Total retard here

Total retard here.

What would happen if someone steals let's say Windows 7 or Windows 10 LTSB source code?

I mean, some community may modify Windows and distribute it on TOR could Microsoft stop it?

Attached: 1486219448232.jpg (589x589, 48K)

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No they could not stop it.

Using closed, unlicensed source code illegally would poison any project using or touching it. Lawyers could and would demolish any attempt at commercial use of the code.

This actually crapped up the ReactOS project for years when the XP source leaked and MS claimed the React guys were using stolen code.

Attached: 1420177771641.gif (500x334, 982K)

> leaked
No doubt they did it themselves specifically to target ReactOS.

Nothing happens because of this .
Well except if somehow Microsoft went bankrupt, who knows.

Would be a bitch to distribute, it's literally hundreds of Gbs. You'd probably want to kidnap a busload of their engineers as well to make any sense of it.

what is react os

Have pirates after the millenium ever cared about commercial success? Physical data is dying out and internet allows copying ad infinitum

M$ tried to get them for using Wangnlows source, and years later they still haven't proven it.

they are using ms code, they are from russia and poor as fuck. Microsoft doesnt wanna waste all the money of getting them extradited to the us or using a russian court. If someone here did a react os project they would be raped hard and sued.

Microsoft could, without issue, bring down a small project using their code.
ReactOS is hosted on GitHub, which is literally owned by MS. They could literally just remove it from their servers, but they haven't, because they can't prove they used MS's code even with the entire codebase available to them.

The problem is; why?

Basically it's Windows but reverse engineered and open source. Right now it's an unusable mess.

every software engineer in the Windows & Devices group of Microsoft have access to the full OS source code (and Xbox, VR, etc OS's)

how nobodys leaked it yet is a mystery

Attached: validating.jpg (1027x251, 64K)

>You'd probably want to kidnap a busload of their engineers
That's a lot easier nowadays than it used to be, just promise them bob and vagene is in the bus.

russians literally can't be extradited, it's in their constitution.

>React OS

No one would use it, and no one would benefit from pirating it. Windows is already pseudo-free, if you don't care about having a wallpaper.

So..., what's stopping Microsoft to "leak" source code to poison wine and react OS and to eventually take them down. What if it already happened and the XP sources just sit there as a legal kill switch (just in case if they well ever be successful)?

Microsoft couldnt stop it, but they wouldnt have to.

For that source code to be useful for pirating windows, people would have to write their own authentication that doesnt use microsoft servers. Once that happens, microsoft continues to push security updates to their newer versions (only pushing to authentic microsoft windows) and the community would be sued or left behind.

The problem with distributing winshit source would be the size of the damn thing.

>Windows source would be useful for pirating

Taking down a github doesn't kill a project.

desu the real issue is that even IF Windows source were public, I have my doubts about what could be done with it. Considering the generations of compatibility hacks and turnover at Microsoft the code must be a total nightmare by now. You would need an incredibly strong stomach to venture into that hell.

Windows 10 assigns EXIF to all images you save and its easy to track you and get your address.

>Taking down a github doesn't kill a project
It would kill GitHub itself though.

MS using their ownership to squash a FOSS project that compete with them is exactly what people feared would happen.

>What would happen if someone steals let's say Windows 7 or Windows 10 LTSB source code?
A shit ton of zero day exploits would happen, an scenario so bad that if MS doesn't go bankrupt the resulting patched OS would be completely different from the original leak itself.

what a fucking incredibly stupid question. had you ever considering literally googling that fucking question?
where the fuck are the mods??