. It's going to turn Open Source into a political minefield.

They do now.

>I tweeted that Linux’s new code of conduct would be abused to witch hunt devs.
>Right on cue, 3 or 5 devs tried to use my opposition of the code of conduct to try to accuse me of violating it.
>All the while using behavior that was against the code of conduct.
>I rest my case.

Attached: cux.png (265x314, 21K)

>1. Comply with the calls to remove the offender (as happened before in other FOSS projects)
Literally where has this happened?

>Refuse to remove the offender and suffer a smear campaign against the remaining Linux project leadership, blaming them for enabling harassment and/or even digging up dirt about them personally.
How is this literally any different than the time Linus caused a massive shitstorm for telling an unnamed (but easily identified) developer to retroactively abort himself?

Can't we just go full accelerationist and intentionally find vital code and see who contributed it, then set the trannies loose to fucking ruin Linux?

Attached: Screenshot_20180917_094255.png (1575x973, 555K)

>that fucking breadtext
>that fucking image
fifty keks

>The tranny is now also working on something he calls his CoC(k) Beacon
..and so it begins.
>and ends

Some ruby shit, the guy isn't even white but partly puertorican (?)

>How is this literally any different than the time Linus caused a massive shitstorm for telling an unnamed (but easily identified) developer to retroactively abort himself?
B-b-b-but that was only fun and games

cant spell tyranny without tranny
no, Sir

The shitstorm just got big enough to unseat Linus himself. These people, who knew how much pressure Linus was under and saw him fold, should rightfully be pretty deterred right now. Even those who would like to oppose the SJW's would have a pretty hard time doing it, especially as members of a board containing corporate representatives who would like nothing more than to avoid further shitstorms.

CoC Beacon is just another shitty site to shill some shekel. I have seen more, all sites suck, are related to CoC and some handicapped minority, are sites ready to be dead and only exist to link to a Patreon or Paypal.


So, this '"man'" not only twits about violence - going against his own '"credo'" - but even FIGHTS FOR OPEN SOURCE TO CHANGE WHILE ASKING MONEY ON MANY DIFFERENT PLATFORMS

Friendly reminder that Linus left voluntarily, and that the last time he took a hiatus he wrote fucking git.

Also, another friendly reminder that Greg is taking over for Linux, a personal friend and long time maintainer for the stable branch, and employed by the Linux foundation just like Linus. Linus isn't dethroned, he is going to be included in decisions even though merge requests are signed off by Greg.

>I dunno, based on what I've researched I don't think I agree with 'genderneutrality' or supporting transitions
>They really don't have a lot of experience doing this thing, maybe we should have someone who knows a lot more about it do it
>I find morbid obesity kind of disgusting
>That guy really does not groom themselves and it makes them unattractive
>I'm atheist and I think christians are wrong
I'll never understand SJW logic.

>man ever since linusgate all these sjws are being troled epic style

that reminds me we should do a pull request to rename man to woman

$ woman --whatis curl
curl (1) - transfer a URL

$ woman --usage
Usage: woman [-dDfkKlwWciIau7tZ?V] [-C FILE] [-R ENCODING] [-L LOCALE]
[-H[BROWSER]] [-X[RESOLUTION]] [--config-file=FILE] [--debug]
[--default] [--warnings[=WARNINGS]] [--whatis] [--apropos]
[--global-apropos] [--local-file] [--where] [--path] [--location]
[--where-cat] [--location-cat] [--catman] [--recode=ENCODING]
[--locale=LOCALE] [--systems=SYSTEM] [--manpath=PATH]
[--sections=LIST] [--extension=EXTENSION] [--ignore-case]
[--match-case] [--regex] [--wildcard] [--names-only] [--all]
[--update] [--no-subpages] [--pager=PAGER] [--prompt=STRING]
[--ascii] [--encoding=ENCODING] [--no-hyphenation] [--nh]
[--no-justification] [--nj] [--preprocessor=STRING] [--troff]
[--troff-device[=DEVICE]] [--html[=BROWSER]]
[--gxditview[=RESOLUTION]] [--ditroff] [--help] [--usage]
[--version] [SECTION] PAGE...

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>damage controll
>call everyone polak
fuck off kike. These things happened. And whole intent of coc is have this power over others.

>"these things happened"
Literal fake news.

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you cant even spell it right, fuck off back to tumblr and rub your open-dick-wound to cartoons or something

Best, most intelligent answer ITT.