Just started learning programming (aka for now writing shitty scripts that do basic math). I suppose the choice of text editor/IDE is not important. On what am I losing out by chosing code:blocks over visual studio or something else?

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You shouldn't use one, just use a text editor with simple syntax highlighting like emacs and then learn to compile from the command line.

What operating system are you using?

I personally don't agree with that learning strategy.
IDE's ability to fill out code or show all possibilities when tabbing are great for beginners because then they can get pointers as for what to research. With just a text editor, they have to painfully explore their options through google instead of just tabbing a couple dozen times.

Visual Studio has a good debugger, but other than that it's a bloated, barely functioning mess with a ton of stuff you'll never need.

>On what am I losing out by chosing code:blocks over visual studio or something else?
Nothing other than no one uses Code::Blocks. Last I've heard about Code::Blocks when I was 17, going through a tutorial that recommended it. I went through college, I started working, haven't heard about it once.

Sometimes employers ask if you're familiar with an IDE of their choice and you're not going to be because you used Code::Blocks.

Depends on the language. Autocompletion isn't important for writing C at all, but writing Java without it is a huge pain in the ass.

Dual boot with Windows 10 main and Ubuntu for learning Linux because I want to swap.

Vim is great for programming in C, but learning the editor will take some time.

Install vim and install cygwin

Try Kdevelop

>On what am I losing out by chosing code:blocks
yes, without even completing the sentence. It manages to be lacking essential features and yet be bloated, error prone and convoluted at the same time. What little edge a good IDE has over a perfectly extendable editor, CB doesn't.

don't rely on an IDE early it will teach you bad habits. Pick vim or emacs and stick with that.

Once you start working with large codebases an IDE is good, but for simple scripts there is no need

>it will teach you bad habit

yes it really will

code blocks is fine you aint missing a thing
net beans is good as well

vim and emacs are memes

visual studio is like full of shit you will never need for c# it wants 16gb wtf

For example?

if u student check jetbrains IDE's. Free for students. IntelliJ for java, pycharm for python, CLion for C/c++ etc.
A lot better and comfier than codeblocks. Visual studio for front stuff tho

>I personally don't agree with that learning strategy.
wah wah poo poo pee pee

>if u student check jetbrains IDE's. Free for students. IntelliJ for java, pycharm for python, CLion for C/c++ etc.
+1 for Jetbrains. It's pretty much the industry standard other than VS.

Literally just do whatever works, and do that 'till you run your head into a wall.
It can be quite counterproductive to get lost in a sea of different tools and technologies that are SUPPOSED to make you more productive.

That you have to show up to class instead of SSH into your schools terminal and doing your homework using vim from the crapper.

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>but other than that it's a bloated, barely functioning mess with a ton of stuff you'll never need.
Code Blocks is bloated piece of shit that doesn't have any tools and still manages to run like shit considering it's just a little more than a text editor.
If you actually want to get hired somewhere, using anything else than Microsoft or JetBrains products is not going to impress them.
VS is a standard even for embedded programming.

>Being impressed by a candidates IDE choice
Jesus Christ, is the bar that low for you kids now? The economy really changed in a few years.

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It's not about being impressed, it's about spending another 3 days of somebodies time to teach you how to use industry standard IDE properly, you dumb frogposter.

>Taking 3 days to learn how to use an ide.
What type of brainlet shit is this? You're expected to be somewhat comfortable with every major IDE going into the position.
And if someone has to teach you how to use an IDE you don't deserve a job. That's a fucking downhill relationship. Do I have to teach you how to write code or do software design too? How about teaching you how to wipe your ass? Do you know how to do that on your own?

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nano + gcc

I think Visual Studio Code is one of the best tools ever created. It's lightweight so as to not be intimidating to beginners, but it's feature packed through the extension system and debugging integration that it's highly relevant for professional/experienced work.

You aren't supposed to give good answers here. Suggest the most obscure softwares.

>You're expected to be somewhat comfortable with every major IDE going into the position.
Define somewhat you degenerate. You won't be comfortable using shortcuts and everything you do will take you 3-times as much time because you are not used to it. You will be useless compared to somebody that used their IDE for the past year.

Why would anyone need to teach you shortcuts? Can you import, build, test, and debug? Anything outside of that is superfluous. If you can't reliably do that on your own, find a new profession.

Why would anybody hire you over a candidate that actually can do work from the day one instead of learning shit about the IDE at the company for their money? That's the whole point, holy shit, are you that dumb? Why the fuck would you use anything else than industry standard at home to learn at that point?

>I have all of the shortcuts memorized for VS Code
>Did I get the job!?
Why do you think anyone cares about this? Why do you think this is something that you shouldn't be able to be self taught in the matter of minutes?

Are you really trying to argue your experience with an IDE will make you a standout candidate? I can tell you've never conducted an interview, but have you even been to a job interview for anything higher than entry level/intern?
Seriously, change your attitude. Life is going to hurt when you get out of school if you don't.