Please suggest a library/framework for gamedev...

Please suggest a library/framework for gamedev, something not as heavy as Unity but more lightweight and straightforward to set up, like Love2d or PyGame. These two are not ideal as the game can be decompiled and stolen. Also, C/C++ libs are a headache to set up and manage the dependencies. FP or a Lisp preferred but not necessary.

Is there anything that matches this?
Any suggestions at all are welcome.

Attached: gamedev.jpg (604x340, 24K)

Also, easy crossplatform is a must

Godot Engine. It's based around Python. Try it.

>Godot Engine
It looks really heavy like Unity. I don't want something with an integrated IDE and GUIs. Just a library to handle crossplatform rendering and input without a battleship of dependencies.

I'd also really rather not use anything based on a language by this absolute pussy

Attached: python.png (579x409, 49K)

Looks like you're gonna have a hard time looking for that, user.

>Love2d or PyGame. These two are not ideal as the game can be decompiled and stolen

Nobody is gonna steal your hip indie game, just use them

Just use SDL, mate.

Why hasn't someone made this easier to set up yet?

Trying to get this compiling on my machines (Windows and OSX) was hell. Why does a makefile need 100 lines just to link the library. Am I just retarded?

Also, all the tutorials are about 30 years old and nobody bothers to make new ones, they just link to these ancient HTML 1.0 sites.

Mono is the best 2d. Dont use python it doesn't even have proper oop

Godot does all of that!

Attached: godot_chan_2.jpg (1200x848, 150K)

I really don't like M$ but I've written C# in my day job for years now and I have used XNA a bunch in the past. This looks like a seriously good option. Thanks user.



>SDL2 is relatively bare-bones and you need separate libraries (sdl2_image, sdl2_mixer, sdl2_ttf, etc.) if you want anything even slightly more advanced. SFML is less segregated (the graphics module gives you sprites, primitives, and TTF text, the audio module gives you music, basic sound effects, and positional sound) and you can tweak the scope of your project just by adding includes and linker flags.
Sounds closer to what I want than SDL2

Godot is fully open source. If you hate something about it then fork it and make your own.

But if I wanted a giant IDE game engine with menus for everything, I would just use Unity.

Unity is gay. Godot isn't.
Simple choice for me.

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Kys faggot. Löve2d is made with the intention that the game source is pretty much always visible, and its a GOOD thing. your program/gamr should adhere to the four essential freedoms the GPL license guarantees.

>the game source is pretty much always visible, and its a GOOD thing
No it's not. What if you are actually trying to make a living.

are you implying free software can't be made for profit/a living? because it can and has been done.

render with opengl and take input with sdl2 or something similar and use openal for audio

Name one successful open source game which has earned its creator enough to live on. Just one.


you can also google for yourself.

Non ironically use the phaser 3 engine, yes it's in JavaScript, but with today's technology, you could port this to IOS, Android, And PC.
Very cross platform, and I'm sure you could find a way to port it to Xbox/PS4 if you really wanted too