Now that linux turned into SJW shit, what OS i should use now?

Now that linux turned into SJW shit, what OS i should use now?

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shut the fuck up


Nothing. You keep using Linux and you buy programming socks. It's now been fully trannyfied might as well get on with the program.

It hasn't. Calm your tits and use other sources than information than just Jow Forums.

>this fast and automatic damage control

archfags on suicidewatch

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Continue using GNU but with Hurd instead of Linux



haha this thread never gets old

Look no further, install hackintosh

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>Look no further, install hackintosh
I don't have a macbook user, nor any friends use any mac stuff. What do I do user?

windows xp pirate edition

Just use Linux, the alternatives aren't as good. Or maybe try RISC OS. ah man I hope I get trips


You use a macos VM to make a bootable install usb, or search for premade images

We are fucked.
There is literally no good choice on the market.

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016

FreeBSD, no questions.

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strange you're not already using mac os, faggot

>nOw ThAt LiNuX tUrNeD iNtO sJw ShIt
No, Linus is a grown up adult who doesn't pander to either of pol nazi LARPers or SJWs.


>People will stop sperging out because anime tells them

Linux is the geriatric who turned into the grasshopper because he's fucking immortal.
He has long overstayed any sane lifetime and is bogged down by centuries of PTSD, but he keeps going on because he cannot stop.

Linux is a horrible organically grown abomination. It just so happens to be also be so unstructured and uncontrolled that it's easy to use for basically anything.

From a technical standpoint what's wrong with Linux? I keep seeing people say it's like swiss cheese filled with holes and stuff, what does this actually mean?

>he's not using his own OS he built himself
>32 bit os

Linux is just a kernel. Distro makers need to come along and supply a good userland for it. Trouble is while some distros end up working well with things (e.g. server stuff) they mostly do a bad job at everything else (e.g. desktop software).

It's basically Liberian architecture.
Bolt shit together to get the job done. It works, but none of the parts really go together, they just manage to co-exist through judicious applications of rivets.

In Linux' case, this means that the "everything is a file" and "we are all morons who can't standardize so unstructured text is our goto means of interoperability" makes even the shittiest tools capable of meshing with the rest of the OS, as long as the user puts in some effort.
This allows for a lot of flexibility, but also makes the OS incredibly dependent on manual work and workarounds.

What Linux needs is a standardized interoperability format. I'm not saying binary, but something slightly more structured than "literally any kind of text". Maybe CSV or XML, with all basic system tools abstracting away the system layer (i.e. the delimiters in CSV or the bracket stuff in XML) of the format.

In addition, we need standardized parameters (dd's format should never have been a thing, the fucking thing wasn't even written for Unix), as well as good pre-determined parameters (verbose output, what-if output, etc.) that you can count on. You shouldn't need to guess whether -h or --help or ? is the command for help, it should always be the same.

This will make Linux a fuckload more stable, as long as any tool that even glimpses at the possibility of fucking over a structured text file's underlying structure is executed on the spot.

Basically, replace Bash with Powershell, but with a non-binary format and without .net.

Afterwards we can talk about shit like standardizing the file structure. It's never clear where you should put self-compiled binaries on any given OS (Aside from Arch or Gentoo, I guess), where the config files for a given tool are positioned (and if the config even exists - sometimes you have to manually create it first. I'm talking about the system-wide config, not the user-config. The latter makes sense to not have created on install), etc.

Now that's what I call edgy 4



Windows 7

go back to reedit retard

You realize proprietary software like Windows or OS X is and always will be miles ahead of freetard timesinks.

>no good alternatives
>the free market will fix it
>the product has become too complex for new organizations to enter the market to provide a better product
>the infrastructure has become too complex to consider providing or using a more simple product
>society has become too complex to unanimously guide infrastructure and products toward more simplified solutions
Deterministic economic atheists have literally used a recursive self-fulfilling prophecy to destroy free will

4096MB ought to be enough for anybody. Also PAE is a thing, you know?

Linux is just the kernel.


Attached: TempleOS_logo.png (650x490, 20K)


unironically start making your own


Ok ya fucker, I've been asking for the picture on the OS logo for days, you post this shit in every fucking thread but ignore me, c'mon I'm going crazy, do it and I'll do a hackintosh if this makes you happy.

Is there some good base kernel available over which one can start to port drivers?

Why didn't you just reverse image search, pal

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Im currently interested in dragonflyBSD.
Trouble is, I have become lazy as fuck now that everything started to work in linux, and I'd miss steam and electron (vscode) a lot.

make your own

I'm not good at starting something, only good at adding stuff to existing code.

Now that the maintainer's dead, it's only a matter of time until it becomes infected with SJWs.

is mac osx the lesbian distro for lesbian men?
sign me up

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Because I'm a dumb phoneposter but also too lazy to crop it to reverse search, thanks senpai, all my love is yours




Hey 0P where is my sleevejob?

I'm not even that tech I don't his for a hobbie and the answer is openBSD. You retards are sad.

Systemd is trying to do that
It's something I'm not entirely against


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>4096MB ought to be enough for anybody
Games, video and audio editor software, and anything else other then browsers and text editors would beg to differ.
>PAE is a thing, you know?
Yeah having virtual ram is clearly as good as having extra physical ram to use, and is definitely not slower to access.

Solaris, OSX.

How do I connect my new gash to my anus

Linux is a kernel.

An linux distro you want and stop being such a bitch.


What reason did you have to post this? I am aware of the fact that it is gnu/linux and so is pretty much everyone else here but for the sake of keeping things simple and short I didn't type it out.

Just type GNU, it's even shorter.


I feel like it's more a matter of just getting over it.
Not him but this whole thing wouldn't be such a big deal if ya'll just manned up and moved on.

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Yeah but commonly it's referred to as linux so I'll stick to that.

Linux is pretty shit. Use win 10 and pray for future

Can't argue with that. Guess you win this round.

>complaining about people complaining about people complaining

This is the internet, it's how we do. Sorry.

>Dude just let everything you love be destroyed lmao!
>Just stop thinking lmao!
>Arguing a position is just as bad as the other dudes man

Our definitions of destroyed seem to vary quite a bit. No one is stopping you from using it. You are making this your problem and that's no ones fault but yours.

Normie non-tech fag here. Just came here from
My oppinion is this.

Victim culture invades more space, makes it more inefficient and entrenches victim privilege above talent and merit. We don't want your victim culture here. The day of the rope for white knights, simps and appeasers is long overdue. This is Gamergate 2.0 Irregardless of these SJW infiltration efforts, they still and always will, lack the mental and creative talent to be great at STEM. Talent will always win out. And if the oppressive victim narrative becomes too much of a hindrance, then the open source crowd will simply abandon the project and create a new space. But this next round will have stronger gates of protection. Doxxing, outing and otherwise shaming or exposing programmers for their personal beliefs and lifestyle choices is social tyranny. Meanwhile the LGBTQ+ community if rife with sexual deviance. Gayness is up to it's eyeballs in BDSM and there are PLENTY of women cashing in on exploiting men through sex. Have any of you seen the camgirl culture? Programmer by day camgirl hooker by night? Yeah, that is just fine, since a privileged "victim" is engaging in anti-social power dominance and extraction schemes. But whoa to any cis white male that does the same. He is part of RAPE culture. Well, women RAPE men all day everyday for cash and prizes. But I guess that is just fine with the misandrist culture sitting comfortably at the helm of the victim narrative stack. These misfits have no place in the Linux community. All the proof I need is this. They can't even build a voluntary community of decent programmers on their own. These privilege victims are nothing but low talent leeches sucking off the greater genius of their betters.

Continued from prior.

If there EVER was a place to pioneer and prove the worthiness of women and the LGBTQ+ communities it would be in the near ZERO investment model of FREE and VOLUNTARY programming. Seriously...what CIS WHITE MALE barriers are there exactly at starting up a Linux type of project? NONE. These people don't want "access". They want DOMINANCE and they want to SILENCE men. This is an action to achieve one goal...the deplatforming of white normative sexual identity. It's destructive violence and should be regarded as such.


>its ok as long as they just destroy it very slowly in small parts
>A few drops of blood wouldn't hurt? There are people who need to more than you!
>You can still spare a few ounces? You have plenty to give.
>Just give us all your blood, Nazi! Do it OR ELSE!
But pathetic idiots like yourself will never "get it" until the bullet is going through your brain.

Soros is a Jew faggot and is mostly likely behind this invasion.

The barrier is that you have to be smart or skilled at something.

That's kinda hot.

Yup...exactly my point. That is why these misfits continue to prove one thing...they are dependent parasites on the men who actually build civilization. Sure it was bricks and mortar through past ages. Not it's ones and zero. But that does not take ANYTHING away from the act of building infrastructure. These leeches are infrastructure beneficiaries and now they want to to take credit and power where it is unearned. Could their be any more proof of their true intent? There is NO institutional discrimination in a fucking VOLUNTARY not for profit community. Because of this...we can deduce these misfits are in this scheme not to become part of it, but to dismantle white male identity. Now we can reverse engineer the entire progressive movement for what it is. Warfare against men.

please tell me how the sjw CoCk will impact my daily usage of the linux kernel
>t. archfag

STEM is the final barrier to these communists. I hope men can hold the line here. STOP caving into these vile anti-social SJWs. Let them snarl and bitch all they want. They've hit a wall they can't actually get over....the TALENT wall. Talent, logic, merit...these are concepts that the SJW crown actually believe are misogynistic devices to hold them back. It's deranged thinking. If you give them ground, they will infect and ruin your culture with their victim bullshit.

>because it doesnt affect me RIGHT NOW it doesnt matter
>wtf "suddenly" after a year the kernel has multiple back doors, runs really slow, and crashes all the time? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN??????????????????????????

Some people like complaining about things that don't directly affect them. He's one of them.

It won't stop you from using it, UNTIL you do something in the normie world that your SJW censoring overlords find offensive...once that will be blocked from participation. This is the SJW battle tactic. They use PEER presure to force YOUR social conformity to THEIR narrative. In other words...YOU lose your freedom of expression. Here is one simple example. You follow the socially unacceptable Twitter channel. Somehow your Linus ID and your Twitter are known to be're basically doxxed to some degree. But you could be said to be in violation of the CoC. And you are out. This is what they are doing. They are using social engineering schemes to block YOU from making free associations with others. It is a form of Chinese social credit scoring. Basically they are ISOLATING dissidents who do not ascribe to THEIR social engineering matrix. So you just tell yourself you have nothing to worry about since you are a gud boy. are just a simp marching in their parade whether you want to or not. You are a passive sympathizer if you are not actively opposing them.

>Linus ID

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>And you are out
Are they going to remote shut down my kernel? Good luck, I'm behind seven proxies

I did that once for a customer. I know better now. Fuck you.

And yet it tends to be better than everything else out there. Let that sink in.

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but MacOS is free and always was

>get over it
>man up
Enjoy your AIDS.

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Have you ever tried getting a copy of Mac OS without a Mac. If you haven't, you clearly know nothing of that struggle. That shit is part of the price tag when you buy one of their shitbooks.