Is it better to have a lot of small projects, or a few big projects?

Is it better to have a lot of small projects, or a few big projects?

Attached: github-mark.png (1200x630, 23K)

Better for what?

To get a good job.

Quality over quantity

excuse me sir i believe your wrong please

>implying potential employers will comprehensively review your quality
quantity is what matters

You can work one 1 or 2 projects work on dozens. It doesn't matter though unless you have good code.

lot of small
they don't check them individually, they'll just see a bunch and think that's good enough

You need connections, nobody really cares about this shit

And how to make connections?

Don't be a pajeet

>not starting as a pleb tier and working your way up
do you even RPG IRL?

sir please excuse me this is not acceptable offense


Attached: npced.png (971x546, 87K)

Done, thanks!

That includes also not being a mental pajeet code monkey

Does being a schizo counts?

>commited matlab code to a new rep and hasn't showed yet
I'm new, I fucked up? or just takes a long time?

Attached: 3453456546.jpg (577x434, 96K)

Did you push or just commit?

are you doing it from linux?
you have to do 3 steps

I'm usin the desktop app, it says commit to master

windows masterrace reporting in


ok well I don't know how it works on windows but look for something that says push

Committing doesn't push your code to an external repo. You need to push it to the repo after committing.
I'm not familiar with the Windows desktop app, but on the command line this will look something like:
$ git commit -m "commit message"
$ git push -u origin master

just created a readme and the thing let me upload directly from the browser.
thing are lookign good tonight.

Attached: 45456546.jpg (636x313, 51K)

>from the browser
peak winfag

Attached: 1519489667758.jpg (400x400, 106K)

>windows masterrace
For the safety of your employer, hope you never make it

>one 1 or 2 projects work on dozens.