Reminder that this is easily one of the best, if not The Best language out there

Reminder that this is easily one of the best, if not The Best language out there.
Not even you haters can deny this

Attached: python.jpg (768x768, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

WRONG, python is shit and all pythonisas should be hanged.

Master / Slave

explain this
>>> 17 / 3 # classic division returns a float

>// for integer divison
what were they smoking

you're just mad I have a job

that's not Holy C

Eh, that seems extreme.

Maybe I just love programming, but every language I've touched seems pretty cool. Python is just another tool, programming is the end goal.

t. mentally ill faggot

>Maybe I just love programming, but every language I've touched seems pretty cool.
most dangerous opinion I've ever read on Jow Forums

I don't install anything that's programmed in dynamically typed languages. It always ends up being slow and bloated garbage.

Cool for different reasons, I guess. If you need max perf, use c or c++. If you need to quickly prototype something, maybe reach for python. If you need to circlejerk about how pure your functions are, talk about how great haskell is (But don't actually write anything).

You called?

Attached: golang.png (256x256, 16K)

Just a reminder...
80% of the worlds operating code is written in COBOL, not Python.

So... have fun with your toy language.

>toy language
bro you are living under a rock

how do you know though?

It's a great scripting language, but for creating software, I think utilizing a language like C# is signifcantly better.

Hell even electron is better because Javascript is naturall event-oriented, perfect fit for GUI programming.

pip search X
npm search X
cargo search X
nimble search X

Any language that comes with a package repository by default is a good language. Most of us just want to solve a problem, not reinvent the wheel for simple shit like parsing command line or configuration files.

this one makes sense desu.

It's dynamically typed aka garbage.

kill yourself stubborn old man

Die in a ditch, script kiddie!

This is either going over my head or you're a dummy. 17 / 3 is not an even divide, so why would you expect an integer return? 17 / 3 is not equal to 5, it's equal to 5.6 repeating, apparently.

Are you upset about the dynamic typing (int --> float)? If so, I would say that 17 / 3 is not a whole number, and should never automatically return a whole number. Doing so would be incorrect and quite frankly stupid.

Anyways, you also have the option to round to an integer by using round()
>>> round(17 / 3)

based and redpilled

based / redpilled


>If you need to circlejerk about how pure your functions are
I do tho

Put that in any calculator and you get that answer. It's quite good that it's actually accurate and not some garbled mess at the end like it is with C. Of course that is because Python has additional shit to solve these problems, which is also why it can handle numbers like 3**1234 which C cannot. Both sides make sense and it's just about what you want to do, and how you want to do it.

Python is a glue language not fit for production.

If you want an int just write int(17/3) baka


Python is one of the worst dynamic language out there. Even JS is better, at least JS doesn't have gimped lambdas.

Use a Lisp if you need a dynamic language.



>not 17//3
>calling other people baka

It's really nice

Had to take C last year. Now taking pyhon classes. It's fucking shit.

>be C
>be the best out there
>see these threads
>stand up
>C is love C is life
Fuck your languages normies real men use C and ASM mofos

> Unironically citing ESR
> But what if he's right

best logo as well

Attached: snek.png (389x353, 6K)

doesnt even remotely look like that

how about now

Attached: 15376847031921-or8.png (389x353, 2K)

just stop. you're extremely embarassing

it's slow

The truth is brought right to your doorstep, and still you turn it away.

Depends on the domain desu.
If you just use it as a "not shit general purpose scripting lang" then sure.
But I question the sanity and proficiency of anyone that uses python as a language for large scale software.
In either case, ruby is the better lang :^)

Ruby is even slower than Python.

Based and redpilled

whitespace makes it unusable

Honestly, most of its "faults" can be explained by the fact that it is just not aimed at computer programmers.
Reading this thread is like hearing adults talk about Harry Potter.

>performance = c or c++
>Python = prototype
>Pure funcs = Haskell
Thanks for posting the usual unoriginal, stereotypical and dull assessments of these languages and for proving that you don’t actually use them ever.

Oh ok.
So, how many lines of Python are used in the financial and commercial sector?
How many lines of Python are used by the military?
How many lines of Python are used on aircraft, cargo ships, and railroads?
How many lines of Python are used on the Mars rover?
How many lines of Python exist on medical equipment that saves lives everyday?
How many lines of Python are used in consumer electronics?

Python doesn’t have shit on C,C++, or COBOL.

Explain to me why it’s nothing more than a cute toy language used for prototyping and scripting and nerdy little raspberry pi projects?

>Most of us just want to solve a problem, not reinvent the wheel for simple shit like parsing command line or configuration files.
Why do js boiiisss are reinventing rest services everyday with new frameworks?
Why do they reinventing front-end frameworks like the ones in places are not enough?
Why do they need a package to tell if a number is odd or even?
why do something like passport even exists if you still have to do the "dirty" job yourself?
why does electron is even a thing when c++/qt is the best combo for heavy clients?
why do official ruby runtime is so trash everyone is building new ones all the freaking time?
And I'm sure i can find even more.

Tell me why these things are not a waste of time in 2018.

Python is fantastic when trying to scrape data from websites. Heavily used in that industry.

So basically Python is the go to language for Russian trolls and annoying advertisers. Cool man, super important work.

I live in Washington DC and almost all the Python jobs around here require clearance. Someone in defense/intelligence is using it. I don't even like Python that much but you're clearly a retard.

Everyone is mad here

Attached: pirate-2.jpg (728x750, 234K)

Superior scripting language coming through

Attached: 1533483155950.jpg (573x892, 113K)

Because most computer problems have been solved in a satisfactory way already and make-work is required to keep millions of code monkeys from going on welfare.

chekt and rekt python haters

lua is so nice
it restored my faith in non statically typed interpreted languages which python and ruby raped and murdered

Python is a crappy language.
All python people confuse the language with the plethora of libraries available for the ecosystem, but seen on its own, it is a pretty bad language.

That’s a scary thought

> anyone uses python without modules

Also, I guarantee you they aren’t using Python on their mainframes or anything of importance besides using it as a scripting language for tasks related to data scraping and analytics.

Also, junior devs hired by defense or intelligence contractors/agencies require a security clearance by default. Doesn’t mean it’s actually being used on mission critical systems. Herp derp “I live in DC and saw on so and so”

lua-chan is a slut

Attached: ruby-tan.jpg (300x440, 19K)

>Also, I guarantee you they aren’t using Python on their mainframes or anything of importance besides using it as a scripting language for tasks related to data scraping and analytics.
Before it was just any LOC at all. Now that I've brought evidence that LOC > 0 be it's "le mission critical".

You're right, they probably use it for scraping/analytics. And scientific computing. And automating Linux system administration. Lot of shit that it's well suited for.

> hang him higher ploxx

Its the best, but not because the lang is good but because it haves libraries for literally everything

Matz's ruby sure. Modern ruby is just as fast and in some cases faster than python 3.

Used to be true of Perl.

based and redpilled

>not julia

what about blender

are any of them false though?