Why do CS colleges teach Functional programming if nobody uses it in the real world?

Why do CS colleges teach Functional programming if nobody uses it in the real world?

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same reason they only teach you the syntax and you learn 90% of coding on your job

same reason why colleges teach gender "science":
to fuck your brain

>nobody uses it in the real world?
You found the point of all colleges, congratulations.

Learning how to write code without side effects will help you write better code in imperative languages. Side effects are an easy way to introduce bugs into your codebase. People should know what FP is about, and they should learn a lisp even if they end up never using it.

>lisps have anything to do with fp

spotted the code monkey

Most lisps aren't languages that enforce purity, and they have their own things that are important to learn (like metaprogramming). The fact that lisps were a step towards FP is irrelevant here, their contribution to that can be separated from their great syntax that enables for things impossible in other languages.

It's absolutely valuable to learn a Lisp, but the suggestion that it has anything to do with learning FP is a joke.

why do functional programming even exist when object-oriented ones are clearly superior

spotted the neet

FP is widely used in javascript

you dont need to learn a useless language to know how to write a pure function

I haven't suggested it, the point was that learning both these things is important if you want to git gud.

it teaches you critical thinking skills :)

Object oriented programming is a subset of functional programming. In fp, objects are called closures.

This. You need to understand functional as a stepping-stone to learn OO.

I work for an oil and gas company.
We use Scala a lot for new development.

Core, "business critical" stuff is still Java, but smaller things are Scala and now some Kotlin.


Attached: fu.jpg (1894x1080, 529K)

Functional programming is used heavily in the industry. They're often used oop languages, but if you say you don't know what a lambda is, you're a fucking retard.

>still falling for the tech job meme
I feel sorry for you nerds. If your not in healthcare now days god help you.

Because it's "science" not "engineering"

To weed out brainlets