
emacs general /emacsg/

How goes your lisp hacking?

The command of the day is forward-sexp

What is emacs?

emacs cheat sheet: rgrjr.com/emacs/emacs_cheat.html
emacs manual: gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/emacs.html
emacs lisp introduction: gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/eintr.html
emacs lisp reference manual: gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/elisp.html

Quick key-bindings reference guide:
means hold Control and press a
means hold control and press x, then release control and press s
means hold alt and press x
and so on

some useful emacs modes:
erc/rcirc for irc
elfeed for rss
eshell for general shell usage
dired for file and directory management
image-dired for gallery style image viewing
pdf-tools for better pdf viewing
org for organization
gnus/notmuch/mu4e for email

Topics for discussion:
Should emacs' extension language be changed? What about if there was a perfect elisp compatibility layer in the new extension language?
What powerful tools have you recently included in your workflow?
Should emacs newbies be encouraged to use starterpacks like doom-emacs, spacemacs, etc?
What programming language do you use emacs to code? What packages do you use?
Where do you think that emacs can improve the most? What is the worst part of using emacs?
Share some neat settings that you found improve your experience!

Need help with emacs? These tools are your best friend:
describe-variable : C-h v : describes a variable and its contents
describe-function : C-h f : describes a function and shows its source location
apropos-documentation : C-h d : shows documentation for the queried symbol
info : C-h i : navigate all emacs and library documentation
where-is : C-h w : shows which key a function is bound to

Other useful tools:
#emacs on freenode (very active)
emacs and elisp info manual
emacs mailing list

Attached: emacslogo.png (604x519, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:


A neat trick in dired-mode is that you can press 'o' on a file or folder to open it in the other window, making navigating a directory tree very easy!

/csg/ here, please name your future threads something else, k thx

You can set
(setq next-screen-context-lines 4)

to set the number of lines from the current screen that remain viewable when you do scroll-up(C-v) or scroll-down(M-v)

when in dired-mode pressing & (dired-do-async-shell-command) will sometimes guess what command you want to run. You can set that command by pushing a alist with the extension and the command.
For example:
(push '("\\.png\\'" "feh") dired-guess-shell-alist-user)
(push '("\\.jpg\\'" "feh") dired-guess-shell-alist-user)
(push '("\\.jpeg\\'" "feh") dired-guess-shell-alist-user)
(push '("\\.mkv\\'" "mpv") dired-guess-shell-alist-user)
(push '("\\.webm\\'" "mpv") dired-guess-shell-alist-user)
(push '("\\.mp4\\'" "mpv") dired-guess-shell-alist-user)

and if you want it to execute the guess without asking, just set.
(fset 'really-do-dired
[?& return])
(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "M-RET") 'really-do-dired)

and press M-RET on the item

what i hate about dired is that it keeps opening buffers

i'm sure there's a way for it to not do that but dired is pretty complex

You should go to 8/emacs/

that board is somehow even more dead than these emacs generals are

Yeah, it seems deader than XEmacs/SXEmacs.

Fledgling here
Why should I use emacs over vim?

>want to learn emacs
>realize i need to learn to program first
baby steps

you need to learn how to copy/paste the correct segments, not programming

Emacs is essentially a superset of vim. Everything you can do in vim can be done in Emacs, but better. Emacs also has a better extension language that makes it effortless to write extebsions.

yea, you can even run vim in emacs.

>Why should I use emacs over vim?
Here's a few reasons.
1. Evil-mode - the greatest implementation of vi-keys in a foreign editor
2. Emacs Lisp - while not the best lisp, it's still an extremely flexible language
3. Ivy/Helm - think fzf/dmenu but way better
4. Magit - a git interface that's actually worth using
5. Org-mode - the legendary "Outline-based notes management and organizer"

Oh shit this is actually great. Thanks senpai

This doesn't seem to work for scrolling down (C-v) for some reason

Have you tried killing yourself

I would have if it were not for the Emacs doctor. Emacs saved my life

>another shitty general to filter

M-x customize exists, you can customize emacs without writing (or copying) any elisp.

Hey fag why don't you fuck off back to plebbit

How's everyone's RSI?

Are you looking to get into a 1vs1 backyard fight mate

Just remap your caps lock to work as a control key. It's that simple.

Is it bad to jump into spacemacs never having used regular emacs?

Attached: a pu pu pue.gif (300x250, 499K)

>current week

Why do this to yourself?

is there a way to get vim's autoindent in emacs, where it just copies the indentation from the previous line?

Emacs does that by default - what filetype are you editing?

I want it to do what vim calls "auto indenting," not "smart indenting."

int main()
if (foo)
| |

Install retard-mode


ok, thanks. i found a mode that does what i want
emacs default electric indentation will sometimes automatically insert tabs when i am trying to align, not indent, which is why i prefer autoindent to smartindent

so how does use-package work anyway? does it only run lisp once when you run a mode?

no thanks

:init is run before the package is loaded
:config is run after it is loaded(if at all)
I honestly just use it for the :ensure binding

why even come into this thread and complain then

spacemacs is a starting point for beginners since it showcases everything emacs can do. But eventually you'll want to start your own config.

it's possible (depending on your keyboard style) to hit the ctrl keys with your palm

Dired+ has a reuse buffers mode. You can also list dirs inside the buffer but i forgot the key