With the Linux code of conduct there has been a good step forward into the realm of the modern world...


With the Linux code of conduct there has been a good step forward into the realm of the modern world, but if we are truly to RASPECT WAMEN we need to end the tyranny that are man pages. Pages should be for all genders and not limited to be viewed based on how you are born. Thank you for reading, please end this horrible menace.

Attached: givenchy.jpg (596x846, 744K)

Fuck off

It's this kind of toxic attitude that makes progress impossible. Sorry, but you aren't living in your 1980s boys club world where you get to make things hateful. If you played DND they already use female pronouns so it's not like nerds don't understand the concept.

Attached: respect women.png (500x1089, 181K)

Fuck off.

Is this a bot that is created to pretend there is a consensus? I want this idea to be discussed.

Fuck off

Why would you care, I doubt you'll ever be in the vicinity of a woman.

just use the info pages then you mentally ill tranny

No, really, fuck off.

I concur. This oppression needs to end!

There is literally NO reason for them to be called man pages.

Best New Troll, 10/10

'man' in this case is short for 'manual' , as in the thing one reads to fucking understand how to use the fucking software. Fucking kill yourself you stupid fucking moron. And no, I'm not telling you to do that because you view yourself as a woman or some other group you perceive as a minority. I'm telling you to do it because you're a fucking moron who pretends to be stupid, thus validating actual stupid people who post here. Fucking OD on insulin you fucking cretin

how does getting rid of manual pages make things equal to all?

stands for manual pages. the reason it is abbreviated because old terminals took a while to process keyboard input . now fucking kys

Why not call them info pages? Or just pages? You can't give me a single reason why they need to be so aggressively male especially in a male space like this video game.

And people of color USED to be slaves. Women USED to not be able to vote. Just because something was some way doesn't mean it should keep being that way. Grow up.

worst old samefag 0/10

>'man' in this case is short for 'manual'
Except that doesn't matter to the triggerkin. These are the people who got the abbreviation for brotli changed from .bro to .br because of "muh bro culture," even though brotli has nothing to do with "bros." You think it will matter to lardass SJWs that man is short for "manual?"

You're being really aggressive. Have you been in a relationship before?

info pages exist and the GNU project recommends info over man so fucking kys

Then it's time to take the MAN out of MANual. Womynual when?

Because then you might as well change 'manner', 'manure', 'manuever', 'Manhattan', 'mansplain', 'roman', or any fucking other word with the DREADED 'man' in it. Fuck off with your pathetic bait.

Why call them MAN pages over anything else? Answer directly.

Ah, the "you can't get laid" red herring. This kind of shaming attempt is pathetic.

Because it's short for manual.

Attached: 1480894004583.png (680x681, 311K)

Because evil men in the 70s wanted to trigger SJWs 40 years later

in this context 'man' stands for manual which comes from the latin 'manus' for hands
It's why we have the word "manual" in manual labor,
the word 'man' to refer to men and humans in general comes from old english 'mann' and even that came from some germanic protolanguage

Jesus, I hope you are trolling.

I have no idea why man(ual) is a bad thing. It makes absolutely no sense. There is a lot of injustice against women, sure, but nobody is harmed because of a man(ual). ffs learn computers before trying to fix them.