What's the Difference Between DevOps and SRE?

Season 2 of #SRE vs #DevOps is here. This season Liz Fong-Jones and Seth Vargo discuss how to identify risks, solve alerts and more → youtube.com/watch?v=uTEL8Ff1Zvk&list=PLIivdWyY5sqJrKl7D2u-gmis8h9K66qoj

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lessened gender fluidity

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HAHAHA what IS that

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Why is it that nearly all of the women in coding look like the dudes in coding

they have to dress as a woman, because of gender quotas

What the fuck is that thing
Nuke the west immediately

Hahahah this fucker looks less convincing than BD Wong in Mr Cuckbot.

>the patriarchy is so strong that men pretend to be women JUST to keep girls out
Ugh, as expected of programmers ...

Thats an actual dude

SRE your focus should be on uptime, responsiveness, visibility into how and where your software is running. Mainly production systems.

DevOps owns the process by which software gets built, tested, deployed, validated, and then redeployed to systems that matter.

That's not to say that the two are mutually exclusive and an engineer could have a mix of those responsibilities.

I would expect an SRE to much more familiar with the network stack and a DevOps engineer to be more familiar with the tech stack.

What, I thought Asians were top tier traps?

Holy shit what

Yeah, he/she/xe could do better. A make up course or something would probably be a good birthday present.

Is the only way for better demographics in favor of women in dev by men who change their gender to female?

It's ogre

>A faggot and a trap debate the difference between two buzz words.

When will Google go back to innovating?

Being a trap is a passion and these trannies just do it to get into programming

But they're always inventing new ways for people to isolate and castrate themselves


it's destroying the testicles

who tf writes their twitter bio in third person

are you fucking blind

Translation: I am currently alive