I never had a gpu before
And i only have 30$ (maybe a little more than 44$ if i wait)
Pls recommand a gpu
Just wait until you have like 100 to spare on a usable gpu, anything below isnt worth your money
750ti second hand?
Nvidia RTX 2080 ti
Save money until you can buy it (and until then the price will drop)
Just imagine, never knowing graphics before raytracing.
I am poor , 100 $ is almost twice the average salary in my country
60$ , it's just too much for me right now
buy plane ticket to a first world country bro, if you come to NL I'd even let you stay in my attic for a while
Can i be an illegal alien and find a job there?
it's one of the best plan i can have right now
yes, where are you from though? maybe you can even apply for asylum just make something up about being a homosexual who is facing political persecution , then you can get like $900 neetbux per month from the government
you don't need a gpu lol
games are for children
I thought about getting my degree first (2 years + 1 year from now)
But this sound like a better plan (because of my government not letting me flee from the country)
does being from a pagan ethnic group count as being persecuted ?
I am from north africa (don't bully)
but games are better than real life
Also i actually do some montage for a friend
A good quote
A Hitler's one
thank you user I'll do my best
>does being from a pagan ethnic group count as being persecuted ?
maybe? simply claiming to be gay should always work though if it's illegal in your country.
Illegal? i could be beheaded
it should works
let me know if you need any help, frog-posting friend
thanks, I probably should start learning the language and culture
Any good books on that?
what is the best website to say " i am an homosexual going to be beheaded by my dangerous family" ?
is there away to not letting my government know this?
honestly all of that can wait until you get here, most Dutch people can speak or at least understand English just fine.
you don't apply for asylum through a website you just need to get here somehow(once you get into any Schengen area country there aren't any more border checks btw) then you apply for asylum in person
A used 750/750ti from aliexpress
What about second feet?
>something up about being a homosexual who is facing political persecution
isn't everybody doing that? i'm pretty sure you have arrive at your ind appointment with a dick in your mouth to even be taken somewhat seriously.
So I'll need about 700$ (actual price of the ticket) to get from my country first, if i can flee from the country since they wont let any person go anywhere if you're an Adult because of the Military service.
Time to find a second job and to pray the old gods.
good luck
for money you could also run oldschool runescape gold farming bots and sell the in-game currency for real dollars. even playing manually you can make like 3 dollars per hour which is obviously trash tier for first world countries but in some countries that isn't bad at all, Venezuelans apparently do it a lot. what kind of wages are you making over there?
Thanks, gold farming is actually profitable?
sounds great !
i never played Runescape though
My cashier job pay about 45$
Used Xbox 360
>100 $ is almost twice the average salary in my country
where do you live?
>My cashier job pay about 45$
$45 per what?
In North Africa , too shy so say where exactly since i know people who browse this board
Per month , but it can be a little more or less (i work 5 days a week)
He got paid $45 at the start and now he just keeps going back
if you're good with english get a job at Rev
can make about 4dollars/hour
just don't miss your deadlines or they'll kick you out (happened to me)
user don't use Jow Forums as a source for this shit, that sounds like an easy way to get stuck in some horrible refugee holding camp or whatever especially if you wouldn't have the money to get back. Not saying it wouldn't be worth it if it worked, though.
Jfc, that's pretty bad. At that rate it should be easier to get money over the internet with stuff like mechanical turk or gold farming, but I guess it depends on whether you have a reliable way to receive and keep the money.
as long as there are ATM machines that allow you to get money from international debit cards it shouldn't be an issue using payoneer
4$hour that's a a lot
Not that good at English i am still learning from a 80s book , my accent is bad.
Though you could say my French is perfect
Tempting my fate i guess
Is gold farming really possible in 2018 without bots? even a few dollar a month would be helpful
Heard about payoneer before, yes i think it's possible here ( a friend did it ) , though really few people buy anything online here , it's not common.
You have to put some money first right?
no, they just open a US based bank account for you and take I think $27 per year from the payments you get
Suck 100 cocks. Suddenly you have $500
that's awesome !
but how exactly do i make money online ?
Runescape? bots or just playing normally?
i never played the game before
I'd be surprised if you can find a 100 cocks to suck
I'll pay for your ticket and you can come stay with me (US)
Only if i can keep my kidneys
Are you white? It's true they are killing whities there?
White? i am not from these brown people but no European either.
It's not south africa, it's North africa nobody kills white here, everyone want to be white, except the crazy Muslims fanatics of course.
r9 270
>i am not from these brown people but no European either.
what the fuck are you
shut up cunt, youre such a fucking moron
get the fuck retarded stupid bitch
that's south africa retard
what did he mean by this
I mean GPUs below $100 are well worth the money and only a complete fucking retarded idiotic cunt moron would suggest you cant get a worthwhile GPU for under $100
I don't want to give my location since there is so few of us .
But a lot of us look white ( i have blond hair) but aren't European , pagan people that used to pray some weird old gods that's it .
it depends on what chipset he currently has
also consider everything hardware outside the US costs literally double
say it already motherfucker
So you are a Berber from Morocco? That's fine fren
there's a lot of Berber tribes user from morocco to Libya , though most of them call themselves "Arabs" today
but yup i am from one of them
Just get a ticket to France and tell them niggers are bullying you
Just emulate old games and play VNs if you want games.
Really hard to get there, they won't give me a travel visa (they refused last year)
they always refuse the travel visa if you're an Adult without an actual diploma or a good job.
No, please. We have way too many africans here.
660 ti. Definitely the shitbox gay men card of choice. Don't pay more than $40 though.
I can sell you a 280x for 45 bux
Yeah it's fine. You keep those. You will have to give up your balls though eventually
What the fuck is this thread?
OP is a poor fag third worlder (and my future trap slave)
>this is what eurocucks actually believe
pro tip: what will end up actually happening is he'll have a 'sexual emergency' and rape your mom/gf/sister and you will pay for his stay in prison, if not just keep paying for his neetbux like a good goy while he keeps fucking your shit up
The condition is that he'll need to take estrogen and allow me to castrate him, with that he'll have no way to rape anybody
get aids homo
Fr*ck off m9
hey op dutch user here, I'm going to bed now but if you want help with goldfarming or something else my email address is in pic related. ill figure out a way for you to make decent money. no frog poster should be stuck making $45 a month
gn /tv/
OP I will help buy you a cheap GPU. Is there any way for me to contact you personally so we can discuss more? I'd be willing to PayPal you a bit.
I'd wait until you can at least afford a gtx 1050/gtx 1050 ti or rx 460 or similar(used gtx 770 or 680)
gt 1030 lost its usefulness and to do any decent gaming, and to have decent performance in apps which use gpus, above is minmum i'd go with
>ATM machine
If you're THAT destitute, you're better off getting an AMD Ryzen 3 2200G. It's a CPU that already has integrated graphics so you don't have to worry about getting an actual GPU, but can still manage to play most games in medium settings. It costs around 90 bux, which is over your budget, but keep in mind you're pretty much getting both a CPU and GPU at that price.
becoming some Jow Forumstards sex slave isnt worth a gpu,just get your diploma dumb frogposter
>and until then the price will drop
980 or 1060 second hand same level of performance 980 is 4g 1060 can be 6g.
or wait for market to be flooded with used 1070 when bitcoiners give up in afue months. (you can sli the 1070 which is cool but you can also sli the 980 but not the 1060)
The sex slave faggotry was someone else, not the Dutch guy
Some sort of sandnigger can't affort a GPU or something.