/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

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>so this is the power of a tiling wm

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Is archboot any good?
Also, should I fall for the arch meme?

I have an old laptop, struggles to stay open at desktop on windows, and overheats when playing youtube videos on ubuntu.

So need something lightweight, uses little memory and so on, arch fags always shilling arch so I'm thinking of giving it a try.

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Have you accepted the gnomepill and realized it's the best DE?


Doesn't happen on dwm, one of the simplest tiling wm's around.

RMS should be focused more on the unchained community rather than try to break the chained.

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Is it a good idea to tinker with Linux on a virtual machine instead of using it as an everyday OS?

When I first switched to linux I went for mint, since everyone told me it's good for a first timer, I chose the debian variation and I had issues with audio drivers and resolution, decided fuck it and downloaded normal mint with mate, had some slight issues but managed to fix them fairly quickly with online searches and been using that laptop for work for a few years now.

So in my case it didn't "just werk" desu, but it did end up working with about an hour worth of searching online and fixing any minor issues, with the debian variation of mint (LMDE or whatever it's called), just was totally broken on that laptop.

I still wanna give proper debian a shot desu, but not sure whether to go for the stable version, testing version or devuan.

come home white man

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Why are Mate and KDE so perfect?
I mean, I just don't understand how gnome and xfce can be so much worse.

Debian stable has ridiculously ancient packages. I'd only use that if you're running a server or some shit.
For desktop use, debian testing would work fine.
devuan is for dumbasses. Systemd is actually a good thing.

It is. The only thing it won't tell you is how Linux will perform on your actual hardware. Other than that, the actual software and system are identical.

The big problem with the "Just Works" meme is that it isn't fucking true in the slightest with anything, Linux isn't an exception to this. Nothing just works. Windows doesn't just work. I had to fuck with it to get it the way I liked it too.

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Ye that's true, whenever i get a new install of windows or buy a new machine I usually spend some time getting it how I like it to be, maybe it doesn't seem like a hassle on windows 'cause been using it since I was a kid back with windows 95, so might just have more experience and generally know what to do without looking it up.

I assume after a while with using a specific distro you'd be familiar with it enough that you'd be able to get a fresh install exactly how you'd like it to be in no time as well, especially when you cut back the time you spend on online searches.

Is there a program that has tags for images that is offline only?

dwm wouldn't even put it in floating so it would look even more broken

You would want updated features to the kernel as well as features in server programs from this decade.
Debian isnt useful for severs

Go with Debian Stable when you try Debian, m8. Shit just works.

That being said, stay with Mint for a while to get your way around GNU.

this is so true... I need a Windows for a specific software and I hope I don't ever need to format it. So many little tweaks until it worked exactly like I wanted to.

Yep, you'll get it done much faster next time.

wtf is wrong with opensuse mpv?
I tried opensuse tubleweed recently, and it actually seemed pretty decent, but the mpv package can't play mkv's. am i stupid?

I use Hydrus Network

>The hydrus network client is a desktop application
Doesnt that use a central server to lookup tags and apply them?

I've been tasked with sorting years worth of pictures that will be displayed on a kiosk that has no internet connection. I need something that is local offline only

you apply tags yourself. it is local and offline. it has sweet ripping utilities; but you can use it just fine on local files.

First time linux user, chose lmde3

I'm having to use the nomodeset solution on start up, found out lmde no longer features a driver updater

Went through the whole shebang of updates the sources list, and went and found the latest driver for my shitty intel hd chip and...
I already had it installed

Any ideas on where to go from here?

You do not EVER want to do this.
The driver for intel graphics is a part of the kernel and mesa, and is more than likely installed by default.

How do you change the side borders in feh to be black instead of transparent?

Read the man page.

feh -B black

What happened so far
>Microsoft buying into Linux Foundation
>Microsoft buying into OSI
>Microsoft buying into GitHub
>Microsoft killing patents regarding Linux
What will happen next? Make your inb4.

Alternative solution to the 'blackscreen after booting' problem?

Use single window mode for GIMP.

Linus comes back and forks 4.19 in to a new project, removes gplv2 and uses a more sane updated license, removes gcc exclusive plugins to make the kernel competitive with llvm/clang and musl c. Distances the new project from FSF and stallman fanaticism. Calls it whatever the fuck he wants and finally gets gnutards out of his life.

I would recommend trying to boot a live-cd of another distro and seeing if there are any problems.
The intel driver (i915) is actually one of the most solid graphics drivers at the moment, so I find it extremely odd for it to fuck up like that. Also, I'm pretty sure it doesn't even work if you don't have kernel mode-setting (which nomodeset turns off).

Are you saying that this linux can run on a computer without Windows underneath it, at all ? As in, without a boot disk, without any drivers, and without any services ?

That sounds preposterous to me.

If it were true (and I doubt it), then companies would be selling computers without a Windows. This clearly is not happening, so there must be some error in your calculations. I hope you realise that Windows is more than just Office ? It's a whole system that runs the computer from start to finish, and that is a very difficult thing to acheive. A lot of people don't realise this.

Microsoft just spent $9 billion and many years to create Vista, so it does not sound reasonable that some new alternative could just snap into existence overnight like that. It would take billions of dollars and a massive effort to achieve. IBM tried, and spent a huge amount of money developing OS/2 but could never keep up with Windows. Apple tried to create their own system for years, but finally gave up recently and moved to Intel and Microsoft.

It's just not possible that a freeware like the Linux could be extended to the point where it runs the entire computer from start to finish, without using some of the more critical parts of Windows. Not possible.

I think you need to re-examine your assumptions.


Is it too late to install CRUX? Of course not!

>removes gplv2
It's basically impossible for this to happen. You would have to ask literally every kernel contributor for permission to relicense their work.
>Distances the new project from FSF
Linux is not associated with the FSF at all.

Try lubuntu. I got it running on a shit tier laptop quite nicely actually.

Google buys Microsoft
Microsoft will remembered as eternal failure
Fucsia will kill Linux
Google Terminator Drones
End of all Life

>being a BSDcuck
>being such a cuck that your tools and license preferences make obvious who you are
>obvious cuck is obvious

I didn't have the issue when booting from from flashdrive, it occurred after migrating to the harddrive.

I do see where others online have had the same issue, but without very good explanations of how it was fixed.

I'm about to do a reinstall on my laptop, and I'm thinking about trying something other than Arch. Any suggestions? I might be willing to switch back to a BSD if there's Radeon DRI support.

So, how does one write manpages? Please point me to a sane tut or something.

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install gentoo

Install CRUX, not joking. Has a ports-like package manager and initscripts.

I've added 'feh -B black' to the .desktop file's 'Exec" line and its not adding the black borders or opening the entire folder.

Hey guys. My laptop has some cool features that Linux can't use. Some extra RGB leds for notifications, decoration and shit. Some keys are even backlit and its cool. How do I go about making a driver to enable these things? On windows there's an app for it but it's garbage. I don't know if I can decompile it or something.

I know C but am new to drivers and the kernel.

Some non systemd spin of Arch/Debian

Anything else is just same old shit with different package management.

>Some non systemd spin of Arch
Parabola and Hyperbola
>Anything else is just same old shit with different package management.
I've seen things you wouldn't believe.

You have to painstakingly reverse engineer it from machine code

oi cunce
are there any clang/musl based distros around? kinda want to see what gnu-free would be like

install alpine
now fuck off cuck

man man

Man pages are written in the troff format. It's a bit of a hideous format and not really meant to be written by hand. You'd use some other format that gets converted to troff.
git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/scdoc would probably be one of the simplest systems.

Here my friend hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20051020122911920


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what distro? try installing man, but desu, it's super weird that man isn't already installed.

Guess you're just not man enough

Am i missing something or can you not download someone elses drive using rclone?(github.com/ncw/rclone)

>when Microsoft (the company, not Windows) compares itself to Linux

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is a swap partition necessary?

Not really. I haven't been running a swap partition for several years now.
Only a couple of times have I hit the OOM killer, and those were in some pretty crazy/unusual situations (compiling llvm/clang etc.).

I dualboot ubuntu. I only gave the ubuntu partition 50GB when I installed. I would like to add 200GB to the partition. Would it be easier to absorb the ubuntu partition back into windows, and start over from scratch with a 250GB partition? Or is it easier to extend the partition using gParted? I've also heard that doing this with gParted my lead to everything being fucked up.

Hmm, it works for me on arch through the cli. You could try -F to make it fit to screen, it seems to make it black automatically.

The command its self works via clia but im trying to add it to the "open with"/"default application" in the file manager to open the folder the image is in
I looked up the gnome desktop syntax and it says to use %d for the directory but that isnt working either,in the .desktop file.

what would be the best distro for gaming that is not ubuntu with gnome? gnome runs like shit on my machine


not arch

My server's running Debian and IPv4 isn't working. I haven't changed anything lately it just up and quit working, and it's only on this machine. IPv6 still works but only for LAN connections. Any ideas what to do?

Make sure dhclient or whatever you're using for DHCP is running properly.

Just change your DE/WM to something else

Thats impossible, debian is the most stable distro out there.

>Linus Torvalds
>the Che Guevara of the programmers

I need to a ganoo/linux distribution to use vim/git/gcc and firefox/chromium (important) inside a VM. which one is the fastest and most compact and least bloated?

The one I use™

Wait, his wife is six times karate champion?

NATIONAL karate champion.

Where would one start if they wanted to make their own captcha system?

Flatpak a shit flatkill.org/

I feel like an idiot.

I'm running Fedora 28 Server (Because it ships with Cockpit and I'm lazy and most of what I'm doing interface through Docker), and I had my DNS incorrectly set up for about a month (I stopped caring because I could access my media on it locally), so now I've updated my DNS info to be correct, and my containers (Emby and ruTorrent) are connecting to the outside network, but the Fedora install itself can't ping anything, and thus cannot update.

Any idea what the fuck I need to do?

Which is the lightest possible wm and browser? I'm using a Pentium M and need the best performance as possible otherwise everything crashes or takes way too long. I stopped on something like openbox or i3 for wm and lynx for a browser but it doesn't have images.

openbox and w3m. w3m has images.

I wanna buy a new laptop and run mint on it. Do I have to worry about compatibility or will mint just run on anything.

dwm & surf

are you trying to make a functioning one that actually stops bots or are you just doing it for fun?

One day I will understand why GNU hating cucks like you go to fglt, but I'll have to wait a few decades to become demented and braindead enough to be able to think like (You)


No. If you have enough RAM, no swap is required at all.
If you need swap you can create a swapfile (or even more swapfiles) on any of your Linux fs formatted partitions. Obongo does this by default now.

>Do I have to worry about compatibility
Just the usual: wifi and VGA.

Wifi is the more problematic, especially if the device has no wired ethernet or you have no USB networking devices to use temporary.

If the laptop only has an Intel iGPU, usually it'll be perfectly fine.

Whoever uses Mint for the sake of it being an “easy intro distro” and doesn’t go for Cinnamon is either an idiot or a masochist-- maybe both.

Im a dumbass and I have no idea what I'm doing, how do I have fvwm-themes-start run when I enter my fvwm session on Ubuntu

What's the real difference between Fedora, RHEL, and CentOS? I've heard people say that CentOS is just the gratis version of RHEL and Fedora is what, a sort of testing ground and base for RHEL? I'm curious because I have software I need to run for work that's for CentOS 7. Will it work on Fedora? That's what I'm already using on my laptop. I tried to do a minimal CentOS install in a VM but I'm too brainlet to get a GUI going. VMs also run like raped ape after the Incel (TM) microcode updates.

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Fedora is 'RHEL-beta'.
CentOS is 'Free RHEL'.

Every wm is different and has its own way of running things at startup. Look up the generic method for running startup commands for fvwm

Anybody use evrouter? I got a workaround for the "too many devices" problem. Whereas if you get a "Too many devices (Max: 32)" error when you call
evrouter /dev/input/event*
Instead what you should do is call:
evrouter `cat /home/User/ListOfWantedPaths.txt`
A file that is generated by
ls -1 /dev/input/event*
That unfortunately you have to then edit. You can exclude misc stuff such as the power button, lid switch - delete lines in the file based on this output
evrouter -v /dev/input/event*
On my system, my script calling evrouter didn't work for a while because I had a mouse "event256" and evrouter is old - here's my txt file that I use now

With my 2018 goggles I have on now, he just looks and sounds like a communist

Looking for a bandwidth monitoring tool for my rtorrent server. Bonus points if it has webUI so I don't have to SSH in every time.
pls reccomend

Excited to install Debian tonight desu uwu

Maybe you just lost some brain cells over the years.

I want to tweak my scroll speed for my MX master to make it faster, having a lot of trouble doing this on XFCE (Fedora), anyone know of any solutions?

I think you need to install the proprietary software to make it work

Could someone please help me? I've got a couple of problems
The situation is this I'm using Fedora 28 with a Ryzen 2500u apu with 8 gigs of ram.
1st. The motherboard says the ram is 8 gigs but free and htop say I have 6.8 gigs.
2nd. The laptop would freeze without any reason. I have to hold the power button to restart it. Were would I begin to find logs for this problem.
3rd. I'm using Qemu/KVM to virtualize centos, but the install keeps on freezing after a while and I have to try again. I have yet to get past installing