Where do you find your motivation?

I can envision exactly what I want to make.
I have the intelligence and the knowledge to make it.
I have the capital to fund it.
When I work on it, I'm extremely productive.

But I just can't seem to find the motivation to do it. I don't understand why. I sit down at my chair, I get distracted, and then by the end of the day all I've written is two functions. It's been this way for 27 years of my life. Am I just destined to be an underachiever?

Where do you get your motivation?

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from Jesus

fear of failure and stimulants. usually coffee, tea, red bull, diet coke, stuff like that

What do you mean fear of failure?

I've tried all kinds of stimulants. Caffeine just makes me paranoid, not motivated.

This is probably gonna be the long road for most people. Luckily I don't depend on the caffeine jew to function (much).

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Motivation is a joke. You can wait until you "feel like" doing something, or you can do it ANYWAY because you're a grown ass man that needs to get something done.
Check this out.


Thanks, I'll give it a read.

I have the same problem. Depression really kicks my ass sometimes and completely neuters my ability to be productive.

You need to form habits. the longer you do something in a regular way you gain momentum to keep doing it.

You can also try to eliminate possible distractions. Keep "pruning" away distracting triggers until all that's left is what there is to do. That can be as subtle or extreme as you like, if you wanted to start exercising and reading more, you could throw away your electronics and keep nothing but books and running shoes. Not very realistic, but you get the point. Get rid of unnecessary distracting shit and clutter, and "timesinks".

Environment is very important and will influence how you act within it. Make it serve you and what you want to accomplish.

Speaking of exercise, it helps I think with being productive because it leads to greater stamina and energy production/usage. The energy of the body is very much a use it or lose it situation, as the body is responding to what it is required to do.

So say for example you run 5 miles a day, and your body adapts to this. Then one day you don't run, you still have that energy in you to run 5 miles, you've developed it, and now you're not running so the energy can be directed elsewhere. You'll find it much easier to "get motivated" if you are in an energetic feeling state. It is an outlet for the stored energy to be applied to what you want.

So, hack your environment and hack your body. Aim toward focus, energy, and simplicity.

Above all, the truth is reasons are most important. The reasons you tell yourself for doing or not doing something. It is all in the vision you have. And the desire you have to make that a reality. that's all it really comes down to, everything else is just a means. How strong is your desire to end at the state of your project being completed? So to go back to exercise as an example, if your vision was of yourself being healthy, strong, and powerful, then every single step would be carried out because it is under the "vision" you've created as a prerequisite for that end result.

Like many, I have tried a variety of ways to get my work done - motivation, discipline, etc.
The *best* method that I've come up with as of 2018 is actually enjoying and having interest in what you do.

By this I mean that even in the most seemingly dull and "boring" tasks, there is an underlying mechanism to understand and master. If you enjoy your work you don't need hard work, or discipline, or motivation. It just comes naturally.

I wish I could say it actually gets better user, it just gets different but I suppose change can be good in and of itself

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for half a month i use up my months supply of adderall to stay awake constantly and be motivated
the other half i rest and drink coffee

the brain is a lump of fuck

fear of losing a job, failing a class, letting my team down, etc. as long as i'm accountable to myself or others i tend to do pretty well. i set deadlines to manage this.

Fear is a bad motivator in the long run, as it produces animosity towards whatever is causing it.

hating everything is fine as long as you have fun

Cool. I'm going to bookmark it so I can read it later if I'm feeling motivated.

you're totally right, user. i feel tons of animosity towards losing my job and not making rent.

i feel animosity to leaving my mother's basement

I thought I was lazy, but I looked up the symptoms for ADHD and it fits me like a glove. I'm going to a psychiatrist tomorrow to see what's up

ADHD and Burnout have the exact same symptoms.
Chemical depression includes them and more as the mesolimbic cycle is downstream from whatever the serotonin thingy is called.
whatever you do don't go on anti-depressants, regardless
you can recover pretty easily from amphetamines and the other stims they give you for ADHD, but anti-depressants can permanently fuck you

allow yourself free time, don't go "I have to fill every minute of the day with some productive task or else"
you burn yourself out and make it harder for you to even begin
don't try to climb the Himalaya right off the bat, set the bar far lower and raise it or lower it a bit as you see fit, else you start hating it all and feel as if they're annoying never ending chores when they should be something fun or satisfying
I also find simple but constant routines make me far more productive in the long run than rapid bursts of industriousness followed by long periods of procrastination

now that I think of it there have to be books or therapy or checklists about this, this is too much of a common issue

Stop looking for motivation, you won't find it. Keep the end in mind, and work towards that.

I already went on anti depressants because my doc told me my symptoms "had" to be depression and anti depressants will "definitely" work. I went through 4 different ones with absolutely no effect before I got recommended a psychiatrist. My fear is that I'll go and be told there's nothing wrong with me and there's nothing they can do and I'll be back to square one wondering why I can't focus for more than 5 minutes at a time and why I can't get past a few paragraphs in a book before dozing off or day dreaming about space battles

Yea that sounds almost exactly like ADHD, get a doctor that is a neuropsychiatrist if you can, they tend to be less dumb.
Some stims work for some people, others don’t.
Something like focalin actually fixes the problem, which is a abnormally high rate of dopamine reuptake, whereas the amphetamines will just give you more dopamine to work with.

>diet coke
Why? Does it have caffeine?

Get the micro cognitive skills needed to be productive. Also keep striking the iron while it's hot and never ever stop. The biggest mistake is to think that you can allow yourself a longer period of rest. Once you have acquired the momentum you shall continue using it. Learn to deal with setbacks. If you quit any time you feel bad about something then you will not make it for sure. Learn to fuel your productivity trough sadness and anger. Acquire a forced set of daily rituals that will get you in the mood to work.

I get my motivation from getting money, and from having fun.

you need social accountability, that's all

> The proper question is "How do I make my feelings inconsequential and do the things I consciously want to do without being a little bitch about it?"
Holy fuck this guy is inside my mind

Debt collectors


That image is bullshit

I feel drained and apathetic all day, then literally the last half hour before I get tired I feel like changing my life, then I'm instantly sleepy before I can do shit with it

All you did was described what motivation is

Will adding 5 minutes everyday suffice? By 5 minutes i mean starting with 10 minutes, then the next day increase to 15, and in the next to 20 and so on.

>Where do you find your motivation ?
I have to take a break at work every two hours to look into the bathroom's mirror and repeat to myself: "You're being paid for this, this is your job, you have to do it".

This is actually good advice OP.

>Keep "pruning" away distracting triggers until all that's left is what there is to do.
You can't get distracted if there are no distractions.

>Environment is very important and will influence how you act within it.
Environment also includes friends OP. While blaming others for your failures is a sign of moral weakness, truth is that if you're like most people, you'll feel compelled to excel if your social circle is excelling and doing interesting stuff. The opposite also holds: it's hard to focus if you're expected to regularly login into Discord and play whatever game is popular, and where people speak of "killing time" as if you were going to live forever.

>Above all, the truth is reasons are most important.
If you give enough fucks about something, then distractions will become irrelevant, and if the environment is not OK, then you'll shape it into whatever you need. You'll leave aside those who cannot help you, you'll meet new people who actually can; you'll see opportunities that were previously invisible, like a physical manifestation of the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon.
If you don't give enough fucks, then you'll need a LOT of discipline to help you in the daily grind (because that's what it becomes), and even then your work will likely not reach excellence.

This is also correct.

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Treat yourself like someone that works for you. Negotiate a schedule and reward yourself for achieving small goals.
Alternatively, just go work for someone else.

Re-read OP again. It's not about what he NEEDS to do, it's what he wants to do
Most people are satisfied with just surviving. They are only motivated to do what they need to do to survive.
The question of motivation is "How do I convince myself it's worth it to do more than what I need to do to survive" and also finding the energy to do it

Like what other anons said, you need to form good habits. If you have no mastery over your impulses, you can't achieve anything.

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motivation is a spook, comes and goes with your mood. discipline is what you use to get anywhere

Get out of the house. You’re much more productive when outside of your home. Give it a try.

Adderall or stuff like that. Seriously, just crunch through that shit with drugs, eventually you'll reach a point where you can get started without doping

motivation is a feeling. you can't conjure it just like you can't conjure happiness. if you wait for motivation you will never get anything done.
the cold truth is: get up and start doing shit. waiting for motivation is a loser's game.

shitty job
life is short

Why is she holding a nuke

i think jordan "jordan b. peterson" peterson has something about this. starting with 5 minutes is fine. better than nothing. but don't add too quickly. IIRC he said something like another 5 minutes the next week, etc.

unironically works wonders but turns me into an asshole a few days in :3

because recreational nukes are human right?

why not get a stronger dosage stupid

I don't want to look suspicious by suddenly asking for a stronger dosage of a controlled substance.
especially when I switched to an XR variant recently for that exact purpose

Because someone hur her feelings.

Shia and Nike were right. I just need to fucking do it.