He said do your worst

He said do your worst

Attached: FB_IMG_1539361735002.jpg (1072x1440, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:



About as gory as I can make it.

Attached: 1539361774650.jpg (1072x1440, 87K)


Attached: the_absolute_worst.png (1072x1440, 954K)

Attached: 1524828955609.jpg (1072x1440, 163K)

Attached: 1516325211971.jpg (1072x1440, 171K)

>please make me into a maymee so I can be promoted for free!

Attached: FB_IMG_1539361735002.jpg (1072x1440, 518K)

Real life vs post production. Why'd you think they shoot in 8k?

Attached: image.jpg (1072x1440, 512K)

sidenote: is the LG Gram a good upgrade from a x220?

thank you for your tech tips mr. linux

I wish I wasn't so superstitious. I'm a man of science, not wishy washy memery

Attached: asdasdadasfasas.jpg (1072x1440, 174K)

at least you've tried

Attached: Shroud's monitor when he gets outplayed.jpg (1072x1440, 172K)

Thank you for your kek tips mr. torvalds

Attached: 1539361774650.png (1072x1440, 969K)


Attached: 1524441183471.jpg (1070x1392, 1.12M)


Attached: 1539361774650.png (1072x1440, 887K)


Attached: 1538319760583.jpg (232x293, 11K)

Thank you mr Linus for your tech tips

Attached: 1522038837622.png (1200x750, 1.22M)

thank you for your tech tips mr. linus

fuck you

Someone Photoshop that on the laptop and send it to him.

Attached: Screenshot_20181012-100713~2.jpg (573x478, 39K)

upgraded version, (You)@me if you have ideas

Attached: 1517789877733.png (1200x750, 1.24M)


Attached: blacked.jpg (1072x1440, 564K)

>thank you for your tech tips mr. linus

If I willingly don't reply to this post, doesn't that make the vasectomy voluntary?

Attached: NPC-buythis.png (1072x1396, 673K)

this is more Jow Forums's thing

>>thank you for your tech tips mr. linus

add terry davis holding a gun behind linus

Attached: average desktop poster.jpg (1072x1440, 207K)


No, you don't get a vasectomy at all

Attached: 1539361774650.jpg (1072x1440, 1.03M)

needs some glowie

Jesus Christ how boring.
Thank you for your tech penis mr. Libre

sauce on that pic

thank you for your tech tips mr. linux

10 hours in Adobe Photoshop™

Attached: 1519717716727.jpg (750x1008, 156K)


Attached: huehuehue.jpg (790x560, 127K)

Attached: 1535677724749.png (1200x750, 1.26M)

I have danger dog to protect me, but I want to show him some appreciation so here it goes:
thank you for your tech tips mr. linus

Attached: your post.png (961x670, 909K)


There was an attempt.

Attached: kirino.webm (1072x1440, 364K)

based and epicpilled

thank you for your tech tips mr linus

replace the black arm with a penguin flipper


my worst? Wheres waldo?

Attached: confirmed.jpg (1588x1080, 333K)

thank you for your tech tips mr. linus

thank you for your tech tips mr. linus

That’s pretty good

Thank you for your tech tips mr. Linus

thank you for your tech tips mr. linus

,,thank you for your tech tips mr. linus"

This not hue dude
This mexico

Thank you for your tech tips Mr. Linus


Attached: linus just.png (416x466, 317K)

thank you for your tech tips mr. linus

Attached: 1539361774650.png (1072x1440, 1.4M)


Attached: template.png (1072x1440, 945K)

better template.

Attached: better.png (1072x1440, 819K)

Attached: linus-with-illya.jpg (1072x1440, 147K)

Attached: linus-fate-vn.jpg (1072x1440, 164K)

Attached: gee.jpg (1072x1440, 187K)

Attached: linus-ception.png (1072x1440, 918K)

Attached: this is the way meant to be played.jpg (1863x1242, 393K)

No u

Attached: dick_suckem.jpg (1072x1440, 192K)

Here ya go.

Attached: file.png (674x906, 578K)

FUCK, wrong post, was meant for

Attached: 009844.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

what is the background from?

Top kek

Here is him and his wife unironically

Attached: p588227010-3.jpg (580x386, 116K)

someone put this on it

Attached: dicksuckem.png (500x500, 235K)

Yes, I know, I even watched their wedding video (which was cuter than I thought).


Attached: goblinss.jpg (832x428, 147K)


Taste the rice, pay the price Linus

Thank you!

Fuck off

Attached: gee.jpg (1072x1440, 182K)

pls no



Fuck no


>no 30 year old boomer mowing the lawn

Attached: maymay.png (1200x750, 1.22M)

>21 seconds apart,
both asus and lg deserve it but damn thas funny

Son of a bitch.

Attached: Linus Slayer.jpg (1072x1440, 411K)

Not risking that, i want kids

he looks like the skinny dude from the "accept no substitution" duke 3d advert

pic related - third from the left...might as well just shop linus in there

Attached: Duke-Nukem-Time-to-Kill-3.jpg (2877x1919, 968K)