Why the FUCK is blur so nice to look at?

Why the FUCK is blur so nice to look at?
Sometimes I literally just open a terminal and drag it around the screen like a retard. Is there a psychological thing behind this, like my brain enjoys the challange of trying to make out the background?

Attached: 2018-10-13-1539468385.png (1920x1080, 447K)

God that garbage is giving me a headache just from the thumbnail. You have shit taste.

It's fucking nausiating when you first look at it, but then you become obsessed with making everything as blurry as fucking possible.

You FAGGOTS I fucking hate your kind.

just start bluring user, you wont be able to stop

Attached: 2018-10-13-1539452607.png (1920x1080, 3.2M)

It's probably because it produces very smooth transitions.

>gradients in a terminal
>that font rendering
>the police
Is this the new cringe thread?


what font rendering? terminus is bitmapped
I bought a laptop with a nice display specficially so I can have gaps kek
what about solarized terminals?

Attached: 2018-09-26-1538009374.png (2880x1024, 2.95M)

you're probably tired of life, and blurring it makes the world seem a little softer and less sharp. i do the same thing by taking off my glasses when i've had a shit day

Attached: 1538696632382.png (1920x1080, 5K)

the default OpenBSD fvwm background is also an eyefuck
never have I uninstalled an OS faster

How get such extreme blur? Compton blur is so weak.

You have asbergers

Why does this image give off an illusion of motion? Is it because your eyes can't truly focus on one place?

I installed the tryone fork of compton. Really easy to compile
And yeah, here's vanilla compton blur, I hope the tryone stuff gets merged eventually

Attached: 2018-10-10-1539147778.png (1600x900, 928K)

no idea

Contrast between elements in the background image is too high. Image looks chaotic and distracting.

That looks a bit good, actually. Only a bit.

that's why the stronger blur in the OP is better.
the latter looks more like a pretty pane of frosted glass with text on it, especially when it's green (for me)
solarized is nice, I used it for years but I'm fucking sick of it now, hence the blur

Attached: 2018-09-26-1538009323.png (2880x1024, 2.94M)

I too love windows vista

Awesome, thanks user.

Attached: 1501707468894.png (720x644, 31K)

I set the blur to the max (20) by the way with a completely transparent urxvt.
post your results when you install it

Attached: 2018-10-13-1539399464.png (1920x1080, 2.89M)

oh hey its you from yesterdays kde thread
glad that you managed to use the """new""" fork

Are you the dude who recc'ed it? Thanks, it's very cool.

Will do. This made me laugh.

Attached: comptontyrone.png (605x107, 11K)

why are X compositor names all based on the life experience of colored individuals? Their cities, names etc

this is officially a ricers thread

post your blur

Fuck, turns out 3d acceleration is broken with Arch and virtualbox. I'll try it on my laptop later.

imagine being such a brainlet

wtf I thought only kde had the mac blur on linux???