What happened to the anti-trannie threads?

All the threads about the Linux clusterfuck seem to have been deleted?
Mods are trannies?

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Other urls found in this thread:


They're bullshit you dumb frogposter

No, thats not fair

Trannies shit up everything. Go away and grow up please

I can kind of understand it when the same topic is being spammed and people are sick of seeing multiple threads dedicated to it. It would be better if mods just stickied big news so people didn't have to start 500 threads.

>b-b-b-but mom the SJWs said something i didn't like on twitter!!
Jow Forums is not your hugbox, or your personal army

Every single time there is a malicious incident with a blue haired snowflake in any field any talk of it, and all the threads about it in the respective and relevant boards mysteriously gets deleted. Is no coincidence there has been so much janny rotation as of late, only selected people by whoever signs hiromoot's checks get to control the discourse from the shadows all while maintaining a fake guise of free speech

SJWs are the antithesis of humankind

You are a massive faggot.

This guy knows the score.

And here is a good example:

Attached: no argument.jpg (1024x560, 110K)

LGBT are monsters in the eye of Allah. All of them must be struck down painfully until they live no more.

Can i get a run down?

linus stepped down and linux kernel development adopted an aids coc contrived by a fat 50 something year old tranny

the rundown is mod are fags as per usual and deleting legitimate discussions on current ongoing tech news and tech policies because they are anus hurt and meanwhile they are trying to inject ads into your beloved boards and you'll take it like a little white punkass bitch because it's the only home you know

enjoy yourselves while the gook bends you over for a good fuckin

jannys are trannys and similarly compromised

lick boot or die

The lunatics (or in this case immature adults) have taken over the asylum.

>the rundown is mod are fags as per usual and deleting legitimate discussions on current ongoing tech news and tech policies because they are anus hurt and meanwhile they are trying to inject ads into your beloved board
This reads like shitposting but its actually what's happening, sad times

This. Jow Forums is bad enough as it is. Mods need to crack the fuck down before this turns into Jow Forums meets Jow Forums.

>Mods need to crack the fuck down
Mods need to man up

reddit pls go

Kys transfaggot

>personal army
I like how he's trying to adopt 2008 Jow Forums lingo, and failing to understand the intention behind this phrase. Go back to somethingawful

Fuck off retard.

Talking about COC = okay

Talking about OMG TRANNY SJWS = not okay

I knownhe stepped down but all I read in the news is that he had behaviour problems. What exactly happenedm

YOU fuck off

bullet to the brain yourself, fuckmoron

>talking about a mentally ill man pretending to be a woman influencing a popular software's CoC is totally not ok guys and not tech related

/tpg/ now has an anti-trans rule.

Trans people are mentally ill. 45% suicide rate.

How are governments not treating them like people with downs syndrome?

The fact that you can't seperate the two means you need to go back to tumbleddit

Honestly, openly transphobic responses to CoCs just make it look like the SJWs have a point.

The fact that you think mentally ill people forcing their mentally ill cocs are seperate issues mean shoot yourslf

jannies are trannies

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Fuck off tranny you don't belong in this world.

Back to Jow Forums.

t. tranny

You're the kind of people they're trying to get rid of.

Implementing a CoC like this is obviously a way to target and bully people you don't like. But we don't need to add "ALSO FUCK TRANNIES" to the end of every post on the topic.

i understand the intention perfectly, cunt
is better now that lowtax got banned from twitter again, maybe you should take a hint and stop shitting this place up just because of what dumbass trannies post on there

But Linux has nothing to do with tech.

The SJW-wordplay has always been there.

First, the recursive acronyms that only serves as a shibboleth.

Second, the insistence on calling it GNU/Linux when just Linux will do. For instance, some people claims that Stallman has held a speech in France. But there's no such thing as France. However, there's a République française. And everyone should call it that. In french.

Thing is that France is more popular than Linux. So Stallman's wordplay is a desperate bid for attention.

>But we don't need to add "ALSO FUCK TRANNIES" to the end of every post on the
Now, if she had remained a he. Do you think that the CoC would have gotten the same traction?

Daily reminder there are Jow Forums shills on Jow Forums

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how exactly are people with Down's syndrome meant to be treated?
also just so you know suicide rate for trans people plummets when they are treated as the gender they identify as. food for thought.

kys faggot
death to trannies

>Jow Forums is literally /v/ exile island
>/v/ is Jow Forums alt/pol/

it already too late fags Jow Forums is hydra

Tell me how people who destroy their body like this isn't mentally ill?

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Jow Forums raid

Those threads are 90% shitposting at this point.


Isn't that female-to-male? Did they take skin from the legs for their penis?

Shut the fuck up this is technology related, we have literal subversives in charge of Linux

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>how exactly are people with Down's syndrome meant to be treated?
As a matter of fact, they are better treated now than they used to be. For instance, better heart surgery allows them to not die off like flies once they hit 45.

Yeah, I agree that a society with a less binary logic where you can use androgynity as a social safety valve is far better than a strict binary logic where you have to commit like this or nothing: Also, Python is oppressive against small rodents.

>muh Jow Forums raid
No proof that GG was that. Just a matter of someone claiming victory afterwards.

Also, Jow Forums vs SJW is just a turf war.

What's so mentally ill about getting a surgery? You can post a bloody picture of anyone getting a surgery in order to provoke an emotional response but that doesn't make them mental
Why so you have this saved?

decent pussy and they ruined it to fit in with the sjy fuckcrowd

>somethingawful is better now

SA is not better now. I just swung by there a couple days ago, and it's still the SJW leftist dogpiling laffo craphole that it has been for years now. Same rabid delusional posters too. Do they still do those joke chain probations for wrongthink?

Tranny with a CoC in their panties detected. Also hello tranny mods.

A tranny is a colloquial term for a transvestite, also known as "chix with dix". They're usually men who dress up as women and hide their schlong using the classic peek-a-boo method. Trannies are native to Linux Foundation boards and posing as mods on Jow Forums.

Hope this helps.

The mods are homosexuals, child molestors, commies, chinks, and trannies. They’re Google employees, every one of them.

You don’t actually think some Jap actually owns this site do you? Moot sold it to Google, and his job there is running this honeypot.

how are they destroying they're body? people get surgery all the time, no one is trying to force you to do it Jow Forumsfag

depends how large of a shaft they are making. that is a very large one, but yeah usually taking from the thigh since it has a lot of skin and not as much of a negative effect.

tfw can't afford the big dick surgery and have to settle for the cheaper chode option

fuck off tranny

>What happened to the anti-trannie threads?
This is the Jow Forums of today

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>take every opportunity you can to insult and discriminate against people who are mentally ill
>wonder why they institute rules saying you can't insult people who are mentally ill

>talking about trannies and faggots as mentally ill people
Heh, subtle.

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it's not always about money, they are quite a few different options for surgery. some people would prefer to have the smaller shaft because the longer one is usually more prone to complications. it depends on many factors what people choose

Gee I dunno, maybe trannies shouldn't be so willing to share the fact they're trannies, thus opening themselves up to ridicule? Why do these folks have to wear their sex/gender/whatever choices on their sleeves? It has nothing to do with writing code. As mentioned above the real problem is often these white-knight SJW defenders that take it upon themselves to punish wronghtink.

I still recall the bullshit when Something Awful made the word tranny a bannable/probatable offense. SJWs and thin skinned trannies ruin EVERYTHING.

>implying that mentally ill people should be punished and not treated
>unironically using the words "tranny" and "faggot"
Jow Forums is that way

>go on social media
>wonder why people are concerned with how they present themselves socially
>wonder why people accuse you of "wrongthink" when all you do is accuse them of presenting themselves the wrong way

Getting cosmetic surgery to remove functioning organs is pretty fucking spooky.. I don't know if there's a cure to tranny brain syndrome but surgery should never ever ever be an option for them. This is self-reinforcing as the only people unethical to perform those surgeries are fucking quacks who end up killing or maiming people.

really appreciate my 5 inch dicklet after watching this
even a shitty penis is intricate and beautiful unto its own compared to this

you do realise that those pictures are prior to completion of the surgery. and it looks different after it heals

>it heals

>end up killing or maiming people
if a surgeon repeatedly performs poorly then they tend to lose they're license to practice user
also reproductive organs aren't essential to life so who gives a fuck. and rates of self harm and suicide fall after surgery so it's clearly effective in improving quality of life for many, which is one of the main goals of medicine

lmao okay yeah it's totally just open and bleeding everywhere for the rest of their life. just like when people get heart surgery and their chest just stays open forever.
dumbass. you realise that almost all of them end up completely function right? as in usable for sex and urination.

does it look as good as a real natal one? i don't think so, not in a million years

Fuck off back to Jow Forumspolitics

looking good is subjective and these people DON'T HAVE a natal penis. it not like they are choosing to be born with a vagina just to have it removed. they are choosing to alter their body because they know what the outcome is and they prefer it.
just because you don't want it doesn't mean no one does

A license to practice medicine in 1st world countries is not really the bar to judge by for this shit. Mentally ill people being competent to make decisions regarding their quality of life is laughable. Shit's unethical as fuck even when they rarely go through the proper channels, rare enough.

Sing after me y'all

Throw the trans down the well,
Throw the trans down the well,

So my OS can be free!
So my OS can be free!

You must grab it by it's horns!
You must grab it by it's horns!

And then we'll have a big partyyyy

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if someone feels significantly better (as in no longer trying to kill themselves) specifically because of a surgery then, brace yourself for this shocker, their quality of life has improved because of that. and I have no clue what your are basing the idea that most people get sex reassignment surgery done illegally

claiming that a real penis is better than a shitty lump of inanimate meat is not subjective my dear dumb tranny

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desu anime made me gay so i wouldnt be surprised if it can make someone want to cut their dick off too

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except it's not inanimate, is your reading comprehension okay?
and whether or not something looks good is exactly subjective. also the point of surgery isn't to get genitals that look "good." it's to not want to kill yourself. which it does very well.

It's not illegal, except where it might still be. There's usually requirements to get actual medical doctors to do it instead of 3rd world clinics which are seriously common.

Not saying cosmetic surgery wouldn't make them feel better but even assuming the shrinks and neurologists aren't ALL drug pushing con artists, there's always the chance to get an actual treatment in these peoples lifetimes.

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pretty weird how a meat sausage can purportedly save a life

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>to not want to kill yourself. which it does very well
except it doesn't
a lot of trannies de-transition or just suicide
you can come up with any sort of mental gymnastics to justify having that piece of meat on yourself but at the end of the day you know that whatever is fucked up with you is not going to be fixed by some botched surgery on your genitals or body, and you will feel the need to kill yourself

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>suicide rate for trans people plummets when they are treated as the gender they identify as
This is actually... proven to be not true. No amount of transitioning and acceptance will change the fact that you can never truly just change into the opposite gender. Transitioning takes a lot of lying to yourself. No wonder it makes them want to kill themselves. They're living a lie they can't get out of.

I'm a tranny myself, btw. Haven't transitioned yet because I figured I'm not gonna pay to kill myself.

Transvestites and faggots are degenerates and should be treated as such. Keep pushing the progressive agenda and that movie Idiocracy will become a reality.

Everyone who isn't exactly like me is a degenerate. This includes you.

>Mods are trannies?

jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(18)30085-5/fulltext chosen name use resulted in lowest amount of mental illness.
just because *some* people de-transition or still commit suicide doesn't erase the reality that it is well documented that surgery consistently lowers suicide rates.
review of 14 studies highlighting risk factors for trans suicide; lack of family and social supports, gender-based discrimination, transgender-based abuse and violence, gender dysphoria and body-related shame, difficulty while undergoing gender reassignment, and being a member of another or multiple minority groups.

>muh Jow Forums boogeyman
fuck off mentally ill tranny